"I, Rheintina, apologize to him?"

Zhu's lips hidden under the veil opened lightly, and she only felt that she had encountered the funniest thing in her life.

Growing so big, no one has ever dared to make such a presumptuous request.

Qin Hao was the first.

In this empire, no matter how honorable officials and generals, seeing her is praise and flattery.

Even if there is friction because of interests, as long as I think of Tina's peerless beauty, the anger secretly dissipates by three points.

In the palace of her generation, all she heard was pandering and hypocrisy.

Now Qin Hao's words instead let her see a real person.


Tina was slightly angry at first, picked up the broken diary of her father on her knee, and slowly calmed her emotions.

Perhaps, only people who regard her as a true friend can show their true emotions like this.

Friend, is a rare word for the royal palace.

There are countless power schemes and open and secret struggles, countless entanglements of interests, and countless hierarchical orders of superiors and subordinates, but there is no true feeling.

The Rhine Royal Palace is magnificent, gathering the most noble and glorious treasures in the world to build, but it lacks true feelings.

True love is priceless! No wealth in the world can buy it.

In an instant, Tina made a decision.

She understood that this could be a trap, a trap set for her by her political opponents.

There were too many doubts about Qin Hao, about his origin, about his strength, and about the whereabouts of the diary fragments.

Intellectually speaking, Qin Hao was not trustworthy.

The princess who grew up in the deep palace cannot make a mistake in any step.

But maybe Tina is only 18 years old.

Only at the age of 18, the courage of the world at the age of 18, can maintain expectations for human nature and still believe that there is true love in the world.

Still longing for a friendship, to be a free and pure person.

Instead of wearing the noble mask of a princess, as a prey coveted by the world, the object of conquest by countless powerful figures.

The world's first beauty is both a gift and a curse of fate.

"Let's go!"

Venya's hanging heart fell, and Princess Tina's mood finally calmed down, she gently stroked the two golden lions in front of the princess's treasure shelf, and shook the handbell.

"Swing the car, go back to the palace."

These two golden lions are the bloodline descendants of the divine beast griffin, their eyes are like red onyx, their hair is golden all over, sharp as a sword, and their strength has reached the lord-level level.

It is not only the treasure frame pull of the princess, but also the idea left by the old emperor to the princess.

Wow -

The two golden lions roared lowly in response, pulling their steps forward.

But one ran to the palace, and the other ran to the princess's mansion, pulling each other, each not giving in to each other.

The older golden lion drank angrily at the little lion, "Idiot, obviously he went home." The

little golden lion sniffed, his eyes were innocent and confused, and the breath of the people inside was so powerful!

And the princess's tone was very calm, she should have wanted to see him.

The two lions did not give in to each other, and Winya looked at the treasure shelf at a loss.

It is clear that the golden lion, who used to have a spiritual rhino, why did he part ways today? All this can only wait for Tina's ruling.

"Well, go to Suigong." Tina's voice was soft.

The little golden lion was triumphant and stuck out his tongue at the old golden lion, "I still understand the little princess's mind better!"

But these subtle words exploded in Winya's heart like thunder. She never dreamed that the princess would make such a decision.

Am I dreaming?

Winya pinched herself hard, the pain went deep into the bone marrow, everything was so real.

"The world must be crazy!" Winya lost her mind, and there was Cao Gongzi's request in front, which was already outrageous.

And Princess Tina's decision is even more outrageous.

Do you really want to apologize to him? How can he? Winya couldn't figure it out, and she stared at Qin Hao's residence guardedly.

Could it be that the princess has already hit his soul soup and loves him so much that she can't help it?

This apology is actually a frolic between couples?

The more Winya thought about it, the more likely it was, and Qin Hao's appearance was also stunning in this Rhine Palace, full of exotic and charming.

If she was a princess, she would definitely be the first to include Qin Hao in the harem.

Fortunately, this idea Wenya did not dare to show it, if Qin Hao knew the choreography in her heart, she was afraid that she would die so much that she could not even find her ashes.

"Cao Gongzi forgives, it was Tina who did not think it through, and I specially ask you for guilt."

Outside the courtyard, a woman's sincere voice sounded, and this was the first time Tina had apologized to a man.

Even her father, Tina never apologized.

Qin Hao just reminded Tina that he was not something she was attached to, and the status of the two was equal.

Since he has always had a high eye, the most noble princess of the empire is willing to condescend, why should he think about a woman.

"Please come in."

The door opened without wind, and Tina stepped on the red carpet, with a white veil on her face, and her dress was shiny, which was more noble and elegant than yesterday's bath, and added to the aristocratic temperament.

In particular, the half-section veil is worn on Ruxue's face, looming, and the dark incense floats, adding a bit of mystery and ethereal.

Qin Hao looked at it slightly, the current imperial princess is beautiful, compared to the future imperial sword Ji, there is less fierce and imposing momentum.

The two spiritual qi were completely different, and the latter was full of fatal attraction to Qin Hao.

"Sir, is there a taboo?"

Winya picked up the order list and asked, the red skin was full of small words, and each page had a variety of names, at least tens of thousands.

For a moment, Rheintina looked at the menu and handed it to the maid beside her.

Qin Hao was troublesome, plus he was not familiar with everything in the Rhine Empire, and said with a smile: "Bring me a copy of the same."

Winya glanced at Qin Hao in surprise, her eyes swimming back and forth between the two.

Good fellow, really dare to ask, and want to be the same as the princess's luxurious breakfast, which is carefully selected materials from all over the world, it is simply delusional.


Tina nodded slightly, Qin Hao seemed to take it for granted, and he had not yet discovered the irregularity of the matter.

As the menu passed, a loud maid began to pass on the name of the dish, and the famous dishes from all over the world were placed on the long table like flowing water.

"Auspicious lotus seed soup!"

"Green onion spiced cake!"

"Braised foie gras skewers!"


There were 108 dishes, which made Qin Hao slightly surprised, this is definitely just breakfast?

The silver-white porcelain plates are filled with a variety of food, and the aroma is full of food, which is appetizing.

Tina smiled, made a gesture of invitation, and took a sip of soup without making a sound.

And she never eats much, only eating three bites per bowl.

This is the fear that villains will probe their preferences and secretly poison them, which is a rule handed down by the ancestors of the Rhine.

There was an old emperor who died of poisoning due to his desire for blessings.

Since then, the meal has been less than three bites, which has become the ancestral motto of the Rhine family, and the territory where the vegetables are served are all made of silver to detect whether there is any poison.


Qin Hao's eyes narrowed, and he ate without any scruples.

The taste system in "Eternity" is very simulated, and it can be regarded as a special table in the Rhine world.

This is a feast for the taste buds, eating Qin Hao's millions of pores stretched, and his whole body flutters.

It turns out that the food is so enjoyable.

"Ding! Congratulations on eating (Master Course) ‖ Colorful Mushroom Soup, Mana Base Recovery +2 points/second!

"Ding! Congratulations on eating (palace-level dishes) ‖ red silk silver knifefish, knife damage extra +5 points!

"Ding! Congratulations on eating (master dish) ‖ tiger bone plum blossom meat, strength attribute +2 points! "


Only then did Qin Hao discover the extraordinary features of these 108 dishes, it seemed that the materials of this dish were specially offered, which could comprehensively increase the attributes of the body.

"Eating and drinking can become stronger, is there anything more comfortable in the world?"

It's a pity that I don't have eight mouths, and these 108 dishes are destined to be uneatable, and I can only taste a few bites of each.

Seeing that Qin Hao was so positive, Tina pushed the silver bowl in her hand, "I'm not hungry, these are for you to eat."

Qin Hao's mouth was full of food, and he didn't have a good breath, "I won't eat your saliva." A

beautiful leg stretched out from under the table and kicked Qin Hao fiercely.

This is also Tina's most comfortable breakfast, at least the person on the other side will not stare at her obsessively, say something hypocritical and praiseworthy, and don't know how to arrange it behind it.

That's why she rarely shows her true emotions, and she can be like a friend, without scruples.

Winya looked at it in her heart, and became more and more sure of her conjecture. "It's over, the princess has completely fallen, and flirting."

If Tina knew about the little maid's crankiness, she would have knocked her to death first.

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