"The first level ten player appeared so quickly, didn't the official website predict that it would take at least a week to level ten?"

Dragon City Flying General, "Don't say it, the more difficult it is to upgrade, we have been stuck at level 7 for half a day, and it took several hours to increase the experience of 1%, seven days is considered fast." "

Heavenly Fragrance Rose," conquest guild, our rose guild borrows a person from you at a high price.

"Sorry, I didn't have to talk about it." Conquest‖ Zhan said with a smile.

The fingertips are worthy of the big guy, and the unexpected surprise brought is too big.

"Wait, have you forgotten the point, isn't the point of killing the overlord-level boss first?"

Mythical Guild, "This is also too shocking, our guild is currently struggling to push general-level bosses, do you think of a strategy at your fingertips?" The price is negotiable.

"Roll on! You mythically want to pick peaches again, and the fingertip giant is the chief strategy officer of our campaign. "

Anti-Cangtian immediately took a stand.

Mythical Guild, "How much money you guys give your fingertips, we give double!" "

Then the two guilds fought to grab people, drowned in the wave of discussion of the full server, and all the discussions were related to one person.

"The first day to kill the overlord-level boss, are you going against the sky at your fingertips?"

"How the hell did this happen, twenty people in our studio killed an elite monster for half a day?"

"Worthy of the fingertip boss, he has never disappointed our Silver Moon Village players."

"The talent of the fingertips must be strong enough to reach the level of a Hall of Fame master."

"What kind of talent is this? How many thousand people can not pile up resources ah! Sakura

Taro: "Bah! Impossible, you Hua players must be cheating. Ashoka

V‖ Ashoka V: "Don't you prove it with your fingertips?" How did you get to level 10? "

At a secret base in the Lighthouse Country, the commander saw a record of the first kill, and his face became heavier.

First kill elite bosses.

First kill the boss.

First kill the overlord-level boss.

The first level ten player.

All this glory was concentrated on one name, and the jealousy in his eyes grew stronger.

"Quick, try everything to find out the personal information of this fingertip chopping stars, no matter what method you use, money or beautiful women, find a way to win it over."

The subordinate officer nodded yes, and he asked, "What if the fingertips refuse?"

"Kill, don't even leave the ashes, don't let him grow." Nolan said fiercely.

He couldn't imagine how terrifying it would be to grow up at his fingertips.

"Yes!" The green-clad officer slowly retreated, his face covered with a solemn expression, he had never seen the commander attach so much importance to an opponent.

"Only, is the fingertip so easy to kill? The Chinese military is not a fool. For

the first time, the officer questioned the commander's order, but the order was passed on one by one.

Various agents lurking in Huaxia took action, and there were more negative discussions about Qin Hao on the Internet for a while.

Bang -

A huge ogre raised an iron hammer and kept falling through the mountains and forests, and the villain under the hammer kept dodging and jumping.

"Chief Dragon be careful."

Some subordinates were shocked to watch from the side, since the fingertips killed various bosses in a row, even the usually calm commander has gone up to single out the boss.

He smiled bitterly, not knowing if it was a good thing or a bad thing.

With his legs bent, Ryu Shanye suddenly bounced up, climbed on the tall ogre, and flew off the wall.

Dodging left and right to avoid the ogre's Dao Dao attack, he jumped onto the ogre's broad shoulders, and punched out suddenly, stirring up Dao Dao ripples.

A punch made the ogre's face shake like a wave, his entire face stepped flat, and the sun pierced a fist-shaped blood hole.

The ogre's eye flesh ball exploded and fell down with a bang.

Dragon Chono received a prompt: [Congratulations to you for killing the general-level boss ‖ Iron Hammer Ogre lv7, and obtained the Killing Skill Book (Vertigo Hammer) Silver level. Hot

sweat dripped from his forehead, his hands and feet were numb and soft, and Long Chono was very tired.

A single challenge to the general-level boss is already his limit, "I really don't know which fingertip single-handedly kills the overlord level." At

this time, Long Chopye's level finally changed from lv8 →lv9, ranking second in the Huaxia rating list.

"Any news at your fingertips?" Ryu asked.

With these unintentional words, the subordinate officers broke out in a cold sweat, he knew that Long Ceyed was a lone army guarding southern Xinjiang and was known as the existence of the "God of Heaven and War".

With a word from Long Chopye, the military region should also tremble.

"Not yet." The subordinate smiled bitterly.

"This person acted cautiously, and even concealed the huge military region."

Long Xuanye's eyes were deep, and he didn't know what he was thinking, and then an unquestionable order fell.

"Start the seed program, protect some information at your fingertips, and don't let the lighthouse swarm of bedbugs disturb our summer growth."

"At the same time, fake news and information bait were released to hunt down all the agents lurking in Huaxia."

"No matter who it is, the territory of Huaxia is inviolable, although it is far away."

With the fall of Long Choye's order, the Tiance Military Department took rare action, which attracted the attention of the entire military region for a while.

There's something big going on!

"Long Chopye made a move this time, I don't know how many people will suffer, this statue is a god of war in the army!"

In a valley, the Rocket Guild is besieging the level 8 warrior-level boss ‖ the Ironback Wolf King.

They had a clear division of labor, formed three combat groups, and had excellent combat literacy.

After continuous assault and ambush by small groups, more than five hundred elite wolves were wiped out.

It is unbelievable that this is the combat power of forming a guild in less than half an hour.

Among them, there are many popular anchors, professional players, tactical coaches, and many game tycoon regulars.

The strength of the lineup is jaw-dropping.

The leader is a trench coat man [Rizhao Sky Survey], who is the hottest top ten master of the online game Hall of Fame.

I don't know who it is, spending a lot of money to invite him out of the mountain, and is about to form a galaxy guild in eternity.

Whoop -

the ironback wolf king roared, his eyes were red, and a dangerous and fierce light appeared.

"Go away, the Wolf Queen is bloody, don't be killed by him to get the blood back of the attack."

【Rizhao Sky Survey】The conductor is experienced, but he moves forward alone.

"Captain, what is this for?" Some female pastors are puzzled.

His profession is a summoner, and he is the same little crispy as the priest, how dare he face the wolf king alone?

But I saw [Sunshine Sky Survey] pointing forward with one hand, a rune flew out of his hand, and a purple aura shrouded the wolf king's head.

The manic Wolf King's eyes gradually calmed down, whimpered and lay down, and bowed down towards the [Rizhao Sky Survey].

All squad members received a boost at this moment: [Congratulations to the captain "Rizhao Sky Survey" for subduing the general-level boss ‖ the ironback wolf king. ] "

Actually accepted? Is it okay to even have a boss?

Everyone was shocked, and the assessment of the captain's strength became more and more inscrutable.

"It is worthy of being the captain, the elite level domestication rate is less than 5%, and the captain can actually subdue the wolf king."

Since then, no one has dared to despise the "abandoned" profession of summoner.

The potential of this summoner is truly limitless!

Some people think that as long as the bosses are constantly trending stronger to help fight, the strength of the summoner cannot be limited by the level at all.

【Rizhao Sky Survey】At this time, I didn't have the effort to take care of the rainbow fart of the team members, and sent a backstage message to the woman behind the guild.

I thought I would get praise.

But saw that the woman coldly replied: "That person even killed the overlord-level BOSS, and a group of you caught a general-level BOSS, and showed off your face?"

Speaking of [Rizhao Sky Survey], his face was red, and his heart was bitter.

At the same time, I finally understood who to deal with when forming a rocket guild.

Looking at Qin Hao's amazing data, (Rizhao Sky Survey) was terrified, "How can this person be so strong."

He quietly compared with Qin Hao in his heart and found that he was crushed.

This doesn't feel good.

In terms of fighting alone, he was indeed not Qin Hao's opponent.

"It's a pity, I have this rocket guild behind me, which is the existence of most of the masters in the online game industry."

"Fingertips, using the entire Rocket Guild against you is indeed a bit of a bully for you."

"If you want to blame, blame you for being a lone ranger, a reckless man without brains, I will let you understand that in the face of team strength, individuals are insignificant."

(Rizhao Sky Survey) smiled confidently, "Let's go, now that we have the Ironback Wolf King, we can go to the copy record of the Demon Ape Territory." "

Hasn't that group of waste from the Battle Guild come out yet?"

"Captain, or our record of the battle will be broken again, so I look forward to seeing the desperate expressions on their faces."

Shaking his head and smiling, "No need, there is still a gap between our guild and that person, work hard to develop first, and then clean up the group of miscellaneous pieces together." "

Not only in the Eternal Game, it caused an uproar, and even the hot news search from the outside world was also brushed by Qin Hao.

"Hi Da Pu Ben! The first level 10 player in Eternity was actually a Huaxia player, giving the Chinese people a long face! 》

Views: 13.46 million, likes: 524,000

"The State Council announced that Eternal was included in the college entrance examination enrollment index, and special military recruitment will be opened. 》

Views: 257 million, likes: 861,000

"Eternal Strongest New Star: Fingertips, consecutive first kills, how terrible is his talent."

" 9.88 million views, likes: 389,000

At this time, Reverse Cangtian smiled indifferently, "

Now, launch a battle video with giant fingertips,

this is the best time." "


Qin Hao did not care about the disturbances from the outside world, and directly opened the overlord-level first killing treasure chest.

This reward is unique across the server and often unlocks valuable rare items, equipment, and skills.

Coupled with Qin Hao's hidden luck that is higher than ordinary people, the probability of opening rare items is basically certain.

When Qin Hao opened the First Killing Treasure Chest and burst out a red item, he smiled, "It's actually it, it's made a lot of money." "

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