I saw the fish scale flying knife buzzing and vibrating, and the knife body burst out with a brilliant silver light, gradually becoming transparent as if it was nothing, hidden and invisible.

Finally, it melts like ice and turns into a pool of mercury that covers the whole body.

Qin Hao's whole body was in a cloud of film.

[Fish Scale Flying Knife] (Silver level) → promoted (epic level) [Mercury Warframe]

Mercury Warframe (Epic level)

Description: You can control and switch between two offensive and defensive forms as you like.

The Blade form

comes with the Legendary skill (Swing Knife),

which deals physical damage (x200%) up to 300 yards in a straight line, causing two blows to fly out and retract.

If you kill a target during the retraction process, the skill cooldown is refreshed immediately.

Shield Form:

Dodge Armor (Legendary) Mercury Warframe will give you an extra 6% dodge ability.

For each additional combat unit near the Distress Armor (Gold level), 2 Armor/Demon Resistance are added, and the maximum limit is 80 Armor/Demon Resistance.

Poison (Gold): Targets touched by the Mercury Warframe will be eroded by (Water Poison), dealing 50 Water Poison Base Damage per second for 8 seconds.

Escape Protection (Legendary): The Mercury Warframe will form a health shield based on the wearer's maximum health (x5%), which

automatically refreshes after 30 seconds away from the battle scene.

Blood Draw Shield (Sub-Epic): One-time draw draw, the first touch of the target 500 health points to replenish the self-shield.

This effect is equally restorative gained.

The current recovery effect is: 400%, and 2000 health shields can be drawn at once.

[Only Epic Passive]

: Star Crushing Armor:

When the shield is completely shattered, the mercury armor will explode, firing 500 mercury throwing knives around, and after 500 seconds, it will recondense into the mercury armor.

Causing physical damage (x50%) + physical armor (x50%)

Qin Hao was completely stunned, and he stared at this mercury armor for a long time and did not come to his senses.

"Being able to obtain a bonus to physical defense is simply a dream linkage with the mythical buff spirit turtle shield."

In other words, the equipment of this mercury armor will increase with my armor value?

This strength is simply beyond the standard!

"It's epic equipment, thanks Pandora."

However, it is a bit difficult to hit all 500 stalks, unless it is bound by qi and blood vines.

The knife form is particularly simple, and it is a harvesting skill that refreshes the cooling by killing a target.

If the damage is raised, then Qin Hao will have the ability to kill in an infinite single second.

The focus of the mercury armor is mainly on defensive capabilities.

A combination of Dodge, Armor, Poison, Shield, Blood Draw, and Burst abilities.

Excellent value for money.

At this time, Qin Hao can have an additional 50 water poison points, and the strength of the poison path has gone further.

In the early stage, there are very few players who can have poison equipment, such as water poison, which is an element toxic, and even monster bosses rarely have it.

"Of course, the more poison this thing, the better, if it is defended, it will be very uncomfortable."

Therefore, the gameplay of the poison system has always been a "non-mainstream" gameplay in eternity, and it is difficult to climb to the peak of the strong.

But as long as Qin Hao's toxicity can always be ahead of the players' defense ability.

Then the gameplay of the poison system, in Qin Hao's opinion, is one of the most powerful systems.

At least at this stage, Qin Hao had not yet encountered an opponent who could make him deplete in the poison line.

In the early stage, everyone was pursuing the ultimate output ability, piling up physical attacks and spell strength.

Who wastes resources on a very small amount of toxicity?

The best defense is to attack.

This is the accepted philosophy of most players.

And it is precisely this kind of psychology that neglects to guard against the poison system, which makes Qin Hao's poison system play have the possibility of shine.

Against lone wolf players, single out PK, the poison system is a down-latitude strike, and they are basically 0 poison resistance.

But against the guild team, their profound background and reaction ability can only be used as a "strange move".

Once the guilds woke up and piled up a large amount of toxic defense equipment, then Qin Hao's strength would be greatly reduced.

"Fortunately, I don't just rely on poison play."

Qin Hao smiled and looked at his healing double damage system, flying thunder form, summoning genre qi and blood vines, and the mythical demon knife in his hand.

"I still have too few hole cards in my hand, I have to continue to work hard!"

The words were serious, Qin Hao's eyes were cautious, and he walked towards the deeper secret realm.

An irregular moon illuminates the tranquil forest, with some branches and flowers glowing green.

"How is the moon in the sky triangular?"

Qin Hao glanced up at the moon and felt very strange.

Those glowing flowers are all white, and the city is a magnificent and dreamy fairy tale world, and the picture is extremely beautiful.

It seems to contradict the dangerous secret realm.

This is another folded formation space.

Qin Hao had a clear understanding that he had already walked into a spatial formation, and the environment was completely incompatible with the secret realm.

Moreover, from the perspective of the layout of the formation space, the controller has a strong strength and can actually affect the growth of surrounding plants.

The more such a time should not be taken lightly.

The wind and thunder wings slowly spread out from behind, and Qin Hao flew into the air, quickly flying above the forest.

Eyes like a torch searching for potential threats.

"What a fool, actually ran into the air and flew so blatantly, is it afraid that we will not see?"

A red warrior-level flower demon spat out words, staring playfully at the shadow in the air.

Her whole body is wrapped in red flowers, like a flower elf, and a green fruit bears on the top of her head.

Holding a silver short bow, he aimed at Qin Hao and waited for the opportunity.

"Sixth sister doesn't make a move first, it may be bait, maybe there are other intruders."

"Yes, big sister." The irascible flower demon instantly became docile.

Three minutes later.

"Big sister, let's do it." The red flower demon couldn't hold back.

The leader of the flower demon team made sure that there were no other intruders, and nodded, "Hmph, one person dares to intrude into our flower demon territory, sister and sister clean her up." "

Those flowers that were quiet all around, colorful colors, suddenly gave birth to heels, and the delicate girl's faces were revealed in the center of the flowers, and the green trembled and turned into a small green bow.

The bow was like a full moon, and the arrows like rain rushed towards Qin Hao in the air, extremely sharp and pierced his body.

Soon, Qin Hao's body became riddled with holes, struggling a few times and falling, emitting a cloud of cyan smoke.

"It's too weak." The red flower demon was excited, and his eyes were disdainful, "I thought that a person had a great origin, and it was a waste of our arrows." Suddenly

, vines grew under their feet, suddenly wrapping around the bodies of the flower monsters like pythons.

Qin Hao strolled out of the forest, it turned out that he was just a shadow doppelganger in the air, just as bait, this group of young flower demons was fooled.

He manipulated the vines, tying these beautiful girls one by one and hanging them high.

"Now, give me a reason not to kill you."

The red flower demon's face was flushed, and he still said stubbornly, "You don't think about it, our seventh sister won't let you go." "

These six women, the eldest sister and the sixth sister, even if it is the seventh, it is also the seventh sister, how can it be called "seventh sister"?

These flower demons were obviously proficient in wood spells, and Qin Hao did not immediately erase them, and asked curiously.

"Our flower demon respects strength, and the seventh sister Liuli is the strongest, of course, it can be called the seventh sister." Flower Demon Old Six sneered.

His gaze was completely unafraid, as if this "Seventh Sister" could easily crush Qin Hao.

Flower Demon Glass?

Qin Hao was shocked when he heard this name, is it the "Liuli" who is known as the goblin family, the strongest god of war?

Liuli is also the existence of the strongest Valkyrie in the hearts of countless eternal players, and there are countless fanatical fans.

"Are you looking for me?" A cold voice came from the moon.

Dressed in colorful flower clothes, her head is dotted with a crimson, and the colorful clothes are fluttering, showing the figure of the girl Miaoman, and the fragrance is bursting.

She came from the moon, and with every step, a bright flower bloomed under her feet.

Those qi and blood vines controlled by Qin Hao instantly lost their reaction and quickly withered and fell off.

Qin Hao's heart was shocked, and he hurriedly retreated, secretly saying that he was unlucky.

Liuli stretched out his hand, and thousands of plants and trees turned into a huge prison cage, instantly hanging Qin Hao up.

Qin Hao's face turned dark, and he felt bad, and it was indeed the ability of the strongest monster "absolute wood control".

"Run what? Now give me a reason not to smoke you. The

red flower demon held a wooden whip and pointed at Qin Hao threateningly, extremely excited.

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