Online Games: Get The Heart Of The Swarm At The Beginning

Chapter 29 Increase The Population Limit?

[Population Coupon].

Can enter a special copy after use.

If you destroy the enemy unit in this dungeon, you can drop a prop that can increase the upper limit of the number of dependents of [All Realms] players outside the dungeon.

Increase the upper limit of the number of dependents outside the instance.

That is to say, when the player increases the upper limit of the number of dependents, if the population of his own dependents is full, and enters the dungeon again, then at the beginning of the dungeon, he will have so many troops.

The initial population limit for each awakened player is 10.

Take the Zerglings as an example, in Zhou Zhuo's [Humus Hunter], three Zerglings take up 1 population.

If Zhou Zhuo fills up the population, that is to say, he can have 10 Zergling eggs and bring up to 30 [Humic Zerglings] into the new instance.

And as long as the population limit is increased, it means that every time you enter the instance, you can bring a few more dependents into the instance, and the start will naturally be more comfortable!

With more initial troops, it will be more convenient and save more time when occupying resource points first in the dungeon!

“[Population voucher], it’s really a good thing.”

Zhou Zhuo couldn't help but nodded.

Zhou Zhuo had plenty of ways to get other springtail eggs.

But to increase the upper limit of population supply, we can only rely on the way of [population coupons] to improve.

Seeing that Zhou Zhuo was moved, Lin Yuru said sincerely, "Please accept it, otherwise I really have no reason to take your things!"

Gao Guan swallowed, and asked the monitor:

"Squad leader, is the [population coupon] you're talking about the Chixi-level [population coupon] worth 500,000 points?"

"Well, that's right." Lin Yuru nodded and said in embarrassment:

"After all, our Liucheng is only a ninth-rank main city, and the only thing my Lin family can get is the lowest-level Chixi-level [population voucher]."

"In the dungeon entered by Chixi-level [population coupon], if monsters are eliminated, there is a chance of dropping 1 point of the population limit. Although it is very small, it can still increase the population limit by a lot."

Hearing Lin Yuru's description, Zhou Zhuo's mind also came up with the ninth rank and ninth rank that symbolized the racial status of [Zeg Zerg] dependents.

According to the upper limit of the population that can be owned by dependents, the player's rank is also divided into nine ranks:

The next three levels: red tin, black iron, bronze

Middle and third tiers: Silver, Gold, Platinum

Upper three ranks: Diamond, Star, King

Each level of rank is also divided into nine ranks.

The upper limit of the number of Chixi first-rank players is 100.

The population limit for the second rank of red tin players is 200.

The population limit for Chixi third-rank players is 300.


By analogy, the population limit for Chixi Ninth Rank players is 900.

And when the upper population limit and the number of dependents both reached 1000, it reached the second level - black iron!

Every subsequent rank is base 10, that is to say, if someone reaches the ninth rank king, then the number of dependents can reach: 10,000,000,000!

An army of tens of billions!

You can control an army of tens of billions with a wave of your hand! It is enough to prove how strong the king rank of the ninth rank is!

Of course, among the dependent races of [Zeg Zerg], there has not been a ninth-level king so far, and even a sixth-level platinum powerhouse is rare.

Because if you want to have an army of that level, the resources you need are too huge!

And the strongest of the human race so far, in the case of consuming a lot of resources every day, has barely reached the weakest level of the third level: Silver.

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhuo couldn't help sighing:

"Fortunately, I became the supreme will of [Zeg Zerg] in my previous life, and my army does not occupy the population, otherwise I really wouldn't be able to reach the seventy-two heavens."

Even though it failed in the end...

"Our current population limit is only 10, and we can't even be regarded as Chixi-level powerhouses, so we don't want to have so many..."

Lin Yuru raised her head and stared at Zhou Zhuo, her eyes were filled with adoring stars, and said:

"But Zhou Zhuo, you are different. You will definitely become a Chixi-level powerhouse! If you work harder in your lifetime and become a black iron-level lord, then you will be able to own a fief! You can also become a city guard!"

Hearing Lin Yuru's speech, Zhou Zhuo also smiled slightly, and didn't say much: "Let's talk about the future when the time comes."

"Then it's settled. Anyway, there is a full week of vacation. When you are free, come to my house. I will ask my father to apply."

After Zhou Zhuo thought for a while, doubts arose in his heart:

Still want to apply? Then it would be impossible to give such a precious item to an outsider like myself, right?

But even so, Zhou Zhuo still answered: "Then tomorrow, I will find you tomorrow."

After hearing Zhou Zhuo's answer, Lin Yuru nodded her head and said happily, "Okay! Then I'll wait for you at home tomorrow."

After speaking, Lin Yuru waved at the two of them, stepped into the portal, and left the world space of Liucheng No. 2 Middle School.

After Lin Yuru left, Gao Guan frowned, leaned over and asked, "So anxious to see your parents?"

"go away!"

While laughing and cursing, the two also left [All Realms] one after another and returned to reality.


With a flash of bright light, Zhou Zhuo opened his eyes again.

The air smelled faintly of burnt air, the sound of buildings clanging and clanging could be vaguely heard, and there was a cloudy sky...

Everything has a familiar smell.

It is strange and familiar...

Not far away, a timepiece with a sense of technology floats in the center of Liucheng No. 2 Middle School in reality.

Y (year): 2121

M (month): 9

D (Day): 7

H (hour): 9

m (minutes): 2

S (second): 32

Gao Guan adjusted his clothes at the side, followed Zhou Zhuo's gaze, looked at the timepiece, and said in admiration, "The time in [the worlds] flies so fast, three days passed if you don't pay attention."

Zhou Zhuo also nodded, and responded:

"Indeed, after entering [All Realms], I just patronize brushing the book, so naturally I don't feel the passage of time."

Gao Guan took a deep breath, sniffing the smell of reality, and couldn't help sighing: "I'm finally back. Although the air is not as good as in [All Realms], this smelly air makes it feel like home..."

Zhou Zhuo looked up at the hazy sky, with a smile on his face full of nostalgia: "Indeed, I'm finally back..."

Seeing that Zhou Zhuo suddenly seemed to have entered the time of "Suppressing the Clouds", Gao Guan also came over, put his hand on Zhou Zhuo's shoulder, and found a topic:

"Come to my house for lunch. My mother said that she will cook after the exam. We have to go back and stop her."

After nodding his head, Zhou Zhuo responded, "Okay, I haven't seen Uncle Gao and Auntie Gao for a long time..."

"Wait! Auntie cooks? Isn't it uncle? Damn! Uncle can't stop me?!"

Gao Yan's face was ashen: "Yes... I can't stop... my mother will cook every day!"

"Then I'd better go home today! I still have some left at home..."

Zhou Zhuo hadn't finished speaking when he suddenly felt his shoulders tense. Turning his head to look, Gao Guan was staring at him with tearless eyes:

"The only one who can stop my mother from cooking is you! Please! Old Zhou!"

"Gulu." Zhou Zhuo swallowed dryly, and said helplessly, "I... work hard!"

The two looked at each other and looked at each other.

After gritting their teeth, the two of them took another firm step: "Even though it's extremely poisonous, I'm going!"


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