[Healing Energy Bee] used the [Feedback] skill, got into the body of the [Main Nest], and began to heal the injuries of the [Main Nest].

Zhou Zhuo also began to calculate the work efficiency of [Healing Energy Bee].

After each [Healing Energy Bee] activates the [Feedback] skill.

Every 1 minute, Zhou Zhuo's wallet will lose 1 point of Broken Star Ore.

Every 5 minutes, [Healing Energy Bee] can only heal 1 point of health.

That is to say, currently Zhou Zhu's [Healing Energy Bee] will consume 60 points of Broken Star Ore every hour to cause 12 points of healing to the building.

This efficiency is frighteningly low.

After all 4 [Healing Energy Bees] drilled into the [Main Nest] along the hole, Zhou Zhuo's resource collection efficiency also reached:

Starbreaker Mine - 240/hour.

Of course, it also restores 48 health to the structure every hour.

Quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes. If there are more [healing energy bees], I have to consider the issue of resource collection.

"If you want to ensure that you have enough resources to stabilize the main nest, you must have enough resources!"

Zhou Zhuo looked at the 500 Star Broken Mine that came with the system after he entered the dungeon, and the smile on his mouth was unavoidably bitter:

"These 500 broken star mines are only enough to last for two hours of resource consumption, and this is on the premise that no troops have been produced..."

At this moment, Zhou Zhuo's heart suddenly heard the hearty female voice just now:

"Eh? Can you heal me?"

Hearing this, Zhou Zhuo was taken aback for a moment, then turned to look at the large nest in the distance.

This is... Brood Mind sent me a message?

"Good brother, you can help me heal! Then I can't lose brother you!"

【Ding! The main nest has detected your kind behavior and is deploying resources for you. 】

【Ding! +160 per hour for your Starbreaker. 】

Zhou Zhuo's eyes lit up after two reminders from the main brain sounded in his mind.

"Can you still get resources for treating the main nest?"

Dividing 160 broken star mines by 4 is equivalent to the resource efficiency of each [healing energy bee] can provide itself with 40 broken star mines per hour.

Originally, Zhou Zhuo was ready to take some losses in the early stage and accelerate the hatching of worker bees to prepare for his own resource collection.

Zhou Zhuo's [Healing Energy Bee] has a resource collection efficiency of 1.5, which can bring him 1.5 units of broken star mines per minute, which is 90 broken star mines in one hour!

When 4 [healing energy bees] go in, Zhou Zhuo will earn 360 less star mines per hour, plus the 240 star star mines deducted per hour, Zhou Zhuo will lose 600 star star mines per hour!

But now, after receiving the assistance from the main hive, Zhou Zhu's deducted amount of Broken Stars was cut in half!

I have to say that this is indeed a surprise!

However, Zhou Zhu's surprise was far from that!

At this moment, the voice of the brood mind came again, but this time, the voice of the brood was a little more surprised and joyful:

"Wait! You...?"

【Ding! The main nest has detected that you have [Heart of the Swarm], loyalty +100%! 】

【Ding! Your broken star mine +320 per hour! 】

? ? ?

Zhou Zhuo looked at his resource production panel, the Star Broken Mine column suddenly changed to +80/hour, and couldn't help swallowing:

“How else can [Heart of the Swarm] be used?!”

All of a sudden, the efficiency of Zhou Zhuo's Broken Star Mine increased instead of decreasing!

It is equivalent to that every time Zhou Zhuo hatches a [Healing Energy Bee] and enters the [Main Nest], it can bring +20/hour of broken star ore collection!

"Blood earned!"

Watching his Broken Star Mine begin to continuously jump upwards, Zhou Zhuo also waved his hand, and directly took all of his remaining 463 pieces of Broken Star Mine to hatch [Healing Energy Bee]!

In an instant, Zhou Zhu only had 13 broken star ores left.

But beside Zhou Zhuo, there were 9 more worker bee eggs!

After 4 minutes, 9 [Healing Energy Bees] hatched, and under Zhou Zhuo's order, they entered the [Main Nest] and activated the [Feedback] skill.

"You... don't come in so many worker bees at once, I need to spend some time to make room..."

After ignoring the sound of [Main Nest], Zhou Zhuo's resource production efficiency immediately rose to +260/hour.

"Currently, [Main Nest] will be deducted 1,200 health points per hour, except for [Main Nest]'s built-in recovery of 60 health points per hour, which means that the gap of 1,140 points of health recovery is required to make up for the consumption."

Looking at the [Healing Energy Bees] going away, Zhou Zhuo also started to calculate:

"And my [healing energy bee] can heal 12 points of health per hour. If converted... I need to hatch 95 to fill the gap. Excluding the current 13 worker bees, I need to hatch another 82 Only……"

Now, what Zhou Zhuo lacks is resources!

Fortunately, the eight-fold shaving fox also took this into consideration when it gave Zhou Zhuo's army, and gave Zhou Zhuo 4 worker bees.

Immediately, Zhou Zhuo activated the ability of [Heart of the Swarm], and observed the attribute panel of the eight-fold shard fox's dependent worker bee.

Species: [Worker bee of the eight-fold fox (psychic worker bee)]

Introduction: It takes 50 star mines and 4 minutes to cultivate, and one worker bee can be hatched. The worker bee can collect resources and build buildings.

Attack: 8

Defense: 1

Health: 32 (recovery 1/min)

Attack speed: 0.7/S

Movement speed: 10/S

Collection efficiency: 1.2

Build Efficiency: 1

Skills: [collection], [construction (sealed)]

After seeing the worker bee attributes of the eight-fold shard fox, Zhou Zhuo couldn't help sighing:

"With this attribute, even if you fight against ordinary springtails, you can win it for sure! It should be said that it is worthy of the Lingyan fox clan, and its background is profound."

After sighing, Zhou Zhuo's affection for the eight-fold shaving fox increased a bit.

After remembering the attribute panel of the worker bees in his heart, Zhou Zhuo sent them to collect resources. Looking at the worker bees who were working hard in mining, Zhou Zhuo also smiled and said:

"The 4 worker bees that I gave to help me collect resources are all variants of [Psychic Worker Bees]. The collection efficiency has increased by 20%. It's really amazing."

Under the collection of these 4 [psychic worker bees], Zhou Zhuo can collect 4.8 units of broken star ore per minute, and the resource income per hour has also reached +548/hour.

It's only 100 away from 648 every hour...

At this moment, a phantom of a large moth suddenly appeared beside Zhou Zhuo.

"Attention everyone, the swarm is attacking!"

"Just 10 minutes later, the swarm started its first wave of attack, 28 Zergling variants of [Prancing Bug], and 1 Hydralisk! Enemy troops with a total population of 15!"

As soon as Ms. Hanyan appeared, she reported the enemy's situation detected by [Wang Chong].

"Sure enough, the speed of the bug swarm is the same as that of the F-1 difficulty. A wave of bug swarms will erupt every 10 minutes!"

After hearing Ms. Han Yan's report, Zhou Zhuo also looked towards the distant mist.

Zhou Zhuo himself couldn't see through the fog.

[King Worm] has a field of vision far beyond that of ordinary races.

With a slight smile, Zhou Zhuo also sighed: "The difficulty of F-3, the first wave of insect swarms can dispatch 15 enemy troops on each route, which is three times the number of difficulty of F-1!"


"This enemy army, even if I don't have the army given to me by the eight-fold scatter fox, I can fight it, but since I have this army, let's use it!"

Zhou Zhuo smiled slightly, and sent 60 fission worms to Gaopokou to plan the battle line. Behind the fission worms were the three Hydralisks with teeth and claws.

"The urn has been set up, just wait for the group of turtles to come to the door automatically!"

As soon as Zhou Zhu finished speaking, an enemy army with a total of 15 people appeared in front of Zhou Zhuo's eyes!

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