Online Games: Get The Heart Of The Swarm At The Beginning

Chapter 51 The Difficulty Of Being Close To The People

"There are a lot of bugs in this camp."

It took Zhou Zhuo ten minutes to arrive at the target enemy camp, looking at the Zerg army huddled together, he clicked his tongue in amazement:

"It seems that my memory is not bad. The zerg in this camp is also a camp with too many springtails and a large number of fission worms."

After [Heart of the Swarm] was activated, Zhou Zhuo also saw the number of hostile insects in the camp in the distance:

48 Fission Worms, 4 Prance Worms, and 1 Hydralisk, still an enemy army with a population of 20.

It's just that, compared with the army units in the previous camp, it is more abundant.

Different from the novice dungeons like [Cloud Mist Valley], other common dungeons, and even high-level dungeons, there will only be more and more troops in the camp!

Looking at the enemy army of this size, Zhou Zhuo also nodded, affirming:

"This is called biodiversity. With a limited army, after the enemy has more types of zerg, you need to think about it if you want to F2A..."

Afterwards, Zhou Zhuo raised his hand, and all the [Humus Hunters] rushed forward.


"But my army doesn't have to think about it! It's just brainless reasoning."


There are only 18 [humus hunting insects], after rushing into the enemy's camp, they let out a ferocious roar, like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, killing all directions!

Turn on the [Raid] skill, causing 12 points of damage, plus the 12 points of attack caused by flat A, it only takes almost two seconds, Zhou Zhu's [Humus Hunter] can destroy 18 enemy troops!

And the other party was charged so much that even A could not come out.

The only Hydralisk that needed attention was already under the siege of the [Rotting Insects], and it was the first to disarm it, turning into a corpse and falling to the ground.

"If there is a creature like [Aberrant] with high flesh damage and high damage, I will still think about the strategy a little bit. This kind of [Hydralisk] with only about 100 health points is just a second away!"

After a while, Zhou Zhuo suppressed this camp under the premise of zero casualties.

After all, the health value of [Humus Hunter] is as high as 45 points, and it has 3 points of defense. Even in the face of the siege of Zerglings, it can persist for a long time.

Therefore, in this early battle, Zhou Zhuo's army still needs a certain degree of difficulty if it wants to cause casualties.

Experience Points X4032

Points X29

Broken Star Mine X41

Population supply X2.1

【Ding! The other party sent you a kind surrender...]


After collecting the proceeds, Zhou Zhuo once again rejected the opponent's camp's surrender, and directly got 2000 experience points, 1600 broken star mines, and 4 springtail eggs.

"Take the broken star mine to hatch [healing energy bees], and the springtail eggs... It's time to hatch."

After putting 1500 broken star ore into his camp, 32 eggs of [Healing Energy Bee] were born in the center of Zhou Zhu's camp.

After the eggs of these [Healing Energy Bees] hatch, Zhou Zhuo's healing efficiency for the [Main Hive] will reach 960/hour!

When the goal is reached, there are only the last 20 worker bees left.

Zhou Zhuo's resource production efficiency also soared to +1788/hour.

An increase of nearly 40%!

Moreover, under Zhou Zhuo's signal, a total of 8 collembola eggs pre-stored in the camp also started hatching at the same time.

After 3 seconds, 21 [Humic Jumping Worms] were born and appeared on the high ground of the camp.

"Now that I have 39 [humic jumpers], I don't have an army capable of holding the captured camp!"

Zhou Zhuo clenched his fist, feeling the expansion of the army, and the smile on his face was also very bright.

After letting the eight-fold fox's army stay on the high ground, Zhou Zhuo led 39 [Humic Jumping Worms] and began to kill other hostile camps in [Void Supply]!

And the most recent target...

Zhou Zhuo raised his head and looked at a huge building in the distance in the mist.

Although, when the enemy unit is in the fog of war, the player cannot see the situation clearly.

However, as the main enemy in [Void Supply], players can still see the bright building like a lighthouse in the fog of war - [Bile Ejector].

The [Bile Ejector] in the distance is huge, covering an area of ​​200 square meters and 40 meters high. The surface of the round capsule that stores highly corrosive and concentrated bile is attached to the hard zerg carapace. Do not doubt its defensiveness.

All buildings of [Zeg Zerg] are alive.

Including [bile ejector].

The huge acid storage sac is the stomach, and the raised mouthparts are the gun holes!

When the highly corrosive concentrated bile secreted in the acid storage sac reaches full capacity, it will launch a new round of concentrated bile towards the distant target!

Of course, it is also because of this high-hanging mouthpart that the [Bile Jet] can only attack distant targets, and cannot attack nearby enemies.

But [Bile Ejector] itself is like a character like a mine.

If you take melee damage and die.

The highly corrosive concentrated bile in its acid storage sac will explode in all directions, causing the nearby melee units to suffer full damage directly!

This thing is much more powerful than boiling water, even a dead pig is afraid of being scalded.

There are 4 such [Bile Ejectors] on the map!

Four players total four lines, one for each line.

In the base camp in a distant place, there are still countless [Bile Injectors] under construction!

"In my previous life, I really didn't suffer from this kind of [bile injection body]."

Zhou Zhuo couldn't help sighing, he still can't forget, in his previous life, when he was trying to play [Void Supply] with D-3 level difficulty.

The enemy camp starts with 8 [Bile Projectors]!

And these 8 [Bile Projectors] will not only attack the [Main Nest] behind the player.

It even pours firepower on the player's camp and army from time to time!

Zhou Zhuo suddenly thought of a younger brother of his own, who was directly burned into eagle sauce after a wrong control and positioning.

"A dungeon of that difficulty is really beyond the reach of ordinary people..."

After shaking his head, Zhou Zhuo also looked at the [Bile Ejector] in the distance, with a fighting smile on his face.

"In comparison, the current level of difficulty is too close to the people!"

After quickly calculating the distance to the nearest [Bile Jet], Zhou Zhuo also made a decision:

"If you go in a straight line, you only need to pass through 5 camps. Before reaching [Bile Ejector], the gathering point of the zerg swarm, these 5 camps must be pulled out!"

After making the calculations, Zhou Zhuo headed straight towards the goal!

There may be dozens of lone Zergling tribes on the road, dozens of lone Hydralisk tribes...

After being surrounded by Zhou Zhuo, quickly destroy them!

After not having to return to the camp to guard his home, Zhou Zhuo's efficiency has obviously improved to a new level.

At this moment, beside Zhou Zhuo, the figures of Limulu from the Slime Tribe and Ms. Hanyan from the Silver Crystal Butterfly Tribe suddenly appeared:

"Okay! The link is ready!"

"It's done! The two of us are finally on the border!"

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