Online Games: Get The Heart Of The Swarm At The Beginning

Chapter 56 The Beautiful Monster Princess

"Refused to surrender!"

After Zhou Zhuo stretched out his hand and clicked on the 'Reject' button, he still ordered his [Decomposing Insect Hunter] to carry out the final judgment on the [Bile Injection Body].





When the [Bile Ejection Body] was scarred, the highly concentrated bile in its body had also flowed out, corroding the nearby ground into potholes, making a 'chichi' sound.

Zhou Zhuo also adjusted the number of [Humus Hunter] in a timely manner, allowing a small number of troops to continue to reduce the life value of [Bile Jet].

When the [Bile Projector] had only the last 100 health points left, Zhou Zhuo called all the [Rotting Insects] to retreat, leaving only the last one, and continued to reduce the blood volume of the [Bile Projector].


twenty one


After the life of [Bile Jet] cleared, Zhou Zhuo hurriedly gave orders:


[Humus Hunter] has a moving speed of up to 19m/s after all, and can escape nearly 20 meters away in one second!

At the moment when Zhou Zhuo gave the order, the [Humic Hunting Insect] beside the [Bile Injection Body] turned around and ran away!

But only less than two seconds passed, the huge [Bile Ejector] also suddenly shrank, and then blasted out the last strong corrosive concentrated bile in its body!

Zhou Zhu stayed far away, watching the [Humus Hunter] that was blown away by the aftermath of the explosion and flew directly to the distance.

Zhou Zhuo didn't even think about it, he sprinted and strode forward, flew out, and took that [Humus Hunter] into his arms!

After catching the [Humus Hunting Insect], Zhou Zhuo also rolled seven or eight times on the ground before he recovered.


Zhou Zhu looked at the [Hurt Hunter] whose body was still corroded by bile in his arms, and his body exuded a corroded sound.

Even though it lacked arms and legs, even the covering wings behind it had been corroded into coke by the bright green bile, but it was still alive. Zhou Zhuo hurriedly looked at its attributes:

[Hurt Hunter]:

Health: (2/45)

"It's good if you don't die..."

Seeing that [Humus Hunter] survived as if he was bleeding, Zhou Zhuo also let out a long sigh of relief.

After all, they have up to 15 points of defense and 45 points of life.

In addition, this [Humus Hunter] ran so fast just now, it was far away from the center of the explosion, and only suffered damage from the aftermath of the explosion, so it survived.

In just a few minutes, Zhou Zhuo saw that the carapace that had been corroded into coke on the body of [Humus Hunter] had turned into dead skin and blood scabs. As its body shook, those dead skin and blood scabs also fell off, exposing the It has a fresh pink-purple body inside.

"Without the shooter sequence Zerg unit, if you want to get rid of the [Bile Projector], you have to get close to the unit to take its self-detonation damage..."

Zhou Zhuo caressed the head of this [Humus Hunting Insect]. Zhou Zhuo put it on the ground after it regrown its severed limbs and regained its ability to move.

"It's hard for you."

After Zhou Zhuo finished speaking, the wound had just healed not long ago, and the [Humid Hunter], who was still recovering from his injury at Zhou Zhuo's feet, looked up at Zhou Zhuo, and a flash of spirituality seemed to flash in his pupils. the light of...


Maintaining a record of zero casualties, after annihilating this enemy camp, a big moth suddenly appeared beside Zhou Zhuo, and the voice of Ms. Hanyan came out of it:

"Attention everyone, I saw the sixth wave of insect swarms!"

"24 Zerglings of Fission Variation, 8 Zerglings of Vapor Variation, 4 Aberrants, and 2 Hydralisks, with a total population of 24. There are a lot of elite monsters, everyone must be small..."

Before Ms. Han Yan finished her sentence, several mastermind prompts sounded in her mind:

【Ding! Congratulations to the player [Pingleiduhuo] for destroying a [Bile Injection Body], all players will get Star Broken Mine X500, Zergling Eggs X5, Baneling Eggs X1]

【Ding! 1 [Bile Projector] dies, and the attributes of all hostile Zerg troops are reduced by 10% for 10 minutes. 】

【Ding! [Bile Projector] 1 has died, and the total attributes of all hostile Zerg troops are permanently reduced by 5%, and the maximum reduction can be reduced to 50%. 】

After the three mastermind prompts, Ms. Hanyan's figure flying in mid-air froze slightly, and forgot to flap her wings again, and almost fell to the ground all of a sudden.

After regaining her mobility, Ms. Han Yan stared blankly at the prompt from the main brain, and made an unbelievable voice:

"What? I... Did I hear correctly just now?"

At this moment, Limulu of the slime tribe also appeared as a phantom, stretched out two soft little hands, and cheered at Zhou Zhu: "You are so amazing! Ping Lei crosses the fire! How can you even Big [bile jets] can beat it!"

At this moment, the eight-fold crumb fox also appeared a phantom, with a smile on his face, he congratulated Zhou Zhuo:

"Ally! You really are not easy! Not only can you keep the health of the [main nest], but you can even counterattack, not bad!"

When the eight-fold crumb fox said congratulations, the big pink-haired tail behind him also swayed from side to side, apparently in a good mood.

Looking at the three figures of alien races gathered around him, Zhou Zhuo felt that he had to speak, so he called out his own virtual image, smiled at the other three races:

"It's just a small matter. Now that the enemy's combat power has been reduced, you should also strengthen your defense, and try to make the most of this [population voucher]."

After hearing Zhou Zhuo's words, the other three tribes also withdrew their images, returned to their own camp, and began to deploy defensive counterattacks.


Slime camp.

On the top of the hatchery, there is a throne made of slime, a light blue gelatinous substance that is solidified and made of a resin-like material.

On the throne, sat a beautiful girl with long blue hair, golden pupils, and a slender figure.

The girl supported her expressionless face with her right hand, stretched out her left hand, and a group of light blue slime condensed on the index finger of her left hand.

The image of the slime that looks like a string puppet is exactly the image of [Limulu] during the video call with everyone!

It can be seen that the lively and humble little blue slime before turned out to be a disguised existence like a puppet on a string!

And now, the jelly-like substance of the blue slime is still making a cute sound, trying to deceive other races:

"I'm sorry! Lord Eight! I didn't deal with the army well, and three springtails died... I'm sorry! Why don't you take the army back..."

"Okay! Thank you very much for your forgiveness, Lord Yagami, I'm sorry! I'm too weak, I will definitely treat the rest of your army well!"


After the video conversation was over, the expressionless blue-haired girl named Lim clenched her fist with her left hand and retracted the condensed slime image floating in the air.

After taking back the slime's image, the blue-haired girl with golden pupils frowned slightly, and her expression was a little shaken:

"That human race, who is obviously only one rank higher than my slime race, can actually have this kind of combat power..."

After talking to herself, the girl with long blue hair and golden pupils looked into the distance, and couldn't help but marvel at the hostile Zerg camp surrounded by her kin:

"I thought that the combat power of me who can counterattack and occupy a camp has already surpassed the previous 17 tribes, at least a little bit better than the human race. In the end, did I underestimate them..."

"That male human race actually directly eliminated a [Bile Ejector]..."

Although a small sense of defeat rose in her heart, Limuru soon regained her confidence:

"No, I can't give up so early! As the princess of the slime monster family, I can't admit defeat!"

After being resolute in her heart, Limuru's golden pupils were filled with light again, raised her slender jade arms, and ordered:

"Go! Occupy it!"

With the unique [mimicry] talent of the slime tribe, Limulu's insect swarms are more numerous, allowing those mimicked smaller units to stand in front, Limulu is not afraid of the army at all!

With the attack of countless Zerg bugs, big and small, the hostile Zerg camp in the distance was quickly declared broken.

"I want to be stronger!"

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