"Rimru is so kind! Long live the understanding!"

After hearing Limulu's words, Ms. Hanyan also smiled, then looked at Zhou Zhuo and the eight-fold shaving fox, and said happily:

"Fortunately, with the help of the two adults, I was able to hold on to the camp until now. Now I have obtained the supply of 25 people! My progress of Chixi First Grade has directly increased by 25%, and the upper limit has reached 60!"

"No matter how lucky I am, if I survive tomorrow, I may be able to directly break through the first rank and reach the second rank of Chixi!"

Speaking of this, Ms. Han Yan covered her face with her jointed limbs again, sobbing:

"I was so unlucky before that I used two [population vouchers] to upgrade to 35 population..."

Hearing Ms. Han Yan's words, Li Mulu frowned, and a thought arose in her heart:

There is such a fool who blew up his combat power, so can he follow along, and then come to find out the combat power of the other two races?

Immediately, Limuru controlled the jelly-like slime and said:

"Ms. Han Yan's elder sister is also very powerful. Many of them were fought with the army of Lord Eight, and they only got 22 population. Now the upper limit has just reached 40 population, which is still far away from the second rank~"

Then Limulu turned her head, looked at the eight-fold fox and Zhou Zhuo, and said innocently:

"Where are Lord Bazhong and Lord Lei Duhuo? You two are so powerful, you should have gained a lot of people! Can you tell me..."

Having said that, Limulu's voice froze, and then he quickly swung his tentacles, and said nervously:

"I didn't intend to ask the details of the two adults on purpose, please don't get me wrong! I didn't say anything!"

Seeing Limulu like this, Ms. Hanyan, the idiot, also realized that she seemed to be the one who started it, so she fluttered her wings and apologized to Zhou Zhuo and the eight-fold fox:

"Ah! I'm sorry! My lord, I didn't start this on purpose!"

"You two are too sensitive, you don't need to be so cautious." The eight-fold shard fox waved its paws, not caring about it at all.

After all, the [Spirit Flame Fox Clan] is the second dependent race under the [Zeg Zerg Clan], and the accumulated strength of the races is different.

Even if you reveal your own growth rate, the races at the bottom of the ranking will not catch up so easily, and even if you catch up, your combat power may not be as strong as your own.

For this point, Yae-shard Fox still has strong confidence, which is why she dared to hand over her army directly to other races.

Eightfold Crumb Fox glanced at his population limit, and said:

"I have got 48 people so far, which is nearly half of the rank. As long as the [main nest] is safe, I feel that I can directly fill up the 100 people limited by this population coupon."

As soon as the eight-fold crumb fox said this, Ms. Hanyan and Limulu were stunned for a while.

What? Brush full?

They know that [Population Voucher] can increase the upper limit of population supply.

However, they have never heard of the fact that [Population Voucher] has an upper limit to increase the upper limit of population supply!

Seeing Ms. Han Yan and Limulu who were suddenly speechless, Yae Shard Fox smiled slightly, feeling a little happy in his heart.

This is one of the reasons why it is difficult for the lower-ranked races to catch up with the higher-ranked races—poor intelligence.

The top-ranked races have much more time for trial and error than the later races, and the experience and copy shortcuts that can be summed up are not easily available to the latter races.

Just as the eightfold crumb fox lightly opened its lips and was about to explain, a clear male voice came in:

"Each [population voucher] can increase the upper limit of the player's population. There is a limit. The red tin level is 100, the black iron level is 1,000, and the silver level is 10,000."

"So, it is not difficult to get a [population coupon] if you are lucky. It is the most difficult thing to be able to get the [population coupon] 'sustainably and stably', so that you can have a stable improvement space and rhythm."

After finishing speaking, Zhou Zhuo looked at the eight-fold shaving fox, and said with a slight smile:

"My lord, is that what I said?"

Hearing Zhou Zhuo's words, not only Ms. Hanyan and Limulu were stunned, but even the eightfold fox was stunned!

Zhou Zhuo looked at the Yazhongcrumb Fox who was stunned and speechless, and he didn't understand why. The other party's tail seemed to be detached from its body. , more powerfully, the big pink tail flicked from side to side, even the eight-fold crumb fox couldn't hold it back!

Feeling the rhythm of her own tail, the eight-fold fox suddenly regained consciousness, and hastily narrowed the display range of her phantom, revealing only a fox's head, and no one can see the part below her neck anymore.

"That's true... um."

Limuru also made an unbelievable voice:

"Where did you get the news? Aren't you only one rank higher than my slime family?"

If it is a veteran and powerful clan like [Spirit Flame Fox Clan], it’s fine if they know this kind of secret, why does [Human Clan] who is only one level higher than him also know this information? !

There is only one place missing in the rankings. Is the actual information gap so big? !

Hearing Limulu's voice, Zhou Zhu smiled even more, then spread his hands and said foolishly, "Guess."

"After all, Mr. Eight has already said words like 'Chixi-class population voucher', '100' and 'full', and I just guessed it along."

Zhou Zhuo's words were naturally false.

You can't tell them that you have traveled from the future, can you?

Looking at the astonished and astonished eyes of the other three clans, Zhou Zhuo also felt a little more at ease.

If the three of them can reach the average combat power and education level of their race...

[Spirit Flame Fox Clan] Leaving aside, among the seniors of [Silver Crystal Butterfly Clan] and [Slime Clan], there should be no one who can fill any [Population Coupon] to full value!

This information is very important to Zhou Zhuo now.

At least now, Zhou Zhuo has a clearer understanding of the general strength of [Silver Crystal Butterfly Clan] and [Slime Clan].

And my own words have completely blurred the three races' understanding of the [human race]!

"If we can take advantage of the trend to recruit some allies or subordinates, then Liucheng should be safer on the battlefield this winter."

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhuo looked at Limulu of the slime tribe, and smiled even more:

"This little girl is too young. She wants to find out the difference in combat power between the other three races and her own race by showing weakness and clichés... It's interesting, and she is a useful pawn."

"As for Ms. Hanyan from the Silver Crystal Butterfly Clan...before I know whether she is really stupid or fake, let's wait and see, but she is quite obedient and cute."

After another round of meeting of the four clans, Zhou Zhuo's worry about [Liucheng]'s crisis in three months' time has eased a bit.

But at this moment, a series of ear-piercing reminders from the mastermind directly penetrated everyone's eardrums!

【Ding! [Bile jet] hatching complete! 】

【Ding! [Bile jet] hatching complete! 】

【Ding! [Bile jet] hatching complete! 】


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