Under Zhou Zhuo's effective control, three [Humic Jumping Worms] can directly destroy a single jumping bug with a single round of attack.

And it only takes one second for the opponent's army to instantly die 5 springtails!

This is efficiency!

The time it takes for the upper springtail to move and surround other springtails...

In less than half a minute, another unclaimed land fell into Zhou Zhuo's hands!

As for how the landlord on this land disappeared, I don't know.

After the war, Zhou Zhuo also counted the rewards for destroying this camp:

Experience value X1982, points X39, broken star mine X48.

Compared with the camp Zhou Zhuo conquered before, the number of springtails in this camp was much less.

But because these springtails have stronger fighting power and extremely high quality, the experience points, points and broken star mines provided to Zhou Zhuo are also increased.

But in terms of the total amount, the rewards for destroying this camp are still a little less.

【Ding! The other party sent you a good-natured surrender, do you accept it? 】

【Ding! After accepting it... get 120 Star Broken Ore/hour, 1 Collembola Egg/2 hours. 】

【Ding! After refusing... you can get 480 experience points, 900 star fragments, and 5 collembola eggs. 】


As usual, Zhou Zhuo chose to accept the surrender.

After accepting the surrender, the panel that popped up before appeared in front of Zhou Zhuo again.

【Ding! The other party senses that you have [Heart of the Swarm]...Loyalty 100%]

【Ding! ...Resource output +100%, insect egg output +100%]

So far, Zhou Zhuo has been out of the camp for an hour.

Zhou Zhuo's own camp has also pushed the production to full value, and can produce 300 broken star mines per hour.

With this camp, Zhou Zhuo has already owned three bases, and the total hourly income has also reached:

700 Starbreaker Ore/hour, 2 Collembola Eggs/hour.

It's only been an hour since the game started, and Zhou Zhuo felt like he was waking up laughing from his sleep with this profit!

However, the following benefits will be even more terrifying!

"Whether it is in terms of battle damage or rewards, it is worse than destroying the mutant camp of [Fission Worm]..."

It takes a long time to attack the [Fission Worm] camp, the battle damage is low, and the income is high.

It takes less time to attack the [Prancing Bug] camp, but the battle damage is high, and the income is slightly lower.

After all, the time to 'score points' is only three days.

"If you want to maximize the reward, it's better to eliminate the mutant camp of [Fission Worm]."

Zhou Zhuo squeezed his chin, and after making a decision, he began to recall the terrain of [Cloud Mist Insect Valley] in his mind.

"I remember that after I unified the [Zeg Zerg] in my previous life, a descendant of the human race awakened a special [King Zerg], explored the entire terrain of the [Yunlan Bug Valley], and also [Cloud Zerg] The map of Lan Chong Valley] was uploaded to the main brain."

"Just right, my memory is not bad, I wrote it down..."

After spending more than ten minutes, Zhou Zhuo had a similar prototype of the map of [Cloud Mist Insect Valley] in his mind.

"After all, I'm participating in [Cloud Mist and Insect Valley] with G-3 difficulty. The terrain will change slightly, so it's not good if it's too clear."

With the map in his mind, Zhou Zhuo took a step towards the next camp in his memory that had a lot of springtails.

After all, according to the previous rules, as long as there are a lot of springtails in the camp on normal difficulty, then under the blessing of G-3 difficulty, the springtails in that camp may mutate into a large number but poor combat effectiveness. The [Fissionworm] variant.

Broken star mines, the amount of experience gained is high, and the combat effectiveness is poor.

Such a good soft persimmon, who else would pinch it?

"Before I reach level 2, I only have this 9-point attribute bonus, so I should bully the [Fission Worm] mutant camp more."

Only by maximizing the benefits can we accelerate our growth to the greatest extent.

"After level 2, I can get 9 free attribute points again, then I can start the push mode!"

"At that time, no matter what kind of bug it is, take it away with a set of F2A (flat push)!"

After Zhou Zhuo made up his mind, he manipulated the main brain and began to manipulate his own [hatchery] far above the high ground.

One hour has passed now, and my [Hatchery] has reached full production, and I can start to produce troops at full capacity!

The subsidiary camp captured by Zhou Zhuo will automatically send resources and eggs to his [hatchery] every 1 hour in the dungeon.

Even if the captured camp is a 'surrender' at the 59th minute, then one minute later, when the timeline of one hour is reached, the tribute will still be paid!


"The sooner I capture more camps, the faster my army will expand, and the faster my strength will grow!"

With a slight smile, Zhou Zhuo looked at his [hatchery] balance:

Starbreaker Mine: 612

Zergling Eggs: 2

Zhou Zhuo's own main camp has just started production and is still very poor, but the 'tax' of 400 broken star mines paid by the two subsidiary camps has already arrived.

Coupled with the scattered zerg that Zhou Zhuo had eliminated along the way, Zhou Zhuo's own Broken Star Mine had also broken through the 600 mark!

Which means...

"I'm able to hatch 10 more eggs of [Humic Jumper]!"

Thinking of this number, Zhou Zhuo's eyes lit up!

Immediately, with a wave of his hand, Zhou Zhu threw all 600 broken star ores into the larvae's mouth of [Hatchery], and then selected the icon of [Zavag].

In an instant, 10 larvae transformed into bright green eggs.

The 10 eggs and the eggs brought in from the two camps moved rapidly in just three seconds, analyzing the gene sequence of the [Humic Jumper].

Replication, integration, division, mutation...


Three seconds later, with crisp sounds, the 12 eggs turned into springtails all over the ground!


After a total of 36 [Humic Jumping Worms] hatched, they stretched their wings behind them and let out an ear-splitting roar. They were full of energy, and they wanted to join the battle immediately!

Zhou Zhuo originally only had 15 [Humic Springerlings] army, but after the addition of these 36 [Humic Springerlings], the number tripled in an instant! Expanded to 51!

"This is called the army!"

It's just that these newly hatched humic jumpers are still in the camp on the high ground, and it will take a while to join Zhou Zhuo's large army.

After giving the newly hatched [Humic Jumper] in the camp an order to move towards a certain camp, Zhou Zhuo also began to calculate in his mind:

"After the number of my army increases again, I can start dividing troops to suppress other camps."

"When the time comes to divide the troops, the efficiency of conquering other camps will directly double!"

With a slight smile, Zhou Zhuo also led his troops towards the direction of the already designated hostile camp, and rushed over.

Repression begins!

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