Red dots representing enemy forces, everyone can see on the map.

But this kind of light red symbolizes the enemy troops in stealth units, so far only Zhou Zhuo can see it.

Immediately, Zhou Zhuo frowned, and said:

"Let's hurry up! Something may be wrong."

Hearing something strange in Zhou Zhuo's tone, Xiao and Tang looked at each other and nodded, realizing that there must be danger, so they quickened their pace.

The two of them are still willing to believe Zhou Zhuo's words. After all, Zhou Zhuo's ability to be the deputy squad leader is not just because of his good grades...

Tang Shanzhang took the lead, patted the lurker beside him, and said:

"I'm running fast, and my [lurker] and I will go and contain it first! Just come over later!"

Seeing that Tang Shanzhang didn't have any doubts about his words, he ran out in an instant burst of speed, but Zhou Zhuo still frowned slightly!

Can't keep up!

Those red dots are already very close to the friendly forces with white dots.

Zhou Zhuo immediately opened the shared vision of [Monitoring Specter], and carefully counted the red dot numbers on the map.

22 pinkish red dots!

The number is huge, and the speed is uniform. It should be a unified army, and there are no individual outstanding and rare Zerg.

[Monitoring Specter] also activated the skill of [Extra-distance Vision] in time at this moment, rapidly rising, and the field of vision expanded several times directly, collecting all the information of distant enemy and friendly troops, and passing it on to the Zhou Zhuo is here.

The enemy army is a full 22 springtails, a typical sea of ​​insects tactics!

They are moving fast underground, and will soon reach the place where the light spot is.

And that white light spot, also under the observation of [Monitoring Specter], transmitted the information of the character.

Zhou Zhuo took a closer look and saw that it was the only girl in the class who had already confirmed her fiancé, that frail long-haired girl - Li Xiatong.

She is also the girl in the class whose family gene is [Belite].


Thinking of the Baneling Gene, Zhou Zhuo came up with a very violent tactic in his mind!

In [Qilao Battlefield], the areas where everyone is currently located are [Huo Yao] and [Grass Yao], the enemy's HP is very thick, even if the Banelings explode themselves, the effect is not good enough.

But... If you arrive at [Lei Yao Battlefield] and the enemy's attack power is high, but their HP is relatively weak, then Banelings can be of great use!

no! Gotta save her! Can't let her leave so early!

At this moment, Li Xiatong also sensed the approach of his own people, and started to quicken his pace, approaching this direction.

However, she was a girl after all, and her movement speed was slow. It was very likely that she was ambushed before she could join up with her and the others!

Zhou Zhuo, who made a good judgment, hastily opened the message panel and sent a message to Li Xiatong:

"Xia Tong, run forward, speed up! Don't look back, summon your Baneling, and follow you!"

Under the gaze of Zhou Zhuo's [Monitoring Specter], Li Xiatong, who was still jogging to conserve her energy, was startled when she received the news, and then threw off her arms and ran!

Li Xiatong, who ran wildly regardless of his physical strength, was so frightened that he shed tears, and hurriedly raised his hand to summon 6 banelings by his side, and ran with him.

And don't forget to send a message to Zhou Zhuo:

"Zhou Zhuo! Is there something behind me?! This is not a prank!!"

"Listen to me and you'll be fine." After Zhou Zhuo sent this message, he stopped in his tracks. Under Xiao Huohuo's suspicious gaze, he took a deep breath and began to calculate in his head.

Afterwards, Zhou Zhuo laid down the [Toxic Tumor] on the enemy's marching route and the place where he would arrive ten seconds later, starting from there, heading all the way in his direction.

At this moment, there are only 6 of Zhou Zhuo's [Very Toxic Tumors] left, and each [Toxic Nest] will cause 40 points of damage to the surrounding area when triggered!

The HP of the hostile Zerglings is 80, as long as 2 [Toxic Tumors] can be detonated accurately, a piece of Zerglings can be successfully wiped out.

If you want to delay Li Xiatong's crisis, at least fifteen or six springtails should be eliminated, so as to deter the hostile insects!

At that time, with Li Xiatong's own Banelings as protection, the remaining few hostile Zerglings will not be enough of a threat.

But...if I can eliminate them would be a good idea!

"Old Zhou, what's wrong with you?"

Xiao Huohuo was halfway running, but when he saw Zhou Zhuo who stopped suddenly, he also opened his mouth in doubt:

"Where does it hurt?"

Zhou Zhuo raised his hand to stop Xiao Huohuo from continuing to ask questions, and calmed down Xiao Huohuo with one sentence: "I'm fine, you go first, the [lurkers] in the mountains can't fight directly to contain the enemy, you rush over first help!"

After saying these words, Xiao Huohuo nodded to accept it, and then took a step, chasing Tangshanzhang who was running wildly ahead!

Immediately, Zhou Zhuo canceled the 'automatic trigger' mechanism of [Toxic Lair] and changed it to a manual trigger.

If [Toxic Lair] is automatically triggered, the first zergling of the enemy army triggers an explosion, which will cause damage to the surroundings, which is equivalent to wasting half of the explosion range!

Only by exploding the [Toxic Nest] in the center of the enemy army can the best explosion effect be achieved!

After taking a deep breath, ten seconds passed, and Zhou Zhuo's [Toxic Lair] hatched.

"It's been a long time since I tried this kind of micromanagement... I'm still a little excited..."

Feeling the upcoming challenge, Zhou Zhuo's heart beat faster.


At this moment, the springtails following behind Li Xiatong also accurately arrived at the position of the first [Toxic Tumor] planted by Zhou Zhuo.

But Zhou Zhuo didn't choose to detonate it!

After the leading Zergling passed by the [Toxic Tumor] first, Zhou Zhuo also began to meditate.


The moment the half body of the leading first springtail protruded out of the explosion range of the [Toxic Tumor], Zhou Zhuo detonated the first [Toxic Tumor].


Li Xiatong, who was running wildly, suddenly heard an explosion sound from behind him, turned his head back in fright, and saw a green hole with a radius of one meter blasted out on the ground like a detonated landmine, he was immediately startled Half-dead, the voice is crying:

"Who? So wicked! I... I just want to escape! I want to plant mines on the way to escape? What did I do wrong!"

Li Xiatong, who was taken aback, exerted all his strength, and his speed, which had slowed down a little, sped up a bit!


Not long after that, there was an explosion sound coming from behind Li Xiatong, and this explosion sound was even closer to Li Xiatong!

On the road I ran just now, a landmine was detonated, which made Li Xiatong feel that someone was setting him up!

"Hey! I didn't do anything wrong! I just got engaged, haven't I left the single yet? What's going on?!"

It's just that what Li Xiatong didn't see was that on the ground where the landmine was detonated just now, several corpses of springtails appeared out of thin air, as well as several spots of light glowing with white light...


"I shouldn't have deserted in class! I admit my mistake! I must study hard!"


"I admit that I'm jealous of Lin Ju! But I really just glanced at it a few times! I didn't change my mind!"



The next few 'landmine' detonation points are getting closer and closer to Li Xiatong.

Li Xiatong heard the sound of the explosion behind him getting closer and closer, and was so panicked that he didn't know what else to admit:

"A ba ba ba ba..."

Until the next moment, the ground around Li Xiatong trembled, and then four springtails with holes corroded by bile appeared around Li Xiatong out of thin air!

ambush? !

At the same time, a green light flashed under Li Xiatong's feet. It was obvious that he had won a lottery, but he happened to step on a landmine!

"Abababa (my life is over)——!"


After uttering an exclamation, Li Xiatong only had time to cover his eyes, squatted down, and made a posture of covering his head and squatting in defense. Hearing the sound of the explosion close at hand, he gritted his teeth.

But... the pain didn't come one after another...

Even the surroundings were completely quiet.

After a long time, Li Xiatong slowly opened his eyes, and found that there was no wound on his body, and the detonated landmine did not cause any harm to himself!

The hostile Zerglings, who were looking ferocious just now, also disappeared at this moment.

On the ground, there are two pieces of [Red Fire Essence Powder].

Li Xiatong, who was limp on the ground, was full of doubts and the rest of his life, he was panting with a rusty breath, his chest heaving and falling:

"I...why didn't I come to class?"

This is... the crisis is over?

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