As soon as Zhou Zhuo's voice fell, the swarms around everyone exploded at the same time, as if they had a sacred karaoke link!

[Lurker] quickly dives into the ground and hides his body.

[Aberrant] roared and stepped forward.

[Queen of Worms] puts on a posture and sits firmly in the background.

[Hydraulus] After finishing the formation, fire the spines.

[Cockroach] stepped forward, resisting the attack.

[Zerglings] rioted and interfered with the line of sight.

[Belling] Find the right time to blast the weak point!

[Worker bee] turns into a wall, the final line of defense.

The complex operations of the subordinates reached their respective positions in just a few seconds, and began to pour the most primitive fighting instincts on the three crocodile subordinates!

And these dependents received orders from only one source——

"Zhou...Zhou Zhuo, is this an order from you?"

Lin Yuru's eyes widened, she looked around and rioted at the same time, the orderly and orderly Zerg family members were shocked even more than knowing that her eldest sister had become the new Lin Chengshou!

Not only Lin Yuru, but also the whole class who handed over the operating authority to Zhou Zhuo, were so surprised that they couldn't speak when they saw this scene, and each of them prayed to Zhou Zhuo that Zhou Zhuo could really create a miracle:

"If this continues, maybe we can really win?"

"Come on... the deputy class!"

Seeing Zhou Zhuo's operation, Gao Guan's scalp felt numb, and he grinned and exhaled slowly, and murmured softly: "This is Han Xin's order of troops, the more the's amazing, old Zhou."

When this sentence was said, Gao Tian couldn't hear clearly himself, for fear that the loud voice would disturb Zhou Zhuo's operation.

Zhou Zhuo smiled slightly, but did not respond, but a gleam of light flashed in his pupils. After leaving 2 [Very Toxic Tumors] of unknown meaning in the center of the enemy army, he said to himself:

"How long has it been since I tried multi-line feels pretty good."

Even the three crocodiles on the opposite side were so shocked that they forgot to give an order.

Although from the beginning, they thought that F2A could win with the fighting power of their subordinates.

But under Zhou Zhuo's control, the Terran Zerg's aggressive advance and retreat surprised the three crocodiles, and they hurriedly tried to give orders.

But this short reaction time of a few seconds has already made this battle irreversible!

Whenever Crocodile's [Aberrant] and [Cockroach], the two zerg with the highest single damage, want to hit the Zergling and cause battle damage.

There will always be a human [Aberrant] and [Cockroach], a unit with particularly thick HP, to withstand these attacks.

After finally reducing a lot of health, the [Queen] who was in the background of the human race suddenly spit out another mouthful of [Quick-acting Nutrient], feeding back half of the Zerg's health!

In terms of springtails, although the number of springtails on the human side is not as good as that of the crocodilians, in terms of combat effectiveness, they don't give in!

Moreover, whenever a Zergling whose HP dropped below 10 was almost killed, Zhou Zhuo would order it to leave the battle and hide in the back row.

But where did the crocodiles perform such subtle operations?

Seeing their relatives dying quickly one by one, the crocodiles were furious, wishing they could rush into the battlefield and smash the face of that confidently smiling human:

"Damn! Why don't you die! Hit me! Hit me over there! Why is there another monster over there?!"

"My dog ​​is dead?! Made dare to kill my dog?! It's all labor money!"

"Go up! Go up! Trash! Bite me! Made let it go again?!"


Just ten seconds passed.

Taking advantage of the chaos on the battlefield, Zhou Zhuo had already hatched the [Toxic Tumor], turned into a creep, and successfully became invisible.

In the past ten seconds, although Zhou Zhuo's Zerglings had a lot of HP, their number remained at 102, while the number of Zerglings hostile to the Crocodile had dropped from 160 to 90!

This kind of record is already very brilliant!

You know, the [Iron-toothed Crocodile Clan]'s dependents have their own [Sharp Teeth] talent, so the damage is inherently high! In addition, the background of the other party's family members is far deeper than that of the human race's family members!

In the case of not low attributes, Zhou Zhuo was still able to achieve such a record by relying on manipulation, obviously he calculated the damage to the extreme!

However, even if the number of villains hostile to the Zerglings has dropped sharply, the enemy's Zerglings with relatively full HP still have a certain advantage over the Zerglings on the human side!

On the entire battlefield, the dependents of the human side are still in a state of being suppressed.

These advantages on the battlefield are due to the deep background of the crocodiles.

The balance, which originally belonged to the human race, seemed to be slowly turned back by the crocodiles during this period of time.

The defensive range of the human race is getting smaller and smaller, and the enemy's encirclement is also constantly tightening.

When the defensive range of the human race is zero, the outcome of the battle will be clear...

Seeing this scene, the students in Class F couldn't help but feel their hearts beating faster, and a sense of ominous premonition slowly rose in their hearts.

"No, the gap in strength is too great! After all, the opponent is the third-ranked [Irontooth Crocodile Clan], and the background is too deep..."

"Don''t do it, deputy class, come on!"

Even Gao Guan couldn't help but feel a little worried when he saw Zhou Zhuo struggling against the attack.

But when he saw the confident smile on Zhou Zhuo's face, the worries in his heart were also dispelled, and he settled down a little.

"Old Zhou is so shady, there must be someone behind him! For sure!"

The three crocodiles on the opposite side seemed to have foreseen their own victory, and they also laughed more presumptuously than before, as if they wanted to pay back all the fright they had just received:

"Hahahaha! So what if you know how to operate?! In the face of absolute strength, what's the use of knowing how to operate?!"

"F2A rules all the bells and whistles! Hahaha!"

"You know how to laugh, right? I'll take off your head later! Let you continue to laugh!"


Just as the crocodile-human army continued to press forward and continue to shrink the encirclement, the enemy's rear Hydralisks and the defensive Hydralisks also arrived on the newly born creep somewhere.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Zhuo's eyes lit up.

"It's now!"

Zhou Zhuo's heart moved, and the two [Very Toxic Tumors] planted by him exploded instantly!



Two consecutive [Toxic Tumors] detonated behind the enemy!

Directly killed 8 springtails!

The 5 Hydralisks were also blown up to the point where only the upper body was left!

Seeing this scene, the eyes of the students behind Zhou Zhuo brightened and their morale increased! It seemed that hope was ignited again, and there was a burst of cheers:

"Yeah! Fry well! Fry their asses bloom!"

"Hey! Why is the Hydralisk on the opposite side so bloody? It's still alive?!"

"No...the firepower is still a bit insufficient..."

However, the explosion of these two [Toxic Tumors] also instantly frightened the three crocodiles, causing their operations to deform.

Zhou Zhu's 18 [Humus Hunters] also took the opportunity to move quickly, drawing the firepower and attention of the enemy Zerglings, making the formation of the hostile Zergs even more chaotic!

Finding the right moment, Zhou Zhuo's heart skipped a beat, and those 6 Li Xiatong's banelings turned into green wheels, rushing directly into the enemy's back row along the crack that Zhou Zhuo squeezed out with Xiao Huohuo's cockroaches!

Seeing this scene, the leading crocodile suddenly missed a beat, looked at the bloody Hydralisks, and hurriedly ordered:

"Quick! Hurry [burrow]! They won't be able to find them if they're invisible!"

However, in this order, the Crocodile did not frame the scope of the army.

All the crocodile swarms stopped attacking at this moment, and began to dig holes with their claws, preparing to burrow.

"Don't, don't! Except for Hydralisk, the other swarms get up!"

The crocodile, who realized that he had made a big mistake in his operation, hurriedly canceled the order, wanting the troops to return to the fighting state as soon as possible.

However, the skill [Dive], whether it is diving down or digging up, has a 3-second cooldown period.

Adding up the front and back, it was equivalent to giving Zhou Zhuo a full six seconds to regroup the army!

Seeing this, the 6 Banelings framed by Zhou Zhuo stopped turning around and drove straight into the enemy's back row.

As for the invisible Hydralisk...

"It's really stupid, thinking that I won't detonate it manually if I'm invisible? I've been staring at the positions of your Hydralisks from the beginning!"

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