Hearing Zhou Zhuo's words, Lin Xuehan's originally surprised expression froze instantly, and a possibility arose in her heart:

[Spirit Flame Fox Clan], don't want to make a move!

Immediately, Lin Xuehan turned her head to look at the distant horizon.

Sure enough, the king worm that was still in the [Emission of Creep] just now has been taken back, obviously the group of foxes in the [Spirit Flame Fox Clan] should be treated as invisible!

Thinking of this, Lin Xuehan couldn't help laughing at herself:

Yes, the weak have no diplomacy.

As the human race with the second-to-last strength, [Spirit Flame Fox Clan] would be fine if they didn't come to take a share of the pie, how could they come to help...

hateful! Or because of weak strength!

Immediately, a trace of anger appeared in Lin Xuehan's pupils! Why should I be looked down upon!

But, if you want to get through this crisis by yourself, you can't rely on yourself alone...

Lin Xuehan raised her eyes, looked at Zhou Zhuo, her eyes gradually became firmer, and said:

"Zhou Zhuo, I heard from everyone that you defeated the army of the three crocodiles by relying on your own manipulation and using everyone's army to defeat the three crocodiles..."

"Frankly speaking, I'm better at offensive battles. I don't know much about this kind of defensive and counterattack tactics, so I want to know, how many units of dependents can you flexibly control at most?"

Having said that, Lin Xuehan stared at Zhou Zhuo, and added affirmatively:

"As many troops as you can skillfully control, I will assign you as many troops as you want!"

After listening to Lin Xuehan's words, Zhou Zhuo smiled slightly, and said four words:

"The more the better."

Looking at Zhou Zhu's smile, Lin Xuehan originally felt a trace of disbelief in her heart, but soon, this distrust was forcibly suppressed by herself.

I don't have to trust Zhou Zhuo, but I must trust my elder sister and fourth younger sister!

Now is not the time to doubt!

Seeing that the army of 7 crocodiles below has already begun to spread the army, they have opened up pocket arrays, ready to surround themselves and the others, then there is really no chance to hesitate!

"Okay! I'll give you all!"

Anyway, if you come by yourself, you will lose, so why not give it a try!

"All the command of the army is given to you, Zhou Zhuo, don't have any pressure, if you lose, you lose, and you can change as many troops as you can!"

Hearing Lin Xuehan's words, everyone in the class also looked determined.

All of them are rushing to see death as if going home!

Zhou Zhuo felt that in the current atmosphere, he couldn't say anything easy to reduce morale, so he simply stood up straight, took a deep breath, and said:

"Humans, never be slaves!"

This sentence fit the occasion, and made the students feel a surge of heat in their chests!

"Human race! Never be a slave!"

Afterwards, Zhou Zhu moved his fingers vigorously, and slowly walked towards the high slope, looking down at the hostile insect swarm below.

As Zhou Zhuo mobilized his [Heart of the Swarm] ability.

For a moment, the hundreds of Zergs behind Zhou Zhuo all turned their heads to look at Zhou Zhuo as if they had felt the call from their superiors.

Zhou Zhuo also gave countless formations and orders in his heart!

"With the warm-up from the previous battle, I am now more proficient!"

The 7 crocodiles below the high ground saw that Zhou Zhuo gave the order, and after the Zergs moved, they also hurriedly accelerated their movement speed!

"Quick! Speed ​​up! Rush up!"

After all, the opponent is on a high ground and has a terrain advantage. If one's own side has no vision of the enemy camp, long-range troops cannot target and output.

After the leader of the crocodile issued such an order, the Zergs in the opposing camp, because of their different movement speeds, became confused among the various arms.

Zhou Zhuo also found the right time, and placed all the 10 [Toxic Tumors] that had been filled under the feet of the enemy.

The hostile zergs that were immediately mixed into a pot of porridge, there is a small unit that rushed out of the lineup of the hostile zergs first!

"Zerglings continue to accelerate! Quickly go up to the high ground to open up your vision!"

Among the hostile Zerg units, Zerglings are obviously the fastest.

This idea of ​​relying on a large number of Zerglings to open up high ground vision so that the friendly Marksman Sequence Zergs can snipe Zhou Zhuo's remote output point is indeed feasible.

Moreover, Zhou Zhuo has exactly the same intention!

"It's better to block than sparse. The aberration blocks part of the terrain, leaving a gap to let some enemy troops in, and the springtail fills in the leak!"

A gleam flashed in his eyes, and under Zhou Zhu's order, the Zergs also started to form their formation similar to before.

The only difference is that there are more troops for defense, and there are fewer blind spots that cannot be defended!

On the half slope, the aberrants and some of the cockroaches behind them formed a defensive lineup like 'stones in water'.

A large number of springtails quickly passed the deformed bodies one by one, relying on their flexible posture, they rushed to the high ground according to the order.

Seeing this, Zhou Zhuo smiled slightly: "It's just in time!"

The opponent wants to deal with the threat of their own back row first, so they want to break through their front row quickly, but dozens of [Humus Hunters] hiding behind the deformed body have become killers hidden in the corner!

The [Humus Hunter] with an attack power of up to 26 points is not built!

Coupled with the attack speed of 1.4/S, it is almost equivalent to being able to attack three times every two seconds!

Basically, [Humus Hunters] can kill a hostile Zergling with two attacks!

Even if the other party's springtail is a variant of [Prancing Insect], it ignores the influence of the terrain when going uphill, and its movement speed does not decrease at all.

But the relative crispy property also makes them go to death faster.

"Damn it! I can't break through! The guards are all up! Tear me a hole!"

Seeing this, the crocodile waved his hand, causing the mutant and worker bees to start rushing forward!

These aberrants, with their tall bodies and slender and thick lower limbs, were able to leap over the Zerglings, ignoring the damage of Zhou Zhuo's [Humus Hunter] all the way, trying to break through to the high ground!

In addition, the crocodile also ordered to let the worker bees, a small unit with almost the same health and attack power as the springtail, attract the firepower of Zhou Zhu's army.

For a moment, the corners of the crocodile's mouth rose:

"My peasants have been dragged out to fight, let's see how you keep defending!"

All Zergs will 'automatically attack' the unit closest to them after receiving the attack order.

The Crocodile also wanted to use this to attract all of Zhou Zhuo's firepower to the mutants and the worker bees, so that his follow-up troops could get close to Zhou Zhuo's troops.

However, Zhou Zhuo's order was not just for the dependents to 'automatically attack'.

Instead, point-kill individual special units in an orderly manner!

"Queen, Hydralisk, shoot! The cockroach will output as it pushes forward!"

With cockroaches and mutants forming a new line of defense, even the opponent's specially evolved long-legged mutants were blocked from the defense line and pierced by countless spine needles.

Under the influence of Zhou Zhu's [Heart of the Swarm], Zhou Zhu can see all the attributes of the hostile Zerg!

There were a few Zergs that were deliberately hidden in the team by the Crocodile, and had special mutations and special abilities. Before they could take effect, Zhou Zhu controlled the Hydralisks to snipe and kill them!

Seeing his hidden pawns being killed one by one, the crocodile's face became darker and darker.

"Damn! Why is this hero so lucky?! Every time I attack, I kill my key unit?!"

The crocodile, unable to go to the high ground and unable to open his sight, became more and more angry, and simply issued the final order:

"All Hydralisk queens, push me forward, fire a skill salvo, and give me his front row in seconds!"

Watching the crocodile perform the final command of F2A, the smile on the corner of Zhou Zhuo's mouth became wider and wider.

It's time to wait!

“[Toxic Tumor]…exploded!”

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