Not to mention a wolf like you, why would you want to scare them? "

"Forget it, I'll leave it to you." I burned the shapes from my hand more than three times, burned the two women's swords, whirred, and then rushed into the distance and disappeared. The four great gods also immediately rose and flew into the sky quickly.

At first, the moon was scared, but until she entered the clouds, she gradually adapted to this feeling, walking between clouds and watching the stars shining on the earth and rising into the blue sky. Suddenly I felt that my heart was extremely broad and comfortable. She had never had this kind of experience before and would never have it again. Although she was scared, it was very precious. The other two girls woke up once or twice on the road, but as soon as they saw themselves flying more than ten thousand miles, they suddenly fainted. I simply sealed the meridians and let them sleep all the time.

Two days later, they came to the suburbs of Chang'an County. Several people found a distant place and picked up their souls. Qiuyun woke up in a dream, as if in a dream, as if it had flashed here. Yuefuyan is very familiar with this place. As soon as he fell to the ground, he walked around in front of everyone and pointed out the direction for several people. Han Lun sighed: "This month is really not easy. I flew for such a long time without anything, and I didn't even feel dizzy." It was so surprising. "I race," I'm afraid not many people like her can overcome their fears. At this point, I'm afraid none of us can compare with her. "

The moon did not wave to the crowd, and several people took a faster step. Soon, he walked to the official road. On the way to Chang'an, there were already a group of busy elephants on both sides of the main road. Some were selling fragmentary utensils, and some were barking at each other. An after-sales hall will be set up not far from this road, with people coming and going. There are often cars and horses on the road, most of which are in the Central Plains style, and some Western Hu merchants can also be seen.

An hour later, the party finally arrived in Chang'an City. The place they came to was the southern gate of Chang'an City, called Mingmen. There are five doors, about two feet wide and three feet high. Each of the five doors is open, the two doors on both sides are for cars and horses, and the other two are for pedestrians to enter and exit. There is only one door in the middle that no one passes through the ancient city. The floor of the door opening is paved with exquisite floor tiles, and the floor is engraved with Dragon pattern, two other doors for pedestrians to enter and exit, and only one door with exquisite floor tiles in the middle of the floor, which was a special way for the emperor to travel.

Mingde Gate is about ten feet high and consists of two palaces. Its structure is exquisite and far exceeds that of Dunhuang City Gate. In the middle of Mingde Gate, there are two beautiful and straight words - Chang'an.

After passing through the Mingde Gate, everyone came to the Vermilion Bird Street. At a glance, they were all surprised except that the moon was not gorgeous. The city of Chang'an has always been much larger than expected, everywhere you look, you can see a large number of houses, and the streets extend far into the distance, turning into a small black dot that is difficult to see. Vermilion Bird Street in front was almost fifty feet wide, paved with polished stone bricks and without any potholes. People were walking up and down the street, and there were many vehicles entering and exiting the street. The streets are full of various shops, but if you look closely, you will find that Hu merchants have opened more shops.

"Unity of man and nature" is one of the cores of traditional Chinese culture. The ancient urban planning of the Chinese Dynasty was deeply influenced by this idea. Cities on earth are often reflections of the sky, so cities are called symbols of the universe. Especially Yancheng, where the emperor lived, and Chang'an, the capital of the Tang Dynasty, are no exception. No matter from which angle you look at it, the atmosphere of Chang'an City is extremely spectacular, showing the majesty of the emperor.

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