Your soul killed me and I saved my life, so you have to pay a small price. "The snow disappeared, leaving only the white sword of silence.

In the treasured space in the sky, Snow's shadow appeared again and said lightly, "He is dead." A mouthful of blood spurted out, and he was about to fall.

But being held in one palm was Jian Neon's clothes. Jian Neon's clothes nodded to the snow and fell down.

In the sky, there is darkness and a beam of light, representing the Tao side and the ghost side.

The souls sat invincible in the darkness, and ten people stood beside them, all of them strong men of the same age.

On the other hand, it was the strength of Kongling University. The Red Dust Fairy was inside and saw the ghost punished to death. The Red Dust Fairy smiled, and said with a smile that the soul is invincible: "The soul is invincible, even if you ignore the rules on that day, kill "Kill me," the red dust fairy smiled and said, "Soul is invincible. Even if you ignored the rules and killed me that day, then the first battle of these three wars will definitely be the victory of our Taoism. Your disciples have been defeated." We kill, what are you going to do?"

Soul looked at the red dust on the sword and just said lightly: "I have the idea of ​​​​invincibility. Winning or losing is not important to me. Soul will die, but the price will naturally be paid by you, and your two disciples will." die."

"Then, my disciple is going to die, I think it's your disciple. You have three disciples in total. The first one, the most powerful one, was killed by the protagonist. Now that one is dead, the other one should Come out." The next one is my disciple and he has the power to come out and let my disciples kill him. "

"Bang" under the ring, a stream of black air fell with the wind. He came to the neon light with the sword and suddenly showed a strange smile, "Hey, you are guilty. On the day Brother Soul Yan died, you were there, so You want to die."

As soon as the voice fell, the black airflow suddenly expanded, covering the entire ring, and the sword was inside.

"The black man, the holiness of the ghost race, turns out to be black." On the edge of my face, the famous man suddenly screamed.

"What is black?" the protagonist asked, and at the same time, many people looked at him to hear his promise.

"Black people are the holy body of the ghost clan, and the dark space is another space. That is to say, black people are the ghost clan who control the space. Only in the black space, no one can escape and have full power." It will also be suppressed. , less than one floor up on the tenth floor, but I don’t think this invincible disciple, who finished second, was a black man. "

Sure enough, as the young man said, although the sword is very powerful and even opens up the space of heavenly treasures, in the black field, it is impossible to suck black people into the noisy sword. Black people are really like ghosts. Keep appearing, hitting the sword neon's body. Gradually, Jian Neon's body could no longer hold up.

"No, there will definitely be something wrong with the sword." Sure enough, when the teenage boy finished speaking, there was a spear in the sky. This was a treasure. The spear fell down and pierced the neon light of the sword. There was no neon light at all inside. The gun was enough to kill her.

I would stand up, but at this time, a red figure came to the field faster, and a river of red dust suddenly appeared. The entire black space field was suddenly covered by the river of red dust, filled with the screams of black people, revealing the figure of a girl.

"What are you doing?" The girl looked at Xue, who was wearing red clothes at night, and said angrily.

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