

My body is like a chubby baby, much like me. My hands are constantly playing with various printed spells, which looks very familiar. A path of pure mana extends through the meridians and rushes to my spiritual platform, preparing to break the trace of anesthesia. Mark of.

However, when the mana rushes towards the spiritual platform, a black gas suddenly appears, and the entrance to the platform will be firmly sealed, making it impossible to pass no matter how the magic washes away.

There was an ominous feeling in my heart, which seemed to have been hidden for so long just for the opportunity of this moment.

Depressed, suppressed pain, and with each shock, I felt a heavier suppressed pain. I just felt like I was being pressed down by a thousand kilogram boulder. There was no hole to escape from, and there was no support to resist. With the numbing sensation from the coffin, my heart sank to the bottom.

At this time, my brain seems to be a siege battle. The two sides are constantly fighting, and one side is like a tide of seven-color mana, attacking the group of black energy wave after wave. There is no place to concentrate on the black energy. Tangled and pitch black.

The other side is as black as ink. No matter how colorful the mana impact is, it is just pressure and retreat, and then wraps around from the side, dips it, and nibbles it bit by bit.

With a little bit of penetration, it penetrated into the gaps of the spiritual platform, squeezing, looking forward to finding that warm nest.

I just think that the brain is getting heavier and heavier. The three souls and seven souls seem to be unable to breathe and cannot communicate with Yuan Baobao at all. Yuan Baobao looks like a wild animal, attacking the group of black energy wantonly without any trace of rules. The brain gradually falls into chaos.

This makes me a little confused. Even if there was that black air block before, God can still show it and control the mana to break the black air. Why can't it be exposed this time? Wasn't it that Shaw used some secret law and blocked God's thoughts?

"I, you should be good to your soul and your body. I will help you take care of your health." Xiao Yin's voice echoed in my mind, constantly chatting some boring words, hoping to break my last trace. Clear spirit.

"Xiao Yin, if you really have this ability, why did you wait until today to seize the house?" When I find your trace and pull you up, I will destroy your soul and eliminate the prison of empty souls. "

Although my mouth was relaxed and strong, I was deeply aware that the mental platform was a little loose, not because of the difficulty of the black air, but because of the faint red blood film that appeared on the platform at some point.

The film is getting thicker and thicker, as if it has sealed the platform tightly. At this time, it is impossible to open the film with all the strength, just like a drunkard holding the key in his hand and unable to open the door of the house. It's like being unable to open the door to his house with a key.

In the remote streets, only the salty cold wind blows from time to time. Now I bend down, fold my hands, lean against the building, close my eyes, and fight against the black air.

That movie is hateful, but it only makes me intoxicated. The black poisonous gas is the black gas behind the murderous strategy. If the black spirit is allowed to enter the platform and devour the inner soul, then the world will only be my body, not my body. anyone.

In the silence, the sea breeze blew gently, as if not wanting to disturb the quiet and polite masking sound at this moment, but there was a war dispute in my heart, and smoke was everywhere.

At this time, we have reached the most critical moment. I just feel that the state of mana in my body is in chaos, and I can no longer turn it into an orderly impact on the spiritual platform as soon as possible.

But there was so much anger in my body that I couldn't seem to find the direction of the bee, which stung an inch of my meridian.

At this time, the black energy has also become much thinner, and the cannibal mana cannot be absorbed and refined at all. Instead, it has become a burden, returning to the back from time to time, affecting the black energy to hit mana damage and corrosion again.

The power is becoming more and more dispersed, and now there are weak holes, but the baby in my body can't find that weakness at all, because the film has changed from the original transparency to the thick red blood film now. It's tangible.

A thrilling actual battle is still going on. At this time, Xiao Yin and I both feel very tired. The movie is really in a war, getting bigger and bigger, like the fruits of victory. Those two guys in the war had big hands.

"I, my old husband, won't play with you." Xiao Yin's tired voice filled his heart, and he felt that the dark gas gradually dissipated, and he gradually didn't know where he was going, and once again there was no trace.

This demoralized me did not leave because of Xiao Yin, but there was a hint of excitement. On the contrary, his face became darker. Although he seemed to have won Xiao Yin's support, the thick red film at the platform entrance was more stubborn than the black air at this time, and the thick blood-red film at the platform entrance was even more stubborn than the black air. No matter how great the impact, it seems indifferent.

This movie is not a secret technique used by Xiao Yin. I just casually speculate that although there is no crisis at this time, if you encounter the enemy, you may be caught.

God cannot discover or understand the strength and direction of the enemy's blows, whether he is hiding secret tactics, etc., just like a bear full of strength and only relying on brute force and thick flesh to fight the enemy.

The cool night wind awakened the main feature of pain on his face, his right hand gently held his head like a heavy stone, and he could clearly see the shadow of the black tower in the distance, stumbling in his footsteps. "The night wind was very cold. I was awakened by the painful look on my face. I held my head in my right hand, like a heavy stone."

A bright moon walked with me step by step, reflecting a heavy figure on the ground, slender and clearly visible due to smoke.

Holding my head, closing my eyes, occasionally opening my eyes to identify the direction, the wind gradually blew, but the stone street blew a little shaky figure.

With a slight cough, I vaguely felt a pair of eyes behind me, like a dark jungle, a beast hiding in secret discovered the cold prey eyes.

Struggling to open my eyes reluctantly, Feng didn't know when there was a pair of horns on his head. The sharp horns moved forward with me, followed closely, the size did not change, as long as I had the word "lord" on my head.

"Long time no see!" I mocked myself slightly.

"Don't worry!" A heavy voice sounded behind me, but if I listened more carefully, it seemed to have some deliberate weight.

I paused, closed my eyes, lowered my hands consciously, and he appeared casually. The horns at the back paused for a moment, and then a follow-up ban entered my body, running out of the city from my back, leaving only the stone road, still leaving only my figure and the short pair of horns.

God can't reach out. With my back to back, I can still feel that my body is extremely small. I can't hear the heavy sounds connected together. Everything is fake. Look, this is where I am going. It was just a tense battle that made me feel so tired and sleepy that my eyes slowly closed together uncontrollably.

On the soft beach, a group of red-haired crabs waved their pincers and faced a giant monster that suddenly fell from the air. It saw that this monster had nothing but breathing, heavy clamps and a little embarrassment. Other relationships. It wasn't as soft as the usual drift meat.

I don’t know how long I slept. I only felt an itching from my nose, coughed lightly, slowly opened my eyes, and looked at the two pliers in front of a red-haired crab nervously.

This is where? I shook my head, and God's heart naturally dispersed. He could notice everything around him, the tide rising and falling in an orderly manner, breaking the silence in his ears.

My body felt a little stiff. I sat up straight and looked into my eyes. The sea breeze blew on my face, revealing a hint of chill. Why is it here? People will live in another world after death. Does the ghost world really exist?

I shook my head gently to break the ridiculous thoughts and looked at the red crab not far away. It was obvious that this red crab had just woken up.

"Now that you and I have our destiny, I will help you open your spirit in return for your grace of awakening today!"

I just feel that the thick film on the platform will disappear at some point, my body has not changed, I am all the same old, and my baby is still the same, practicing silently on my abdomen.

Although there was still some fear, I was still in a good mood. I saw the red haired crab raising its arms and reaching into the front of the red haired crab. The red haired crab was trembling all over and spitting out black bubbles from time to time. The hairy crab couldn't stop trembling, black bubbles came out of its mouth from time to time, and a faint smell filled the air.

A little light disappeared from the red crab and I slowly pulled my hand back and sat on the beach relaxing. Although the red hair crab's spirit did not consume much energy, I still felt a little uneasy. Preferably with a lot of mana.

When he opened his eyes again, the red crab had not left, and his pincers were under his shell. The two baton-like eyes are now capable of glowing faintly and staring at the meditating main figure, rather than moving, apparently through the soul.

With a long cloud of air, I gently opened my eyes, took out a pill placed in front of the red-haired crab, smiled, and flew towards the back of the forest.

There was a faint feeling that someone was coming to the beach, so I quickened my pace. When he climbed over a big tree, a blue bird waved a pair of powerful wings and flew to the branch of a big tree by the sea.

Shortly after flying away, two clumsy guys appeared where I had just been meditating, one of them bent down and dodged a red-haired crab with pliers and pills. The round pill swirled in the air, and was sucked back into the hand by the strong man, who smelled it, threw it into his mouth, and chewed it up.

"Ah, it tastes good!" This fluffy little crab found such a delicious pill, so spare your life! "

"Come on, this red-haired crab should be the one who caused the mental wave that just came from here, so go back and start your life again!"

The two men looked around again and found that there was no medicine, so they stood up and came back by the same road, but did not notice that a bright blue bird was rising and falling in the woods in the distance from time to time.

Around a dense forest, two strong men stopped in front of a rock. After walking a few steps, they came to the edge of a boulder. They saw a strong man take out a mark from his waist and press the mark on the boulder. on the groove above.

The sound of stone grinding came one after another in front of the stone, and the stone door opened with a brighter and brighter light. The two people chatted about the delicious pill, as if there was no one else.

Suddenly, the two strong men turned around and looked behind them. Not far away, a black shell lay quietly under the roots of a tree not far away.

The two strong men looked at each other, unable to bear the curiosity in their hearts. They took off the mark pressed on the boulder and flew towards the dark shell, but did not notice that a blue bird jumped into the stone door a few steps later. , as the stone door sank, it disappeared into the cave.

The four walls of the cave can accommodate three people at the same time. Two pearls hang on both sides. The soft light shines on the gravel-covered stone road. Blue birds jump from time to time, leaving behind a string of silhouettes, but there is a sound. No sound. "

After passing the corner, an open space appeared. Three beasts of all kinds were sitting together with a plate of fruit on the ground, chatting while eating.

A scan with God revealed three shale rocks in the sea, just in the middle of the Yuan Dynasty, and the two strong men outside. There was another huge sound, and two people patrolling outside the door came in muttering to themselves.

"It's not small, but there's nothing in it. It's a little weird. I don't know what a tide is. It's rare."

"Yes, but there are a lot of goblins here. Just like before, who knows who killed them and threw them into the cave?"

"Go back and rest for a while." Two strong men walked a few steps, hiding in the shadows of the darkness, and my shadow disappeared.

When the five strong men gathered together, they heard another loud sound from the newly closed stone door, as if something had hit the stone door.

"What?" The five strong men looked at each other and stood up again. There was a loud noise. When they thought of the stars deep in the cave, the five strong men couldn't help but dismiss it. If something goes wrong, it's no joke.

The five strong men walked to the stone door, but they did not notice that there were a few spiritual fruits behind a board at the back, and suddenly there were a few missing.

Opening the gatekeeper's five monsters, I quickly walked towards the only passage. From time to time, I thought, why would someone bring me to this deserted island? This is an extremely hidden grotto. If it weren't for those who knew, This place was definitely not to be found, but it was the corners that pointed to something.

About ten feet away, suddenly there were three holes, one of which had a very bright light and several rough sounds coming from it. A cave, quiet and without sound, but there was a spiritual wave coming from inside, as if there was something in the practice.

In the last hole, a unique breath unfolded, giving me a familiar feeling. My curious heart led me to the last hole, and I walked slowly, getting closer and closer to the stone gate. The feeling of familiarity is getting stronger and stronger.

I wanted to explore what God was doing on the wall, but with all my energy and energy, I didn't get through the stone wall. It was obvious that I was prohibited by some kind of high-level injunction.

There was a noise on the other side of the stone wall. It was obvious that the people inside also noticed that someone had come out, but there was no way to reach the side of the wall, which was separated by the stone wall.

I didn't come up with any ideas, but felt the loud sound of the stone wall, as if the sharp sound of the wall was sharp, although not very powerful, but it was the next chisel.

"The Banshee is sick again. He needs to be seen. If he is killed, we will have to wait until the elders come tomorrow to survive."

A bold voice said, "Three strong characters came through like this, still in the middle and late Yuan Dynasty, which made me hide in my heart and rest a lot."

I held my breath and floated quietly on the wall, clinging to the stone wall.

When the key was inserted into the hole in the wall, the door rang, and a red shadow came out of the house, but before it reached the front of the three strong men, it was firmly controlled by the three strong men. , unable to move at all.

"You crazy bird, the Dragon King can't see you these days, you just want to panic, don't you? Ha!" The strong man who picked up the key opened his face and spoke frivolously.

Before he finished speaking, the strong man flew back, as if being sucked away by something, and suddenly let out a scream from his mouth.

I looked at the stone wall carefully. The red shadow disappeared for a long time. It seemed that the magic had been sealed. I just discovered something and used my sharp mouth to chisel the stone wall on my body.

A man in red robes appears at the entrance of the cave. This painting is a bit like Longyou. A meat sack on top of your head. Momentum is a bit weak. There should also be practices for transforming God into the later period.

In his hand he held the strong man who had just said something offensive. Throw it at me. A terrible cry came from the mouth of the strong man. Just before it hit the wall, it suddenly fell. No sound came out again.

"Dragon King. That's what you said. Humph."

The man in the red robe grunted angrily. No more will the strong be driven out. Take a few steps in front of Kailin. One wave. The powerful mana creates a light microscope that slowly pushes the feathers of color.

Let her work hard. I couldn't even turn on the light for half a minute. Until the faint light of the microscope enters the stone wall behind the house. After the stone ring. Stonewall is closed again.

"It's too tight. If you let her run out of this stone house again, why don't you go in and stay with her?" The man in the red robe was cursed several times. Come out of the hole.

"I knew it was a threat. Also turned God into an exercise later. Here guarding the island. I feel like I'm a big deal. Huh."

"Keep it down. If you hear me. You really went in there with that crazy bird."

The two strong men whispered again. He gave the man lying in the corner who had just been shot a pair of eyes. There was a sarcastic look in his eyes. Laughing from the side. But he didn't mean to stand up.

A tight heart. I couldn't feel my heartbeat anymore. I saw two people walking away. I took a breath. My chest relaxed a little.

If outside. to deal with these monsters. Even the Jiaolongren demon just now didn't give me too many headaches. This great event has passed.

But now it's in a cave. If they are discovered. I have to go all the way. I'm afraid I want to get out of the cave intact. It's hard.

The two strong men returned to the cave. The chatter and laughter started again. The cave has regained its original harmony. A strong man with forbidden meridians sealed at his feet. I had a small smile on my face.

He sent me to this island. Apparently the masterminds behind this knew what I was looking for. Like I wanted to help.

But I don't think so. I know many things. Ye Feng ordered Long You and others to visit various places. No news either. The man in red clothes just now. It should also be the Jiaolong family. It's obvious that you didn't want me here to save people for a long time. Gu Yi didn't tell me where Kai Ling was hiding.

But think about the goblins in Dragon King. Indeed, these subordinates are afraid to make their own decisions. Missed the news. if not. It won't be any better than soul-killing me.

Arrangements on this island. I believe there won't be many caves on this island. If it weren't for those two main monsters. I'm afraid I can't find this secret place.

The colorful feathers in the cave must be saved. Take back what you said. I bent a little. Put a hand on the strong man's head. Close your eyes and search your soul. Fortunately, the strong man standing at his feet was not tall. Only in the middle of the baby. Otherwise, there will be real trouble.

After a period of time. I opened my eyes gently. His face sank uncontrollably. As far as the strong know. At the head of the cave are the seven long dragons of the Jiaolong family. Plus ten yuan-infant Jiaolong and other monsters. Not strong. But for those of me who are alone today. But very powerful.

No rescue awaits yet. Taking a step back is even less likely. If you want to take the colored feathers on the stone wall. Something else needs to be done.

yes. The strong man in front has a key that can open the stone wall. This is a blessing to me. Put the strong man behind his back and hold the collar in his hand. The strong man is very tall. Stop me in time. Just like that night. The little body was carried on my back. There is no such thing as an outsider.

The other two holes were unchanged. I whispered to the stone wall. Take the key and insert it into the hole in the wall. Probably felt my presence. This time there was no sound of chisels in the wall.

A clear opening for the lock. You can smell it clearly in the cave. The stone wall was open on both sides. The creaking sound of boulders rubbing against each other. A red shadow stands in the stone wall. When a stone wall breaks through a gap that can be crossed. The red shadow suddenly rose. The cold light shines fiercely on my position.

The stone door opened. I appeared before him. My eyes sparkled with joy. Just wanted to say hello. The red shadow suddenly rose.

I whispered something bad. Back off. But strong men have become the foundation of stumbling blocks. Tripped me straight to the ground. There is no use in escaping. A cool light penetrated the front. Eyes are about to jump into my chest.

"Kaylin, it's me" was rushed. Don't be silent anymore. A startling cry came from my lips. Use this phone. The cold light suddenly went out. I was frightened and sweating profusely.

Kaelin is just a form of mana. The spirit is awake. Someone just opened the door. Hide behind the door. Be prepared to get hurt. Then run away. Don't want to almost stab me either.

He hesitated for a moment. Kelin had realized that the person in front of him was me. Red shadows flickered. Contact me again. There was an apology on his face. Go pick up the fallen me. I was about to speak. But sudden footsteps were heard at the entrance of the cave.

The hole is not too big. The sound was too obvious. The monster guarding the cave had long been frightened. Several monsters are trapped in the cave. The first person is the glue dragon monster.

"Who are you? How dare you come here to cause trouble." No noise. But spread in the cave. But it was pretty deafening. One of them made me jump. Standing in front of Kelin. To those who are strong on their feet. Step on it. A mouthful of silver poured out of the strong man's mouth.

I swing with one hand. Extremely cold ice can turn a strong man's head into ice. I raised my right foot and stepped on it again.

The air is still cloudy. But there is no blood at all. The man on the ground is now curled up like a prawn. The face was purple from the sauce. It was obvious that his lips were frozen in the cold. The blood that pours out from the abdomen accumulates in the mouth and cannot be discharged from the body. Hard red.

Only a loud stamping sound was heard in the cave. And the sound of ice. However, the ban has been lifted in the human body. But the strong men on earth have long since stopped struggling. Along with my wanton ravage.

"A person can bear so much, I will take you there today."

However, the pain of a strong man eclipses many beasts across from him. At the same time, it also aroused Long Bai's blood. I couldn't control my shaking figure. Long Bai roared. One hand was raised. There is a scale on the fingertip. Continue extending outward. Become a dragon's claw. Fight me with strong winds.

Long Bai only received my training in the late Yuan Dynasty. The difference between the first and third levels. My heart is full of energy. If you don't see me in front of you. I worry that these monsters behind us will be difficult to control in the future.

also. And how I got in. Be sure to find out. This island cave. Not many people know. Those who defend the island are also members of the Jiaolong family or their affiliates. They were sent here only accompanied by inland parties.

This island was only used to imprison the Jiaolong family. A dark side person. Especially the atoll is the exclusive territory of the Dragon King. What a loss.

Where the dragon's claws pass through. The sound of air erupted. ‘It’s easy to see. Long Bai's claws must have accumulated all his power. Trying to take the lead with a big hit.

I still kept a calm smile. No fear. Gently lift your left arm. Holding a token in his hand, he would slowly look in front of Long Bai. A bright light flashed on the token. Long Bai couldn't help but line up. The mark looks familiar.

When the claws slow down. I took a big step forward. The token in his hand pointed at Long Baigao and raised it. Yelled.

"This is Longwei cuisine."

See the dragon's claws are fierce. I asked myself, he had no power to resist. The painted feathers behind them are apparently sealed. I'm not equipped to handle this. Back at Stonewall it's also a dead end.

It's very close. You can't hurt the enemy easily. Just an occasional procrastination. Find a plane to release Armor Break.

Very rushed. In the play, I spy on the old turtle Xuanwu who was guarding Dragon Island and ordered to beware of dragons. I don't know how effective this mark would be. But at this point, except for this command. There is no way to delay.

The effect exceeded my expectations. After the Dragon Guard's orders. I can't believe I was in such a hurry. The powerful dragon claws are difficult to stay in the air.

My eyes got smaller. Use soft pearls on all four walls. Staring at the mark in my hand. yes. Again. His face became darker and darker. It was an unexpected step back. It was the dragon's claws being slowly pulled out. But he didn't replace his hand. The attack was forcibly repelled. As a result, Shiro also felt a physical disorder.

Longwei is the bloodline of King Jiaolong. Just obey the Dragon King's orders. not much. They are not all shallow. It's a security guard. Power is great. Have a hidden identity on weekdays to find out what's going on in the family. If the wind blows. He returned to King Jiaolong's ears. Ensure that King Jiaolong understands the dynamics of the people.

The mark held by the person in front of him is indeed somewhat similar to Long Wei's order. Just when Long Wei had someone. It's still only in the early stages of infancy. This is a bit puzzling to Long Bai. There was a look of suspicion on his face.

When I saw Long Bai, he had a suspicious face on his face. wrist. Turn over the back of Long Wei's command. A curved dragon is vividly depicted on the reverse side of the mark. Jiao Long's eyes are even more subtle mental pressure.

"I was ordered by the Dragon King to judge this woman. I have no respect for that. I had the law on the spot. I wanted you to take care of yourself. Stay out of trouble. Hmph."

He had a cold face. My heart is already ecstatic. Yilong Mo's panic expression after recognizing the token. I already know. The symbol must have great authority.

What we do today must rely on this mark. I just don’t know the Jiaolong family that well. This is a bit difficult. If you missed something. I'm afraid I'm still going to die.

Long Bai also confirmed at this time that the person in front of him might indeed be Long Wei. The dragon above is illuminated by the heads of past clan chiefs, touching eye contact lenses with their magic. Jiaolong people will see themselves and have feelings for them. A feeling of adoration. But it can't be fake.

Unless this person killed Long Wei. He accepted the order of the Dragon Guard and came here to deceive him. But Longwei is in a state of uncertainty. Most of them move within families. Seldom goes to sea.

There is only one possibility. This is the Dragon Guard, the new Dragon Guard, this is the Jiao Dragon King gathered in this city without a destination. How else would I know where this cave is.

Just a little shallow. But today's performance. You can enter the cave quietly. Stay calm before your dragon's claws. Have a little motivation.

Recently, King Jiaolong was very angry. Especially at all costs. Kailin did not want to become a pair of practitioners of the Dragon King. Today's Dragon King is trying to win the enchantment of the goblin.

hey-hey. If Kailin doesn't take the initiative to do dual cultivation. Let go of your gifts. Even Jiaolong Wangqiang took possession of the body. Or the dark fire of his body. that's too regretful.

Long Bai sighed softly. Bow to the token. The color of the harmony returned to his face. Whispered: "I didn't know Lord Long Wei was coming." There is still a long way to go. and the hope of atonement. Because the Dragon King has orders. Then I will respect myself. It's just this woman's temper. It’s really inconvenient for an adult to cross the ocean alone. Nothing happened. I want to accompany you to send this woman to the Dragon King's house. Just in case someone strong is on the way. I'm tired, my lord. "

Long Bai felt uneasy in his heart. Just the dragon standing there. It's not easy to turn your face to the good side. Looking for an excuse to come all the way back to the city with me. If I were really a Dragon Guard. Then it'll be fine. In order to make a friend, Long Wei. It’s good to think about it.

If there's anything wrong with my approach. My approach. Want to kill on the spot. It shouldn't be difficult.

"In that case, there will be a job. Seven years old." I smiled. Turn around. Bright Eyes. There is a smile of color Ling. How could Kailin not understand that all this was my arrangement? I just don't know where I got it from. There is such a deterrent effect.

"I won't kill you" dodges my right hand. Cai Ling shouted. A fleeting figure. Back off.

My unstoppable smile. Came here for a bit of acting talent. Float. Already reached Ling's side. One ban, one random raid. Kaelin was immediately in a state of mind. There was only a hint of doubt in my eyes.

"Dragon Lord, you. This is your blessing. This is your creation. I don't know what it means." I held the colorful feathers and stood at the door of a hundred dragons. He smiled and said: "Please lead the way in front of this seven-year-old man."

"Please" has a strange head in front. I followed with my shoulder. Fortunately, Kailin's shape is small. If not, there will be some misunderstanding. even though. I also didn’t bump into that soft piece of flesh on my chest from time to time.

There were two strong men in front of them, and they opened the stone door early. A blast of fresh air blew in through the door. Refreshing. Especially Kaelin. After the robbery, his face betrayed no trace of his happiness for the rest of his life. The dragon side is in the eyes. More confused. But his face couldn't change half of it.

"Hello, stone dungeon. Be careful in case there are any traces." Long Mo said. I invited me first. After seeing me volleying with colors, I flew up first. From behind. I don’t know when the jade symbol appeared in my hand. Let it disappear quietly.

The three of them had just left the island. All the strong men staying at the entrance of the cave breathed a sigh of relief. Just saying. A strong man held his stomach. "You go back first," he said hurriedly. I'll make it easier for you. "He turned his head and flew to the edge of the forest. A few strong men laughed at themselves. Returned to the cave."

In the woods. The strong man found a hiding place. No one is following me. Then he quietly released a jade sound symbol. Wait a little longer. His face ran briskly towards the cave.

The moon is in the sky. The sea is bright. This island is not far from home. But tea work. Flying in the air, I have been able to reach the tall building of Guanlun Pavilion. Look at the brightly colored feathers on her arms. I gently covered Hongling's mouth with my hand.

Right in the eyes of Pleurosaurus. But it means something else. This Dragon Guard is also a bit too bold. Even the women in Dragon King dare to touch it.

The sea is calm. Even the sea breeze softened. Brush your cheeks gently. A sudden scream broke the silence of the moment. I saw that I was holding a colorful Ling. All fell down. There are no signs.

We're finally going to do it. There was no panic on Chang Mo's face. Instead, there was a faint smile. This sea is the world of Jiaolong. I want you to fight the dragon in the sea. That's not a dead end.

I don't fly very high. Longmo was on the beach when he was found. Give me a round of applause. A drop of water. A fleeting dragon shape. Just now both of me fell into the water. After a short rest, the body sank.

Once in the sea. So Long Mo came to me, alone. He placed his hand on his chest and slowly lowered it. Like being attacked and then seriously injured. Clean up the water. Shaggy swam by in a hurry. I couldn't help but laugh at myself. What else can you do.

in between breaths. Long Mo has arrived in front of me. See me open your eyes. There was no expression on his face. I'm not injured.

"What's going on? Where's the goblin?"

The colors of Longmo Valley are surprising. A hand on my body. A dark force followed the fingertips. Come into me.

There is no flaw in Long Mo's confession. This dark power will definitely hit me hard. Kill or let go. In this vast sea. One more, one less. Like a huge wave on the beach. Nothing surprising.

Imagine the dark forces raging inside me. And my pained expression. There was a sarcastic expression on Langmo's face.

Just something weird happened. The strong wind looked like an arrow shot from a string. Open the deep water before you. keep going forward. There was an explosion of air. and I am in his hands, because of the strength and passing of the body. Fades slowly. Turn around and disappear.

What happened. Dragon looked at the water gushing from his fingertips due to the explosion. I can't help myself. look around. Where is my shadow. There is only endless darkness in the sea.

You just ran away. Long Mo will be a wide spread of divinity. There's just no sign of me yet. Occasionally only a few fish pass by. There are two strange sea crabs diving into the sea.

It's impossible for Mother Dragon to jump down again. Still no news. Or some fish and those two weird sea crabs.

A chill flashed through Long Mo's heart. If Kailin is saved. This news was sent back to King Jiaolong. I'm afraid it's death. sorry.

And those two strange sea crabs. Long Momo sparkled in front of her eyes. Why one of the two sea crabs looks so clumsy. The body fell to the ground. The other hurriedly used its pliers to pull off the clumsy sea crab.

Long hair will slowly sink down the body. No trace has been found yet. The only thing suspicious is the two strange sea crabs.

The clumsy sea crab seems to have reached the approaching dragon gate. Trembling all eight feet. He was very panicked. Another pulled hard.

Long Mo was too lazy to check again. At this point, I feel bored. Just used to relieve anger. A little energy. There was a wave of poison gas. Bumped into a bulky sea crab. If it were a regular crab. I want this.

Have a pair of strong eyes. I knew he would never dodge again. In human form. The turtle shield stands in the left hand. Get out of the way. when the force of the earthquake weakens. When you jump out of the bright silver armor as a dragon again, you refine the blood into the shape of elixir. Take it off.

"You are the one causing trouble." Chang Mo Xinguang. Float. We were very close to the shield. A dragon's claw appeared again. Grab the shield. Trying to tear the shield apart.

Until the dragon's claws touched the shield. Then listen to the dragon's cry behind the round shield. But a little more husky. Dragon's voice. Long Mo knew the source of the sound. I just didn't expect a dragon to be hiding behind this shield.

The shield flashed. A giant dragon appeared in front of the dragon. The dragon's tail gently shakes the water. Make a whirlpool.

"Where do dragons come from? How dare you go crazy here?"

Long Mo was still asking. The dragon opposite has opened its mouth. Take a bite out of the dragon. Fierce enough. Just a little unnatural. The dragon swung back. Although the dragon in front seems not tall. But the bite of the power of the dragon's mouth is small eyes. As for Jiaolong's talent, Dragon Mother knows it very well.

The dragon took a step back. The incarnation of dragon. Turn on the tap. Go down. One bite will turn into the sea, the color of a crab, and the feathers will turn into a mouth. The faucet rushes to the sea. Trying to escape. There was a sarcastic remark on Long Bai's face. Come downstairs and find me.

Jiaolong was originally the king of the ocean. in between breaths. Long Mo has been chasing me. Reach your right hand forward. Became the claws of a dragon, turning me into a grabber of its tail.

The sea is right in front of us. Getting there is just one step away. But in my eyes, it seems very far away. It feels tight behind the tail. I couldn't swing anymore. My heart sank.

There was a sound of breaking water. I was swept out of the sea, and the dragon's tail was turned upside down. Stand in the air. The sea breeze blew unbridled through the lapels. Feeling a bit cold.

"You are very good at shaping yourself. If he gives up the law of practice, I can open another way. Let you go. How are you?" Long Mo was also a little curious. Anyway, the murderer has been caught. Think about my point. I can't stir up too many waves in front of me.

"If you dare to hurt me, aren't you afraid that the Dragon King will know that you have committed treason?" It felt really uncomfortable to be raised by others. I roared loudly, but my voice became lower and lower.

Long Bai's face darkened, and his eyes looked at the sea, as if waiting for something. I also felt the strong aura from the sea. The originally calm sea water was like scalding water, rolling and foaming from time to time.

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