as expected. After I stopped absorbing magic. When you donate blood. There was blood on the eggshell. A thick red line appeared on the eggshell. Started sucking my blood like crazy.

Everything went as expected. I calmly speeded up the eight-color whipping and began to absorb the energy from the eggshell crazily. on the other hand. With the magic of blood. It was covered with a bridge of blood that had just been built from the eggshell. Start sucking the blood back out of the eggshell.

Pure fire attribute mana and eight-color whip violently entered my body. The strong are like the blood of the night, more like a senior guard who has found his home. Breathe me in. Absorbs and absorbs seminal fluid in the body.

If you don't cry in the blood, you will also gain the magic power of the blood. It is uncertain whether today's absorption of the blood of this nocturnal immortal beast will be successful. After all, that night was voluntary. Still smoking today.

The power of blood magic is to absorb the blood of others. After transformation and absorption. Advocate for your own practice. And with the power of blood, this is achieved in a pool of blood. At this time, the egg contains the immortal beast. Refined blood is absorbed and refined. It's not that difficult.

The power of the Constitution continues to grow. Feel the power between your fingers. My heart has already been decided. In this eggshell. It must be a fairy beast like a black turtle.

"You magician. Not yet. Don't you want to bear the revenge of my Phoenix family?" Feeling that the blood magic in the egg is disappearing quickly. I couldn't control the panic. came an older voice from inside the egg.

"There is no Phoenix in this world, and there is no beast. If you were the Phoenix, you would be locked in this cold pool."

I heard that eggs have their own names in them. I smiled to myself. It's a fairy beast. But I can't miss this opportunity. Use random sounds. But underneath the body, it speeds up the absorption of energy.

"Have you not reached the nine-tailed Phoenix on your right hand? This is the image I left on you." The sound made by the egg seemed a bit hasty. But it's still powerful.

"Here we are. It's like the bird opened its mouth and drank my blood. And then passed it on to this egg." At this point, in the palm of the hand, it seemed like a prisoner bird kept struggling. I want to fly away like a phoenix. I said with a sneer. The next second. God is exploring the body of the chained fairy rope. Tie on the palm from the side of the Phoenix image. A few seals will stabilize it.

"How dare you take my Phoenix apart. Do you know that the separation of gods and beasts is impossible for other people and beasts to be contaminated? If you meet me in the future, the Phoenix people will be hunted down. Never. Die." Only then did the phoenix in the egg realize what kind of person I was. What I said before was just processing. Dare to seal away gods and beasts. You look like you want to be a work of art. It’s just that hard work is no match for ordinary people.

"Then why didn't you tell me first that your heart is not good?" You want to suck my blood. Separated from my body. So you can use it to preserve this mana-sealed eggshell. It's each other. Dare not do anything. Only whether to do it or not. "If Danke had asked me to help earlier. Say something nice. Maybe I had or could have helped. But even though Danke was the first to heal humans. Because I have an obvious grudge. You can't let go. We have to do it for Fight for results.

"Can you absorb the blood of alchemical gods, beasts, and beasts like you? If you don't want to explode, then stop it."

"If you stop now. I can befriend you. I have the immortality of the Order and the honor of the Beast. Will be a great refuge for you as you travel the world."

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