Saying something embarrassing is looking for a fool to die. "

I smiled and said, "So, don't be silly, you did it once before and I don't want you to do it again."

"Disciple, keep this in mind!"

After hearing my words, I, Yunhe, also said seriously at this moment, and gave me a deep salute the next moment. I was smiling and nodding, "Okay, just remember."

"Okay, I heard you."

At this time, Feng Xiong also smiled and said: "Don't be tired because of your identity, don't live in the eyes of others, don't lose your peace, you must also remember, understand!"

"Disciple knows!"

At this time, these disciples truly remembered this sentence. This was a valuable life experience that they would not let go.

"Oh, this time the teacher's brother, I, Yunhe, seems to be educated, but it is actually the overall benefit."

Feng Xiong said with a smile: "This kind of efficiency is extraordinary."

"That's right, what your brother does, he can always see amazing results quickly." Huang Tian also smiled and shook his head. "Even if we teach them for a month, they may not understand the principles."

"Well, don't say that about me," he said. "I was lucky enough to be awakened by my Yunhe's failure."

I said: "It is difficult for me to achieve such efficiency by changing the situation and educating me slowly."

"So your brothers and sisters will take advantage of this opportunity, but we can't even take advantage of it."

Feng Xiong smiled.

"How many more times can this happen?" I smiled and shook my head. "Okay, two brothers, don't talk to me so much."

"Well, don't say that."

Feng Xiong smiled and said, "Mr. Fang, let's talk about the next thing. What should we do next?" Although all of our senior martial arts disciples are very good, few of them can enter the top ten. The administrative level of gods is done and then they are semi-divine and honestly there is really no one among our disciples except our elders who protect the Dharma. "

"Half Saints won't be playing."

I smiled. "As for the senior disciples of Shenwu, they can be divided into several places. However, these rankings are no longer important. What is important is that we have declared our presence and suppressed the exchange meeting."

"They're definitely being suppressed, but they're not broken yet."

Huang Tiandao, "Don't collapse, there will always be trouble."

"It won't be too much trouble."

I smiled lightly and said: "After today, no one can match my prestige. Even if they have completed a little power integration, they are just a swallow-tailed dog in my eyes, so there is no need to ask any more." "

Huang Tian and Feng Xiong were both cold-blooded at this word. They nodded their heads the next moment. Since this is what I said, they naturally believed me.

As for the Dragon God and the Jade God, they listened to the voices of the three people talking from beginning to end, but they didn't interrupt a word, they just kept laughing.

For their part, they now fully trusted the few disciples and they all approved of the decision the disciples made. After all, their disciples have grown up to the point where they cannot be compared with others. Then, naturally and with joy, they gave everything to their disciples. The battle on the battlefield is still going on, countless people are watching this battle, and countless people are planning for the future.

No one would have thought that this exchange meeting would be like this, and no one would have thought of my biblicism, otherwise, at least in arrogance, the biblicism I lead is, of course, absolutely beyond all sects, of course, the biblicism I lead Sure to break through all factions, no one else, least of all Arrogance, has such a high profile. This surprised everyone and also looked forward to what I would do next.

As for the expectations of the people, I also clearly feel at this time that through his actions, people want to know who is better to the three major factions. Naturally, I am also waiting for the opportunity, as long as he keeps putting pressure on the three major factions. Sooner or later these people will become his collaborators.

While he was waiting for the opportunity, a dangerous omen arose in his heart for no reason.

This ominous omen came so fast and so fiercely that even my eyes were blackened, as if I had fallen into the boundless darkness.

"Someone has to deal with me! I'm going to be great this time!"

Suddenly a thought flashed through my mind, and my eyes suddenly filled with a bright light.

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