With a crunch, two people fell from the air.

Although they were close to the ground, the two men were thrown to pieces and Yun woke up. As soon as she opened her eyes, she was relieved to see me holding her tightly. Then I found that my whole body was covered with blood, my clothes were torn, and I couldn't help being shocked by the blood on my face. I also looked down at myself. I suddenly lay in my arms and cried loudly.

"Shadow, don't cry. This is all a trauma to the skin. It will be more beautiful when it recovers." I held the cloud tightly to comfort me. At this time, Yun Ying was almost naked, and the jade carving made small blood stains accidentally enter the skin, blooming with an indescribable sense of ecstasy and temptation.

"Really, isn't it ugly?" Yun Ying listened to me, gradually stopped crying, and asked in a low voice.

"No, I have already experienced it. At that time, even my hair was blown by the wind and I became bald. Don't you think this is good for me?" After hearing this, Yun's shadow started to cry and laugh. .

I looked at Monday and saw only a dizzy look. There was no sun, moon or stars. It seemed that there were mountains and trees, but everything was in a haze. I didn't know where it came from. Anyway, the most important thing is to save your life, we will talk about the rest later.

trial space

"Brother Yuan, don't look back." Yun Ying said shyly.

I turned around and heard the sound of Hisoka changing clothes behind me. The two went through difficulties, skin to skin, and almost met each other. It turned out that they had always been close to each other, but Yun Ying still couldn't do it when I asked her to change clothes in front of me.

"Brother Yuan, please change your clothes too!"

"Oh, yes, I almost forgot." I replied awkwardly, looking at myself like a *, and quickly changed my clothes.

The two men turned around, looked at each other, and smiled. Because their originally smooth faces are now covered with small bright red scars, just like a tabby cat.

"Brother Yuan, am I ugly?" Yun Ying just smiled, and Hongyan immediately wanted to put down her concern and asked.

"Even if the shadow is injured, it is still so beautiful. I want to get drunk with your brother in the distance." I said seriously, walked over, gently hugged Yun Ying's waist, and gently stroked her hair .

"Really, you didn't lie to me!" Yun Ying felt my sincere love and nestled in my arms. Although I didn't know where I was, Yun Ying felt it didn't matter. As long as I was together, she felt there was a good side. .

"Let's find a safe place to heal. The golden elixir chasing us is also here." I pulled Yun Ying and walked forward cautiously.

Don’t talk about my two people’s experiences, but talk about the evil clouds falling from the sky at this time. The monks of Xianyunmen ran too fast, and the demonic power was still singing in the tunnel, and they flew into the Cloud Valley.

"No, it scared the monks of the Xianwu Continent!" The demon king and god can cover thousands of miles. The monk of the Xianyun Sect flew into the Demon Cloud Valley. He felt it immediately, so don't say it. Turn around and there will be one right away. Fuzzy flies emerged from the tunnel. The rest of the people returned to God, and they naturally knew that something bad was going on, so they flew out of the tunnel one after another.

"Want to run away, ha!" The God of Xianyun Gate and War Hall has been shrouded in the truly evil Cloud Valley. As soon as the king flew out of the tunnel, he immediately felt that the figure flew to the tunnel to intercept.

A person is a demon, and it is a late Yuan baby. Its speed is simply indescribable, and it quickly chases it out of Yungu thousands of miles away. But the Jindan people were not so lucky, they were all stopped by Xianyun Gate. Facing the two monks and some greedy Jindan, the rest simply chose to surrender.

"What are you doing in my clan's territory? Come on, tell me the truth so that I can start searching for my soul." The monk of Xianyun Sect asked coldly. Of course, the monks of the original continent also knew that this was definitely not a threat The lie immediately revealed the truth.

"I know the activation method can go to the goblin to test the space. As for what's inside, are you either stupid or am I stupid?"

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