"I'm already in Jindan. I don't need it, so just take it! No matter what, you are the only brother from afar." Yin Rou did not allow Wang Wu to refuse, and took out a bottle of jade and threw it over. Wang Wu took it, trembling with excitement.

"My sister gave me a gift, and I'm not stingy. This bottle of elixir will strengthen your basic construction. It's a good idea. Let your brother come back and see it happily!" Xiang Xiu was still smiling, but he gave Wang Wu a bottle without hesitation. Pill. Then, Yunying also gave Wang Wu a set of normal lines that could resist Jin Dan's attack. Wang Wu can be said to have made a fortune this time.

He knew Yin Rou was right, so he left. After lingering at the altar for a few days, the Yinrou people went to the Yun family and began to refine the magic weapon for everyone's destiny. At the same time, they became familiar with the practices of the Jindan period and studied various spells in the Jindan period. Every day, people also spend time playing against each other. Running, offensive and defensive cooperation, etc., actively preparing to go out and find me.

Among the distant starfish, spring is like a wonderful girl, coming quietly at a brisk and happy pace. Behind the gate of the small courtyard where I practiced, the ice on the tall and straight cedars began to melt, and water droplets fell from them. Before they reached the ground, they were blown away by the wind, and the mountains were filled with abundant water vapor and fog. I didn't seem to know anything. I was still sitting in the meditation room, like an ancient stone statue, still motionless. The God of Fire breathed in the halo in the sea, squinting his eyes, quiet and comfortable.

Everything seems the same as it was yesterday, as if it has stayed the same for thousands of years. But in another space, a big conspiracy against the human world is brewing.

This is an endless darkness, no one knows how far or how big it is. Here, the sky is dark and the earth is dark, but in this endless darkness, you can see light dancing from time to time. Some of these lights are as big as a fist, and some are as small as stars. If you look closely, you will find that they are actually human or animal shapes, but not entities, but souls; although they are souls, their shapes are miniature versions of humans or animals, with eyebrows and limbs, and more Making squeaking sounds, biting and devouring each other desperately, this is the ghost world.

After a person dies, there is actually still a soul. These souls after death will be controlled by the laws of heaven and earth, and will naturally come to the ghost world. The ghost world is higher than the human world and is one of the highest realms juxtaposed with the spiritual world. However, there is no so-called bull-headed horse face, no black and white impermanence, no layers of hell and temple Yanwang. But just like the human world, there are mountains, lakes, abyss of the sea, countless stars and so on.

There are also monks here, their names are Guixiu, and like people, they are also practicing and want to pursue eternal life. But one step in their practice is to eat other souls and then expand themselves. At a certain stage, they can not only produce blood, but also combine with souls, which is more powerful and terrifying than humans.

However, this must be based on the fact that there are enough souls to absorb it. The entire human world, whether it is humans, orcs, or demons after death, their souls will come here, but they are still unable to be devoured by demons. Because weak souls cannot promote the spiritual improvement of powerful ghosts, what they desire most is the souls of monks above the golden elixir. Only with the continuous replenishment of the souls of senior monks can the monks in the ghost world have a good day.

In the galaxy where I live, the spiritual world has established these wonderful stars and beads for the sake of more monks in the human world, so that they can fly smoothly. Finally, it is also for the survival and development of the spiritual world. The spiritual world is blameless, but it harms the interests of the ghost world. Those who change the spirit of God

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