When I walked over, there was a male patrolman from Sun Santai in the director's office. Naturally, he was easily recognized, so he walked up to Sun Santai's face and stood two meters away, concentrating on it. "I received a report from the commanding officer. He is a small convoy and has been ordered to report."

"Okay, sit down." Sun Santai was very satisfied with my attitude and waved to the empty space around Chen Xin.

The first time I met someone as big as the person in charge, I seemed a little embarrassed. He knew how a soldier dared to sit on an equal footing with the person in charge. He was still in the person in charge's office, and he didn't even dare to sit down.

"He asked you to sit down, what are you afraid of?" Chen Xin was quite straightforward.

From the moment he entered the Shafa area, Chen Xin's eyes never left him. Seeing that there was nothing unusual about the place where it came out naked, and it was more than half relaxed, I thought to myself, this can be handed over to the old man. But when her eyes saw my head, she couldn't help but stay in her heart.

"Well, Sun, you shaved off Xiaofan's hair! He is not a criminal, he is you. Is this what you want to do?"

"Relax, brother-in-law." Even though he was wearing a hat, I could see that his hair was indeed missing. There must be a bald hair under the hat. Sun Santai, for special reasons, despises people who shave their heads the most (except Sister Sun). Unexpectedly, I was shaved. It was obvious that he couldn't help but asked: "I, do you dare to tell me, who did it?"

"Misunderstanding, this is my attempt to save money and pass through the gate of Fudan University."

I was embarrassed to tell about the haircut process, which made Sun Santai relieved.

"I, your uncle is the old squad leader of our base. He has feelings like brothers. You call him uncle and we are a family. I thought you wouldn't be able to let go for a few days, but I didn't expect you to let go too far and cause so many problems." Trouble. It's not your fault, but you went too far with your colleagues. You can give the precinct a big name on this, you know? Good work is a good thing. But you can't use it on your own people. On the body, it should be used on criminals. Reputation is difficult to build, but easy to destroy. Your uncle, aunt and I can't take care of you in our lifetime. Their colleagues are all their comrades and can often save you when you are in danger. are your comrades. You have to understand that."

Sun Santai is very patient, just like he is educating his children.

I looked majestic and half bowed my head. He didn't know how to explain the situation when his body was controlled by the devil, so naturally he couldn't speak.

Chen Xin did not interrupt and looked at the old man and young man with a thoughtful face.

"This time you made a big mistake, reducing the number of non-combatants to 14, setting up the branch's history and the municipal bureau's history. Fortunately, you just reported for a day because you did not receive training and Education, and there are other people looking for stuff and reasons to do it. But punishment is inevitable. Can you accept that?"

Due to the appearance of Chen Xin, Sun Santai still carefully solicited my opinion in almost his most tactful tone and gentlest attitude.

"As long as you don't fire me, you can punish me." I stopped shooting as soon as I heard the patrol, and my nervousness suddenly disappeared. He said that if he was fired after being on patrol for a long time, it would be a shameful thing for his father and Uncle Shi Guozhi, who wanted to cultivate his talents, because he had never seen it in the sky. he.

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