The resources between heaven and earth are limited. The stronger the power, the more resources of heaven and earth will be consumed. Therefore, the stronger the character, the more disasters will occur, because this is something that heaven and earth cannot accommodate.

Heaven and earth are not compatible, so a lower level of terror disaster can cross its original realm and enter another world, temporarily achieving a new balance with heaven and earth. If it cannot pass, it will fall directly.

This is the supreme public and ruthless road!

In the middle of my speech, a purple thunder and lightning struck my head. At this time, on the island where I stood, I suddenly raised five-color smoke columns of black, red, yellow, white and black. They rose into the sky and meet at some point. They then mix together and then form a five-color curtain that slowly descends and wraps me in the middle.


Purple lightning strikes the top of the five-color curtains, bombarding the five-color curtains with continuous vibrations.


Fifteen thunder and robbery cases fell one after another. The five-color curtain finally couldn't bear it anymore and made a hole with a plop. Suddenly, lightning struck down from the sky and poured down on me.

"Go ahead"

When I took the purple seal in my hand, I immediately saw that it suddenly became very big and turned into a small mountain, printed on the sky.


Lightning struck the purple seal, shaking it, but it was powerless.

Nine thunders struck again and again, but they were unable to break the sealing defense of the sky. Finally, the dark clouds rolled over the sky, and all the lightning power disappeared.


I took a breath as I sat on the ground.

The competition of power between heaven and earth is really not something ordinary people do. After 14 thunders of hard work, almost all my body and energy were exhausted.

However, I have been preparing for a long time, and he has already put Tianyuan Shendan, Emperor Yuanxiandan and Man Yuanling Dan into the silver spiritual sea.

These three medicines were placed in the sky in the south, forming a Z-shaped line. At this time, the essence of his body had just been exhausted, and he immediately saw the stars of the three medicines shed a little light and fell into his body almost Exhausted meridians.

This radiance lingered on my meridians, and suddenly some of my meridians that had been struck by thunder burst, and the tired aura was completely restored.

Then, the essence of blood began to explode in my body, and his breath was climbing, with only one foot able to break through the infancy of the Yuan Dynasty.


At this time, the dark clouds in the sky seemed to be falling towards my head, the entire ocean began to freeze, and snowflakes were flying in the sky.


The whole sky seemed to sink in an instant, and then I saw an iceberg one kilometer high crashing into my island.

"Go ahead"

In my palm, a purple ribbon suddenly rose, getting bigger and bigger, and turned into thousands of meters high, bombarding the icebergs in the sky.

Click, boom!

The iceberg collided with Fang Tianyin and froze for a while. Then I saw a silky crack on the iceberg, which became as big as a spider web. Then, the entire iceberg was torn apart and turned into countless pieces of ice falling to the ground. When it fell on me, because there were five flags to guard, everything spread along the five-color curtain, and finally fell on the cold sea.

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