
A huge palm pierced the ground. The ground was as rough as waves, and my body quickly retreated. I don't know what will happen, but I have to be careful.


A huge shadow jumped down from the ground and fell to the ground with a bang. Even the ground around it trembled to see how heavy this huge body was.

"Ah, hey, ha, I'm finally out."

A furious roar echoed through the core of the Forbidden Zone, as if a man had put his head in a jar and was speaking, not just in an urn, but speaking badly.

My eyes flashed through the thin light, and I watched the devil carefully up and down to get out of the predicament. This devil's body was very large, and his vision was at least ten meters. His upper body was like a similar person, and his lower body was like a rhinoceros, with one foot.

The proportions of muscles were simply not what a human could have, it was as if the devil had muscles all over his body, protruding from his skin like the roots of an old tree.

The demon was all dark blue, and his face looked like an orc, with a bloody mouth and two huge fangs growing from the corners of his mouth to the tip of his nose.

This ferocious image is actually more shocking than the demons on the mainland. This is the real devil. Although this devil has just escaped from trouble, his momentum is very powerful and even condensed into substance. The surrounding wind is constantly picking up gravel and soil from the ground.

"The devil is in charge of Dodd Gale!"

Joey couldn't help but whisper the devil's name. Although he is called a demon, he is just a title and nothing more than a hoax compared to the real demon.

"Huh?" The pupils in my eyes suddenly shrank, and Joey said the name of the devil I was more concerned about.

The name Dodd Gale is recorded in the memory of the strongman in my mind. He is one of the demon vanguards who invaded the Anriel continent. It is extremely powerful, ill-tempered, extremely cruel and bloody.

Evil spirits freed from trouble

Evil spirits freed from trouble

Not all of the evil cities are fatalistic, some of them are calm demons who take the lead in achieving their goals. If all humans resist, it will undoubtedly make it harder for them to invade Anriel continent, so some demons wisely leave all of prisoners.

But it definitely doesn't include the Dode Gaiar, a cruel and often unarmed demon. The pain of tearing a strong man in half with your defenseless hands is much greater than killing a strong man with a weapon.

If this were Dodd Gale in his prime, at my level at this point, I certainly wouldn't be trying to beat this strong man, but that's not to say things aren't getting better. This demon has been trapped in the magic array for more than a year. If his strength is not replenished in the process, his strength will definitely continue to decline.

Now it depends on how much his power drops. If the difference is not too big, then I will completely solve this hidden danger today. If a demon is allowed to take him to the mainland, he doesn't need to think about how many people will die. I would never let that happen.

"Ah, what is that?"

"Is it a devil?"

At this time, a shout came from the entrance behind me, saying that the Elf Queen and a group of elves had entered the core of the restricted area. Lilith just went out and saw that nothing happened to her mother, which was a sigh.

And those elves, including the Elf Queen, although the Elf Queen absorbed the fighting spirit and magic in her body, it finally recovered after such a long period of recovery. Although the combat effectiveness was greatly reduced, at least there was no need to wait outside.

The Elf Queen was secretly plotted by an old man and almost died, which made the other elves think they were humiliated and had to repay their hatred.

The young man who rescued them had entered the core of the forbidden land, and they could no longer put their benefactor in danger, so with the consent of the Elf Queen, everyone entered the core of the forbidden land and helped me kill Joey.

Who knew that when they came in, they happened to see the scene where Dodd Gale was sealed from the underground. No one expected that there would be such a demon in their forbidden area.

"It turns out the legend is true."

Lao Tian lost concentration in his eyes, kept muttering in his mouth, and was trapped in a forbidden area by a demon. Lao Tian once heard this legend told by his ancestors.

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