In the past, it was almost impossible to find the power of active and tenacious resistance to the continental abyss, but now there are more NEIs, that is, the power of magic fighting, the fusion of fighting spirit and magic.

In fact, I did not explain to Lin Shou in detail that the souls in the Pioneer Army had completely baptized him. His whole body was just wrapped in various energy packages, as if it was a transformation.

In Lin Shou's eyes, I was surrounded by various lights just now and looked like a huge egg. In fact, it seemed that I was going to return to my mother and grow again.

After this baptism, my muscles and bones became stronger, my muscles were full of tenacity and even had the potential to continue to grow. I think this will be a great help for future promotions.

I don't know if this was the case for the baptisms of the first ten consuls, or if he was the only one special. Although no one answered, a faint feeling told me that he was definitely a very special person.

There's more to it than I thought, I guess this Harbinger's energy is that it hasn't been extracted for many years, leaving the Harbinger with no idea what the crystal ball is. There seems to be no upper limit to how much energy can be extracted from the outside world.

Therefore, it is unimaginable that the energy of this armament pioneer is huge. In fact, the energy I just used in the continuous breakthroughs only accounts for a small part of the total.

If I didn't stop on purpose, the energy inside was almost endless and could still be supplied to me, but I didn't do that. He broke through one after another. If I rush to break through, I'm afraid there will be problems with my health.

After all, this is a level above the level, of course, every step must be cautious, now is no longer the time to modify to a lower level, at that time, what problems are still easy to find solutions to our bodies now So powerful. If something goes wrong, consider the consequences will be very serious.

So after I broke through, I cut off the armed Harbinger's energy supply, and that level was enough.

There is a light in my eyes, and there is a faint murder in Liu's light. Two figures appeared in his eyes. The snake demon leads Neo and the longevity lion man Tang.

These two people are already on my list to kill. If I say hatred, I don't necessarily want to kill both of them. The problem is that Qing is in a special situation now.

He has become the new governor of the underground city and has the right to use the underground city to cut internal areas. He is also obliged to take care of the current land of the Jing people. After all, the Steel City was cast in ancient Jing.

However, there is a premise that I can resist those who are eager to promote the city underground. If he cannot hold on to the city, he cannot talk about anything.

The most important thing is that I can block the news instead of letting the underground push the city's news out on a large scale, otherwise the eyes of the entire continent will come here.

Shoufang also said, I think they can't be sure what is in this deep pit, so as long as he keeps all the people here, the news will not be sent back to the Kou family, and even if there is any speculation, it must be confirmed first.

The Rubik's Cube is more troublesome. They, Otto retreated, and they had been lurking on the mainland for unknown years. This time, they were better prepared and even had a map, although records are presumably fragmentary. But it also fully proves that Odo's retreat occurred in the underground pit, and it has become clear what is under the pit.

So, even if I killed all the demons, I don't think Pastor Odo would accept them, but I'm not afraid of them, anyway, both sides became enemies, and I even doubt that guy, Joey, would become part of this organization. Otherwise, why did the old monster suddenly disappear and then suddenly appear after so many years?

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