, sleeping in the source of fire in Dantian, suddenly burst out from my body, under my runes, under the source, quickly covering my whole body, emitting the power of fire.

Under the flame of virtual spiritual fire, the amazing cold emanating from the ice crystal mountain makes no sense to me, "Although the original flame power of virtual spiritual fire can completely offset this amazing cold, But this mana is so amazing!" Thinking that my mana consumption was accelerating in my Dantian, I couldn't help laughing secretly.

Without any delay, he quickly approached Jingshan on the ice, took out a four-phase hybrid sword, and urged Jianwei to strike at the ice crystal mountain, which had been at the bottom of the cold lake for who knows how many years. It's also stronger than I thought.

When I cut the sword down and heard the sound of "tapping" metal, I left only a sword mark about 3 inches deep and 3 feet long in the ice crystal mountain. I have to look a little depressed when I see this. "I didn't expect this ice crystal mountain to be so hard. It seems impossible to take away these ice crystals for a long time!"

"According to the current terrifying speed of mana, if you want to persist for half a day, I'm afraid you have to drink a bottle of milk for a thousand years! But now it can't be that much. As long as you can find ice crystals that are ten thousand years old, even if you drink a bottle The spirit milk is also worth it!" I couldn't help but feel sad thinking that there were only four thousand bottles of spirit milk and milk left in my storage bag, but thinking about the ten thousand years of ice crystals was very important to me in making five flying swords. of.

Looking at the ice-covered mountain in front of me, my heart is ruthless. Driven by the magic power, the four-phase hybrid sword in my hand emits a weak and magical sword light. Under the precise control of my divine power, I slashed it towards the sword mark. As soon as I changed my mana, I manipulated the sword and cut it.

A few hours later, the Bingjingshan Mountain that I chopped down under the control of the Spiritual Sword just continued to stand tall, looking at the iconic Jingshan Mountain. It was only one foot high in front of my eyes, and it immediately shone in my eyes. Looking at the remaining Bingjing Mountain Road, "The jade is indeed recorded on the jade. Only at the bottom of the Jingshan ice layer can 10,000-year-old ice bile be formed. Look at the 10,000-year-old ice elf crystal, which can amount to 10,000 kilograms!" Considering the weight of the ice stone, I secretly estimated that the area in front of me had been wrapped in ice crystals for ten thousand years.

"The trip was worth it, and with such a big ice crystal, it was all worth it." As for the rest of the iceberg, instead of splitting it open, I dug out its roots and removed them directly from the storage ring. receive it.

"Why, what is this?" Just when I left the ice crystal for ten thousand years, I suddenly discovered that in the dug gully, there was a passage the size of a stone pier, which was as clear as crystal. Let me see how weird I feel. (.)

Leng Gengjin

"Is this crystal-like thing related to ice crystals? Otherwise, why would it be at the bottom of the iceberg?" Looking at this crystal clear body without strange blue crystals, I felt stuffy in my heart.

"It seems that this kind of thing was not mentioned on the jade that senior brother Dan Lingzi gave me!" In my doubts, I took out Dan Lingzi again and gave it to my jade to check it.

"There is really no record of this thing on the jade. I don't know what it is. I hid it under the ice crystal mountain to see how it looks normal and not strange. There seems to be nothing strange!" Looking at the crystal clear crystal , I couldn’t see why for a moment, I was not in the mood to continue thinking about it, but received the stored ring as a whole.

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