Next time you venture into an abandoned continent, you might not be so lucky! "In this way, Toba Gang sacrificed an airship, played one after another, and flew away with the monks of the Magic Fairy Island.

"Well, the monks in World of Warcraft and Ghost City are really ambitious. This time, they use the wave of monsters and beasts to let them enter the abandoned continent, get a big discount, and even want to enter again next time. This is wishful thinking Idea!" Looking at Tuobu Port and a group of monks from the Spirit Island in the distance, Master Tongming sneered.

"Yes, it is shameful that the Monk Wolf Ambition of Magic Road and Ghost City took advantage of this moment, but their two forces have been lurking for so many years and have been suppressed by us for so many years. They are definitely not willing to do this. Especially in the abandoned continent, there are many kinds of spiritual objects, so we can't let go of this opportunity to peek! "Although Yun Wanli is an alchemy monk, his analysis of it is very calm.

"No matter how many years he has been sleeping, as long as the wave of monsters and animals has passed, they will have no way to enter the abandoned continent again. Although they lost many disciples this time, this spirit comes from it, which must be a lot , it’s really cheap for them!” The real Tongming people obviously hated the monks and ghost towns of the magical immortal way. Although Tuo Bugang hadn’t left yet, he was still very cold.

"Hey, don't be angry, friends who are transparent! Our three disciples are under the Immortal Sect. Although they suffered a lot this time, they can survive after this experience. They must be talented and have great potential. Chances are, when they grow up, their achievements will be extraordinary!" Seeing Master Tong Ming's anger, Xing Yuanzi comforted him.

"Dao You, this is reasonable. Think about those days, we didn't walk all the way through the sea of ​​​​blood and walked out of the mountain of corpses to achieve today's achievements!" Xing Yuanzi's words made Master Tongming's anger immediately dissipate. , with an emotional look on his face.

"Two Taoist friends, don't talk here! Because these disciples can live in the desolate continent, I believe I have a lot of good things, we don't let them stay here for too long, to avoid accidents, they'd better return to the sect as soon as possible Go to the door!"

"Yun Dao's lobbying makes sense. In that case, take the wine and let them go back to the door as soon as possible!" In his speech, the three alchemy monks from the three fairy islands asked each spiritual monk and monk who led the group The newly minted monk gave the order, then sacrificed an airship or two and flew away.

Sitting on that fast boat, I thought to myself: "These three monks all know that we have gained a lot of wealth from the Abandoned Continent, why don't we move?"

However, as monks from the purgatory period, Xing Yuanzi and the other three were responsible for transporting the abandoned continent. They could not enter the abandoned continent at ordinary times, but they sealed the formation of the abandoned continent. There will be a period of weakness every thousand years. During this period of weakness, they can enter the continent as they please with their great power.

Due to their powerful power, people can easily find various gods of heaven and earth on the deserted continent. Although the period of weakness is only a few days, it is enough for them to search for various spirits of heaven and earth. Of course, I don't like the gods in the hands of all the monks in Jindan.

Full of questions, I knelt on the airship, only to hear the "whooshing" sound coming from the gap in the airship. This airship is a magic weapon of the Celestial Empire. It flies very fast in the sky. But this is very different from my Thunderwing speed.

Listening to the sound of breaking the sky from the speeding airship, I murmured: "I didn't expect this magic weapon to be so fast, that the speed of the wind and thunder wings I urged was no less than it!" With the airship Compared to my own surprise of Wind and Thunderwing, I was surprised in my heart.

Then he closed his eyes, meditated, and let the airship gallop under the control of a few puppets. The flying magic weapon flew smoothly in the air. A few days later, the airship's magic weapon stopped on a spiritual island.

He got off the airship, watched the monk put down the magic weapon of the airship, and said to the crowd: "This is Yiyang Island controlled by the Tianya clan. There is a large transportation team on the island." You can send it directly to the main island of the tenth group ! "

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