Martial arts is different from Xianxiu. Xianxiu holds the elixir in his hands, and the soul resists the sky, suppressing the cuts, flesh and skin; while the spirit of martial arts only holds the elixir, round and flawless, and balances. When the secret chamber is perfect, it is possible to refine the Qi. , dissipate God, alchemy fights against falsehood, although the spirit cannot interfere with reality, it is not afraid of the spiritual suppression of others.

Even after the gold body is cast, the essence is the spirit, the spirit is the gas, the gas is God, the will will not destroy the renewable gold body, the gold body can no longer destroy the will, in order to achieve a certain sense of immortality, blood chemical life, this It is also the reason why the golden body is immortal.

Xuezhi did take advantage of my mind. This was not a sneak attack, but more of a cathartic expression of a woman's nature. So, it’s normal to remember the simplest, most immediate mental spikes I can easily avoid.

But in the next moment her eyes were as bright as stars and she was whistling and screaming.

It was like a literal sound wave swept out and penetrated me through a vast amount of space, as if the entire maze of chaos had become a screen.

This time, it was no longer a fallout or a temptation, but a real force attack on a dedicated fighting force. Therefore, as soon as I came into contact with these ripples, I felt that my heart was broken into pieces. My heart was trembling and about to collapse. The fragile soul was mercilessly scorched as if exposed to the sun. , cannot be avoided and cannot be redeemed.

And the moon really brought those strong people, only after the aftermath swept in, and then with a bang, the head exploded, red and white, and was broken into smaller droplets by the ubiquitous sound waves, and fled.

"No mourning gift, a song that divides the soul"

Xuan Yue has really fought with Snow Cheese for nearly a thousand years, and her meaning is very clear. Just as she was about to move, she raised her hand and scattered a piece of pink smoke. The smoke was silent but suddenly filled the space.

If there are a large number of sound waves that hit the smoke, they will start to protrude left and right unscrupulously, but gradually begin to slow down, be absorbed and ablated by dust particles in the smoke, and finally be eliminated in invisible places.

The pink smoke spread forward, gradually covering my whole body, saving him from the fatal sound.

At this time, he was bleeding from his eyes, ears, nose and mouth. He looked in pain and had no strength to fight anymore.

Xuezhi's eyes were cold. She endured the pain and sat up. She stretched out the white jade pipa between her neck and pulled it down. The white jade pipa would grow in the wind and blink to the size of a normal instrument. She hugged Xuezhi's arms and stretched out her hand to dial. There was no sound of a rope, but it sounded like a piercing scream, just like that, blasting the pink smoke with an unparalleled wave, which quickly dispersed and revealed me again.

At the same time, Xuan Yue really appeared behind me, turned into a knife wheel, separated the space, held the back of my neck with his other hand, turned around and ran with him.

At first, Xuezhi was stunned, and the edges in his eyes became sharp again. He wanted to chase him from the beginning. He knew a staggering man who almost fell to the ground, his lower body almost completely unconscious.

The color of shame and indignation flashed across her face, and in a blink of an eye, it was replaced by endless murder.

She raised her hands to catch the sound waves around her and covered herself with them. Transparent sound waves are as real as a water curtain. at the same time

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