Looking at the Yuan Dynasty and Jin Dynasty, they also immediately thought of this issue. Generally speaking, after the mystery is "opened", the demons will become less and less, and their super product team can completely guarantee that the entire body will leave, but now the demons did not see it, but felt abnormal, these two unexpected and unreasonable The towns where people live are even stranger.

At the same time, we can't help but fall silent, wondering how to stop in the future, whether to continue exploring or abandon the mission.

If we continue to explore, there are obviously unusual changes in the mystery, and I wonder what dangers await. The absolute elite of all racial groups were present, and the troops to which they belonged had an intolerable accident. But giving up the mission was a bit of a fuss. Now I just encountered something abnormal, not yet. The exploration itself is not dangerous, and I am not even willing to take any risks, which is the so-called exploration.

"Can you get around it? That means around town."

Jiang Ling didn't like this kind of atmosphere very much. When he opened his mouth to block the way, he thought of a way that wasn't like this.

"It's unrealistic, it's too big and there are unknown dangers, but it can get through quickly."

His answer was Modo, he didn't change his face from beginning to end, it seemed like the current situation was that he wasn't worried at all.

Through the conversation between the two, we gradually thought. Jiang Ling pointed to the old road and said: "This road goes straight through the town. We don't want to explore, just run."

Things are getting out of control, and there's no better way to get posterity to nod in agreement.

We are not saying to give up from beginning to end, people who can reach this level are not weak, not only the strength of the strong, but also the heart of the strong, it is not their character to give up easily; the road back and forth may not be safe, at least On the way back to town there are insurmountable road obstacles.

So pedestrians came to the river mouth of the town, looked at the fog shrouded in vaguely similar scenes, formulated countermeasures, and ran every method.

It turns out that no superman is a weakling, that is to say, Shenglan, one of the worst people before the war, did not fall behind, and even lazily observed the similarities and differences between this place and the previous town.

The two towns were clearly from the same time period, the town was even larger and she could even see that some areas had simply been renovated. This should be the renovation of the old city. Everything seemed normal here except there was no one around. But in areas where no one is actively involved, the more normal the situation becomes, the creepier it feels.

This feeling is especially popular with Sheng Lan due to the sensitivity of women, who would rather fight a horde of demons than this unknown horror.

Now she just wants to stay away from this ghost place and find a place she knows as soon as possible.

People walked too fast and out of breath. They walked out of the other exit of the town, and nothing strange happened in the meantime.

"Humph", Sheng Lan breathed a sigh of relief. In this strange town, the pressure was still very high, but under the advanced care of Hefeng during the Yuan and Jin Dynasties, he finally did not fall behind.

She looked back and was about to say something, but suddenly stopped, looking at the unfamiliar faces in front of me, Yuan Jin with a surprised face, Modu who was still expressionless, and said in a hoarse voice: "Feng He How is Jiang Ling?"

I said, "When I look back, I don't see them."

His own background is one of floating light and glare, which isn't wasted these days. The understanding of Yuan Daci's generation turned into an incarnation - a purple electric flash, so this figure was the fastest, except for Modu, who was always following him. But when he looked back at the people behind him, he only saw Yuan Jin and Sheng Lan following him, and the other two were completely missing.

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