"You people will wait and see, ask for discounts, see you sending the most talented people of the younger generation, and can't wait to send your nephews to get the good stuff. Have you never thought of doing this because there is no one else?"

Jiang Luhan turned to look at her and said, "What are you talking about?"

The middle-aged woman laughed for a long time before she calmed down. Her face was as sad as a smile: "We don't have anyone anymore. The harsh environment, the ravages of bloody demons, and the erosion of anger made them reach the point of genocide at any time." Limit." If we don't take advantage of this opportunity, we may die after the next blood demon wave. "

At this time, she turned to Jiang Luhan with a crazy color in her eyes: "Now you know why they would send their children to a mysterious family, which is the best child in the family." She added, looking at Jiang Luhan had a crazy color in his eyes. "Now you know why you sent your child into a mysterious state, don't you?"

Jiang Luhan's cheek twitched, he avoided the woman's gaze and turned to the mist. What's going on? I just want Junyue to wear gold.

He was thinking too complicatedly, and suddenly found that the fog seemed to be rolling in the confusion. What's this? Hallucination?

The badlands to the east, the land of the town.

No, it should be the current town.

After such a long period of development, the ghost town originally explored, which is equivalent to the structure of the city, has also been completely developed and is called my name. Other auxiliary cities have also become horns, radiating an area. This area is known as town land.

With the efforts of the core figures of Wenliang Jinming Shenlin, the town is becoming more and more prosperous, far surpassing the affiliated cities previously commanded by other leaders, and even gradually catching up and surpassing the Gaoyang clan. In terms of population alone, it has almost caught up with the size of a large tribe.

However, this situation, however, became more and more subtle as time went on after my confusion.

If it weren't for the arrival of the Blood Demon Tide and Jin Ming using the method I left to quickly stabilize the level of the product, something bad might have happened. But even so, the increasingly gloomy expression on Wen Wen's face showed that the situation was not going so well.

This huge piece of town land doesn't take just two quality products to protect it.

"How many days has it been?"

Looking at Jin Ming walking into the study, Wen Liang put down the paper in his hand, stretched out his hand to rub his eyes to relieve his fatigue, and asked habitually.

Jin Ming naturally knew what he was asking, and he replied calmly: "It's been almost a month and a half."

"It's been so long," Wen Liang frowned, let go of his hand, and looked directly at his disciple. "Have you ever asked how long it takes to find the usual mysteries?"

"Day after day, because there is an error in calculating the blood monster tide in a city, it is said to be two years, but this is only the value of one area. That is to say, within two years, the blood monster tide will break out at any time, especially the chaotic one. The situation is extremely dangerous near the outbreak of the demon tide, so it doesn’t take a long time to explore it.”

Wen Liang nodded and said he knew there was nothing he could do about it. Only the old people in the East are most familiar with this situation. Instead of listening and worrying when they first come, it's best to feel comfortable and do what they're good at.

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