. "

"Especially, do it!" The shaft-less car bit his teeth, stepped on his feet, and said to the crowd: "The real Dragon Warrior died under the weapons of mortals, which one is more disappointing?" What's embarrassing?" Anyway, after solving these messy problems first, we can fix them so that we can practice slowly! "

Everyone agreed, and the invisible road turned around and shouted, "You are unbeatable!"

Ye Bibi, the lieutenant from the Flying Dragon Legion's second lieutenant camp immediately ran over and said: "Senior guard, please order!"

Lu looked at him solemnly and said: "From now on, the Dragon Army will be under your command!" If I don't come back, you will be the lieutenant of the Dragon Army! Tell the whole army, no matter what you see, don't make a fuss, remember, you are a flying dragon brother, no one, no weapon, can defeat you! "

Ye Bibi's face changed, and he shouted out loud: "Senior guard, what are you going to do?"

The invisible wave player said: "No need to say more, you go!" Try to sacrifice some brothers as little as possible, and let the powerful ones pull in a few more! bring it on! "

Ye Wushuang is also a disciple of Shuilian, so he naturally knows his brother's temper. With tears in his eyes, he still nodded vigorously and shouted to the guards around him: "Brother, whoever comes up first, come with me to save people!"

It was almost dawn, but the night still enveloped the entire sky, and the mountains could not see their fingers. Fourteen real dragon soldiers gathered together. Long San whispered: "Brothers, let's go!"

When his voice dropped, the eyes of the fourteen people began to turn red, the spirits in their bodies quickly became illusive, and a large number of halos were released from their spirits. Their heads had been suppressed by the Dragon King, and their heads protruded from their scalps. Starting from now on, it becomes more and more prominent!

Powerful impact seal

Previous: A tiger roars, thunder and a waterspout follow

Blood flowed from the individual's nostrils, mouth and ear holes, because the Dragon King's seal was not easy to break. In the case of lack of spiritual energy, they must rely on the power of their real Dragon Spirit Pill!

It’s just that without foreign aid, relying solely on the aura of the elixir will definitely be rejected by the elixir. Therefore, even if they forcefully break through the seal and restore the real Dragon Warrior himself, the elixir will be greatly damaged and will take a long time to repair. , but now, for the hundreds of thousands of Xuanjun Xianji and Hades, and for the thousands of flying dragon brothers on this mountain, they can no longer control so much!

The dragons on their heads came out one after another, and the real dragon soldiers breathed a sigh of relief. Now they still have time to incense. During this time, they will retain some of the magic skills of the real dragon heroes. After using a stick to incense , the Dragon King will continue to seal on them, and then they will lose all their skills and a lot of physical strength!

"Let's go!" Long San greeted, and the fourteen people left an afterimage in the sky and quickly disappeared into the forest!

At the Dragon Army ceremony, what Lu couldn't see was the deputy general. Since there were no senior guards, he was the boss of the entire Dragon Army!

But for the real dragon hero, Long Sanlong is the real head, because he himself is the third prince of the Dragon King, and for the Dragon Clan’s most knowledgeable and powerful magical power, the invisible road is also a joy to believe. at this point!

The Yin Army fleet is everywhere in the sea, but I personally like ghosts. I jump from the top of the mountain and into the East China Sea, quietly, and no one notices!

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