I held the bean sprouts and said, "Don't be angry. This kind of thing happens every day. If you burn down this home, can you burn it all down?" If we really want to save them, we must let ourselves grow as quickly as possible, Overthrow this cannibalistic system and make the world a safe and secure place, and there won't be anything so ugly! "

Li Mei walked out of it and said to Iwate Taka: "Well, okay, go in and get something!" In addition, the carriage must be modified as soon as possible, so it is not impossible to enter the city! "

Every time Yun Liangting goes out to work, he has his own five floats, each with about seven or eight people. This scale is no longer small. It can be seen that Yunzhou City was once a vibrant city. magnificent.

At this time, the sparrow dancers got on the float, and the original carriage was dismantled and turned into a caravan filled with tables and chairs.

I don’t want to ride in a carriage anymore, the more I go in the carriage the more it stands out so it makes people stand out more and I want to change that.

Everything is dressed up. It's almost noon. Leng Qing said to her mother, whose face was as swollen as a pig's head: "Can you leave now?"

Mom nodded quickly and said, "Okay, just." Mom looked at her carefully, hesitant and speechless.

As soon as he glared at her, he said to her: "If you have something to say, what do you want to swallow?"

Her mother was so frightened that she almost sat on the ground and said to her hurriedly: "We are leaving now. It's time to go to Taizhou. It's too early to open the door!"

"It depends on what you can do!" Leng Qing squinted his eyes and said to her: "If you want us to eat dew outside the door, we will wait for the door to open. If you have a way to get in, that is a great achievement. We are not afraid Spend money."

There was a look of fear on the mother's face, and she nodded quickly and said, "Grandma, I know what to do!" Children, let's go. are you ready? "

"Okay!" A group of women's voices came from upstairs, and then a number of dressed women got off. They were carrying a large package and threw it behind the caravan, but the man got on the float in front. .

This float is bigger than my carriage, so the mahjong dancers now sit together in the second to last carriage. The remaining four cars are all girls from Yunliang Pavilion. With the cry of the turtle, the convoy set off!

The first five cars, three grocery carts behind, thirteen too cold wind, cold people, and calm three are all maids dressed and sitting on the axles, and the rest of the people have to follow.

Yet, I was still sitting in the car, surrounded by my daughter. The beautiful hugs made him feel comfortable even with the blisters on his nose! I really hope that this road will be as long as possible. I will be immersed in this incense country forever and it will be difficult to extricate myself!

On this road, after three rests, my mother and the women at Yun Pavilion provided food. Cold and clear, everyone is reassured that they will eat boldly. Of course, this is talking about the Taibao No. 13. According to my concubine and I’s body shape, even if we get food poisoning, it won’t necessarily kill them!

While eating, I asked Iwataka: "Why is this woman so obedient now?" Aren't you afraid that she will play tricks again? "

The eagle shook his head on the rock and whispered to him: "Give her some courage, she won't dare!" Now they were frightened by the cold! "

I was a little surprised, looking at the cold clearness, and said, "What method did she use?" How could they be so obedient? "

Evart Eagle hesitated, but then remembered her duty. She said honestly: "She killed the woman who lost her hand in front of everyone in the Yunliang family."

When I was shocked, I shook my head helplessly and stopped asking. Before Taibao No. 13 became Xuanjun, they were all green forest thieves. Even in their calm hands, they had a lot of blood on them. Since entering the Xuan Army, more people have been killed than before. Some people dare to bully them. What a shame!

Shiying hesitated because I was afraid I would be unhappy, but I really disliked and sympathized with these women who forced them to become prostitutes. I also knew this was the most direct way, so I said nothing and went back to the car.

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