The ghost son didn't dare to say anything, but he glared at her fiercely, turned around, pulled a man off the horse behind him, turned around, and sat up alone.

The killing king is much smarter than the ghost son. He was already a foot away from the hive. He smiled and said to the ghost boy: "Fighting with this careful woman is your only loss. The best way is to stay away from her!"

The queen snorted and just wanted to say something. Someone behind her said coldly: "Who said you would lose if you fight with a woman?" Women won't get used to it. The more you are used, the more arrogant she becomes! "

Hearing this voice, not to mention the King of Destruction and the Ghost Son, even the Queen Bee was covered in bees, with a look of fear!

The man behind him screamed, and with the sound of "Puff!", one by one fell into the hole at his feet. Although it was not very deep, it was enough for them to turn the horse over! Some people were caught off guard and had their horse and human legs broken!

A skinny old man, with nothing but his horse's belly, walked forward slowly with his hands behind his back. This head is shorter than Domination World, but there is no contempt on his face, just a smile on his face, like a cute old doll.

However, those people, including the King of Destruction, saw the old man's appearance, but their faces were frightened, as if they did not even dare to breathe. Even the Queen Bee had dismounted, stood respectfully next to him, and said to him. The old doll bowed and said: "The king of ants drives the car, and if the bees do not meet each other, it is a sin to die!"

The Ant King looked at her with a smile, pointed at her nose, nodded, shook his head and said, "Don't you let your bee swarm meet you?" But now the bee swarm has become a crazy nest. No one can recognize them anymore, so I left them in Luoyang Valley! Let them run around and get you into trouble! "

"You!" The queen trembled all over, but she did not dare to get angry after all. She turned around and said to the Ant King with a smile: "If you want to raise my children, the Ant King must leave more than half of the ants to accompany them, right?" In this way, Let them reconnect with their feelings, Bee and the old man are here on the line! "

The ant king smiled and nodded to the queen bee and said: "Little boy, I like your cleverness!" This child, that is, those who are capable, is not something that some cats and dogs can come and tear apart! "

The King of Destruction and the Ghost Son looked pale and hummed, but did not speak. (Hua Yuan)

Cotton, Hua Tang Xiao said) There is no way, the green forest is like this, everything is based on strength, ability cannot be compared with others, you must listen to others!

The Ant King turned his head, looked at the exterminator and the ghost boy and said, "Oh, there are two more children here!" The old man just said that cats and dogs do not include you! Come on, children, come to Grandpa. This time, we will catch the treasure together. After the activity, we divided the baby into four parts, one! "

The King of Destruction and the Ghost Son were both stunned, it was hard to believe their ears! The queen bee is very careful and the ant king is stingy, but the green forest is famous! Now I can't believe I'm with them. Does the sun rise from the west?

These two people were very happy. They just wanted to say yes. The snow behind me hummed coldly and said to these people disdainfully: "Have the ten sacred kings told you your news?" That is to say, eight Old women, there were ten of them, but we killed two! Is the Holy King better than you? Just use each other and sit back and enjoy the success of it,

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