Squatting down, inexplicably holding a few pieces of soil and branches, he drew a line on the ground and said to people: "The time is coming, I can only put up a simple riddle called Jiuqu Turbulent Waves, Illusory Sea Formation!" Eagle Brother, I need thirteen Taibo to cross the river and pass through the water from the other side of the river, so that the river water will flow out of the waves. The bigger the better! "

The eagle nodded on the rock and said, "No problem!"

Inexplicably, he said to the earth: "Brother Meng, I need you to dig a few holes on the road, from the slope to the river, deep enough to bury half of a person's body!"

Dadi asked her: "Is it right to leave a middle road and dig on both sides of the road?" Is the road two feet wide? The hole was three feet wide and five feet deep. Is it enough? "

He nodded inexplicably and said: "That's enough!" He turned his head, looked at the wind and said: "Brother Li, I want you to block the fence at the slope and the break as soon as possible, so that they will not walk along the slope. The river is rushing out!" You can borrow their big net from Tie Wa, which will have a better effect! "

"Iron baby!" I turned my head inexplicably, looked at Tie Wa and said, "I need two people to look at me. These two people will be among thousands of enemies. They may be bumped and trampled, but they will definitely Can't fall down!" Because in the eyes of the enemy, they will become other illusions, so continue to stand, otherwise they will collapse as soon as they move! "

Tie Wa nodded and said inexplicably: "Princess, don't worry, I will pick you up right away!"

Out of nowhere, he clapped his hands and said to me: "Okay, let's arrange it this way. Let's finish it as quickly as possible and try to finish it all while drinking tea. I'll start preparing!"

"Wait a minute! There is still a very important task that has not been completed!" I looked at it for no reason and smiled. My eyes widened inexplicably, could this guy still be framed? These nine songs shocked Hai Zhen. This is how they were arranged. What is missing?

I don't need them to ask, smile and say, "Don't look at me, but I also know what's missing!" There isn't a role for these people to join the ranks yet, so let me do the job! "

Suddenly, it's the same situation, digging a good hole so hard that people don't jump in, that's not a busy job! He held my hand out of nowhere and said, "Then come with me now and I'll teach you how to play!"

In order to attract people, they have to fight, so how to get out of your own heart and don't trap the enemy, they are trapped in it too!

The two men walked all the way down Tubo and said inexplicably: "Don't believe what you see in front of you, don't let the illusion fall in your mind. Otherwise, even if you have left the battlefield, you will think that you are still fighting." !”

Because this is a phantom array, it uses illusions to scare people. I also know how to do it. I am clear and clear, with red pupils blooming, which can break all illusions!

"You could hear the drums, divided into different rhythms, and when each rhythm changed, you had to turn left!"

I was shocked, turned around and asked her: "Isn't this nine songs?" Turn left? Isn't that spin? "

He nodded inexplicably and said, "Keep turning left!" Because it's a magical array, when you think you're going left, it's actually going right, or you keep walking, but you have to turn left, you You'll go to the water, and then you'll be on the other side, and then you'll get out, and when the position is broken, you can come back! "

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