There were five or six people standing on the stone, one with a chubby head, big ears, wearing a dark red silk robe, and a big belly, standing in front of him with disdain.

Behind him stood two middle-aged men, one on the left, with a pointed monkey cheek, a mole on his cheek, and a few hairs on the mole. He held a fan in his hand, accompanied by a smiling face, a fat fan wind, a groveling slave.

On the right, a man is thin and small, his face is fierce. He held a paper fan in his hand and shook it in front of his chest.

Two feet behind the three, several people stood.

One is a man in his sixties, with a wrinkled face and a bent waist. His clothes are patched and shabby.

The other is a young man in his early twenties, handsome in appearance, but with tight lips, a proud look, and a dusty face.

The other was a woman in her thirties. Her eyes flashed across the crowd. When she touched the middle-aged man with a paper fan, he trembled with fear and held the child in his arms.

As soon as I stepped on the big rock, the people felt it and turned their heads together, and suddenly they were shocked.

When the fat man saw the snow leopard and the snow leopard, his face changed and he took a step back in fright. However, as soon as he saw the woman sitting on the two beasts, his eyes opened wide. He no longer wanted to open his eyes wide again and stared at the faces of the three women unscrupulously without blinking. Eye!

I walked up to the old man and whispered to him and the woman next to him: "Grandpa, auntie, don't be afraid, they don't bite."

The old man and the old woman were still scared, but I had no choice but to smile painfully, shrugged at the sparrow dance, and consciously took a few steps back to keep a distance from them so as not to scare others.

The green shirt just swept across my body, and he turned his head again, as if he had done nothing in his heart, without moving his hands, looking at more and more ferries in the middle of the river. ?

Wei'er pulled my sleeve, and I turned around and asked him, "What's wrong, Wei'er?"

Wei Er took out an envelope from his arms and said excitedly: "I only remember that my father once said that Zhou Shanren, the owner of Taicang Rice Shop in Yuecheng, is his friend. We can go see him, and maybe we can borrow some money! "

I smiled and said to Wei Er: "It is necessary to visit Master's friends, but if you borrowed two things, don't mention it again. We have hands and feet, and we can earn it ourselves."

Wei Er smiled sweetly: "What did my brother say? What!"

cross the river

The two men's voices were low, but when he talked about Taicang Rice Store, the green shirt was shocked. He turned his head, looked at me again, then turned back and stopped moving.

"How many receptionists want to cross the river?" A man in the river shouted. The crowd looked and saw that the ferry had arrived at the river.

The man with sharp monkey gills cursed: "Nonsense, why is Master Du Jiang blowing cold wind in this wretched place?"

The boat was supported by an old man in his fifties. He smiled at the bronze face that was blown by the river wind all year round and said, "It's this little old man who made a lot of requests." But this ship can only carry eight people. You have to board the ship in batches and wait for the youngest son twice before you can take the guests. Send across the river. "

The man with monkey gills snorted angrily: "Too much!" "Do you have a chance to postpone your master's important event?" Turned around and laughed at the fat man. "Sir, let's get on the boat first."

With the help of the monkey's pointed cheeks and ears, the fat man walked up and down the square and stepped on the bed.

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