When I was checked.



"for what?"

"Dacheng Hengyu"

"What are you doing in Little Torment City?"

“Come on a trip, go in and have a few drinks.”

"Have you ever attended a face-to-face meeting?"

The person on the left kept asking, but I didn't stop, and the answers were like a series of answers.

After this investigation.

I finally entered Little Torment City.

In fact, in theory, inventory is just a formal process and has little meaning.

After all, who can’t change the way he or she looks when he or she gets to where he or she is now?

If you really want to find out the personal details, you can only read the memory, but who doesn't make sense? This approach is of course not advisable.

But they are not afraid of anyone causing trouble in Little Torment City.

This kind of confidence is not only possessed by criminal groups, but also by the top ten super-patriarchal families.

As a supernatural being from the Immortal Continent, it has long been deeply rooted in people's hearts. Who dares to cause trouble in their territory?

It's like committing suicide.

People like me are just a few exceptions.

After entering the city, I looked for restaurants.

The restaurant he was looking for was not an ordinary restaurant, it was a restaurant where Hengyu people often visited him.

Because only in this case, the chance of meeting Zheng Fan will be greater.

Back off, and even if you don't meet him, you'll have a better chance of luring him out of his punishment.

He came to the city center and there was a lot of noise in the streets.

But vaguely, I heard an illusory piano sound.

At first he didn't care.

But gradually, the sound of the piano became more and more clear, melodic and curling, very beautiful.

He paused to look for the source of the piano sound.

Finally, far ahead, I found a restaurant called Lexinlou, and the sound of the piano came from there.

With strong curiosity, he strode over.

He came to the door of Lexin Building.

People were coming and going on the street without stopping or hoping, as if they were used to it.

When I walked into Yuexin Building, I found that although it was full of guests, they were all men.

The restaurant is a place for drinking and singing, so it should be noisy, but no one is talking here, only the sound of the piano echoes.

Even the strong and fierce ones said nothing.

I looked at each guest in front of me. There was no taste of mountains and seas, only a few simple wine dishes and a jug of wine.

Everyone is silent, drinking lightly, as if immersed in the beautiful melody, more like not wanting to break the peaceful atmosphere here.

"Please be polite and go this way."

He was greeted by an individual, his voice deliberately lowered.

I waved the folding fan politely, followed the man, walked to a corner, and looked up.

Qinxuan Tower has floors and is ancient and melodious, but there are no pavilions and they are all open halls.

The top two floors were also overcrowded.

But in the gap between the buildings, there is an unexpected pavilion hanging, with carved beams and columns, small and delicate, with a bright surface.

The pavilion is carved from some kind of sacred wood.

The sound of the piano came from the exhibition hall.

But the pavilion is surrounded by curtains, and there is just a vaguely beautiful gesture of sitting inside and caressing the piano.

There is also a plaque hanging in front, with an elegant font engraved on it, Yuexin Pavilion.

The man took me to the table in the corner, stretched out his hand and said, "Sir, please sit down."

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