The internal rumbling operations were all on Teng Shending, and the fishing time was relatively long this time. When I saw a small wooden house from a distance, only in the whirlpool marked with the road, the mercenary hung above the whirlpool, shaking violently, emitting purple light.

"Is this the God Blessed Cabin? How desolate it is!" Zhang Xiaoman wanted to express her point of view. She prefers an environment full of plants, more desolate than the wilderness. The ground was black and pitted, making it difficult to step on. There are lead clouds above my head, and I can't see clearly in the distance. The whole world feels very depressing!

I smiled and said, "Don't worry, the desolation is only temporary!" The buildings in God's Domain attract each other and kill each other, just like playing chess. Maybe there will be a big house for each small cabin. We walked along and rested in the advanced cabin. . "

"Yes!" Everyone was really tired. They kept running in the magma belt day and night. No matter how strong their bodies were, they couldn't bear it. For example, Zheng Baolun once secretly beat up a slippery guy. For almost half his life, if it weren't for Zheng Baolun, Tyrannosaurus, he would be too tired to stand up.

Ten meters away from the cabin, the wall is like a door lock, blocking the entry of outsiders.

Although the barrier is not thick, it is closely related to the regular roulette wheel of the sacred realm, with some simple characteristics of divine protection. I put my hand on the obstacle and threw a dense halo around me, instantly opening the passage inwards and giving people a new feeling.

After all, this is the realm of God, and a seemingly simple cabin is not simple at all.

I waved the authorization and stipulated that everyone entering and exiting the cabin could enter and exit the cabin freely. After a moment of body shaping, we were all happy to finally have a place to rest and relax a little from the tension.

With the sound of "Woo-Woo", people walked into the ancient building, surrounded by walls. There is only an open space at the feet, which needs to be cleared since it is near the window.

“Is this God Bless Cottage?”

It's not the high bed warm pillow you imagined. Most of the buildings are attached to the healing officer and no shadow can be seen, let alone the architectural spirits such as the family gods who protect the family. Okay! There is another room outside, which is a ruins and a garbage dump. I don’t know where I can find space in an old building. I can deal with it casually and sell it for money.

Others were tricked, but their captain became the recipient and traveled all the way to bring everyone with him. Luckily I didn't lose my home and I didn't have a warm pillow in my high bed. I can get a blanket and roll it down.

"Everyone, find a place to rest!" After entering the cabin, I began to relax, and gradually a cross star of light appeared on my forehead, and a golden halo appeared behind my head. The dense pattern of marijuana was very It quickly gathered on the halo.

Where can we rest when we see this? Everyone gathered in front of me. Face to face, they felt boundless magnificence and boundless light. They bowed and stood naturally, feeling uncontrollable surprise and deep awe!

"When did the boss ascend to the throne?"

"Have you ever used those Iron Shield Gods? But this is wrong! The foundation is all on the God of War, and even the God of War has defensive gods, but this is very different from the path that bosses usually take."

Yi Xi, Chen Jian and others were even more shocked. They were no strangers to the throne of God. They just wanted to know where the throne of the Iron Shield God was? Thousands of golden clouds are about to condense above the head, and even if it tries to suppress it, it is still natural to attract God from the sacred space, and its details are incomprehensible!

But how is this possible? When did the captain ascend to the throne? Why can’t people around see Yunshan?

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