Of course, it was also quite dangerous, but they couldn't resist the temptation of trekking through the fog. The barbarian tribe is not only their hopeless hope to escape the predicament, but also their motivation and sustenance to continue to persevere in the fog.

Therefore, even if the barbarian tribe is really a dragon pond and a tiger cave, they must break in!

zero settlement point

As I continued to follow, I gained a deeper understanding of the savages.

At night the savages halted their advance and found a place to encamp. Their camps are also crude, but still have basic patrols and sentries, all controlled by teenagers. What interested us was that the savages spread a circle of green liquid on the edge of the camp, exuding a faint fragrance.

"Can you expel this beast?" I think there was almost no beast intrusion tonight, and even with him, the stalker was tainted by the light and had a safer night.

The Savages continued on the road the next day, with two fewer walkers and two more bodies - invading wildlife not quite befitting my encounter, but deadly to both Savages and teenagers.

"Will they bring the body back and bury it? But it will be too light and too slow." I looked at the body of the savage who was dragged to the ground by his contemporaries, piercing the skin with thorns and smashing it with stones My head gradually became unhealthy. He couldn't help but frown, not wanting to look directly at him.

At the river the savages stopped, bent over like wild beasts to drink, and sprinkled the water upon them with joy. Teenagers rarely join in the joyful atmosphere, except for a few who care for prey and bodies, and also take part in the unknown carnival.

Suddenly, the water splashed up and fell out of the river like a crocodile, biting a savage and dragging it down into the water. The carnival suddenly stopped. A group of savages rushed over and fought with the wild beasts. The river was stained with blood. Finally, the buffalo riders took the carnival. Bodies of wild animals were dragged ashore, roaring, while the savages around them worshiped, cheered, and respected the brave men as if they were gods.

This alien beast is not weak and can be included in the level of demon-level beasts, so the barbarians regard it as a kind of wealth, especially if it is borne by adult barbarians. To my surprise, this group of barbarians actually After eating their flesh and drinking their blood, the rider who killed the alien also pulled out the bloody demon core from the monster's head and licked it for a while. This scene was really disgusting.

You know, yesterday the barbarians were still making fires and barbecues, but today they started drinking blood, which is difficult to understand and accept. Then they shouted to the sky, their faces red, and I knew it was the flesh and blood of the beast.

After a while, the savages began to cross the river, and I saw lizards, crocodiles, pythons and even sharks in the river, but they were afraid of the vastness and killing of foreign beasts. In the end, only a young savage was attacked and his life saved.

At this time, I, Jin Xuan, was a little embarrassed. They wanted to continue tracking across the river. It was not difficult. The underwater hunters were nothing to them, but the water could not do such quiet light work. It was easy to be found by barbarians. If Get into the water too late and they might lose the savage.

Finally, the two men decided not to scare the snake because they felt that the wild man would not be able to hear the movement in the water before crossing the river. On the way, they killed the python with their swords, scared away the beast, and reached the other side calmly.

After crossing the river, the two tried to investigate for footprints or other traces, but they heard a rough song and immediately smiled at each other.

"Now I feel that listening to this terrible song is much more intimate," Jinxuan said.

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