, he has many ideas. It seems like he still wants to be vice president or something.

I feel so empty right now. Chaos is a kind of inheritance, and the chaotic aura has been integrated into his own mind. Since then, there has been no such decision in the world. Although there are elements of anti-heaven drugs such as pills, there is no chaotic operation and the power of the drug is definitely the most violent poison in the world.

Except for Fu Zifang, their only brother who has some qualifications, those two are useless. At that time, I was a little doubtful whether I was too hasty and opened the Lao Shiguo store so early.

No matter what, first take care of your brother's health.

Within a day, I personally took the shot and used spiritual wine to raise all the brothers to the early stage of nourishing qi. Although we cannot continue to practice, healthy living and hundreds of years of life are no longer a problem.

Fu Zifang, I left it to the guard captain to take care of me. Liu Sui is definitely a trustworthy candidate.

Unexpectedly, Fu Zifang later got a great opportunity, got the body of a fairy, and followed me to a wider world. Taking risks there soon became my greatest asset. This is a postscript.

Gu Lian is really a good manager. Under his management, the control of the Animal Sect is fair, the laws and disciplines are strict, each disciple and everyone performs their duties, the organization is clear, and both internal and external affairs are arranged in an orderly manner.

I don't know where he learned it. This kind of education method respected me spiritually and allowed students to have unshakable faith in me when they were at home with secular children and even families who were related. This is mainly because I severely damaged Yuxiu Renxing's first stage in the later hijacking stage and established my absolute prestige.

In the realm of truth, the strong are the greatest. This awareness has penetrated deeply into disciples of various schools and families, as well as families in the secular world with whom they are connected.

Therefore, as the school grew, so did the confidence of all the disciples of the clan. The majesty of the Lord increased with him. This forms a centripetal force! However, the disciples and family members of the sect in the world have a greater sense of superiority and belonging.

The jade carvings made by Gu Lian, by chance, became the spiritual sustenance of his disciples, schools and families under his subordinates, and actually became a transfer station for people under his disciples to store supplies.

It provides me with an inexhaustible supply of the pure spirit of heaven and earth. However, I'm terrible at it and haven't seen noticeable results yet. Only when the critical moment arrives can this will show its greatest effect.

The foundation of the world of truth lies in the world of customs. Although many people in the world have become practitioners and look down on ordinary people, it is undeniable that Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism in the world have a huge impact on the world of truth.

Some Xiuzhen sects are among them, or are inextricably linked to them.

there's still a long way to go. I left my brothers and their families to Gu Lian for arrangements, which was really satisfying, and my brother’s family was even more satisfied. Because although they are a little scared, what they get now is a very satisfying life. In the words of Yang’s father: “Is my father in heaven now?” You can eat meatballs and dumplings every day! she has"

I added two more craftsmen to my deputies.

Under the control of the beast gate, the gate in the horse hall, under my instructions, is always watching the movements of the Shushan Sword Sect. To the confusion of all schools and families in Xiuzhen's world, Shushan Sword Sect did not make any sound. He neither sent new staff to Tianhai City, acquiesced to the Mo family's rule in Tianhai, nor apologized to his brothers, nor asked why his disciples collectively turned to control the beast sect.

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