There was a hint of suspicion and dissatisfaction with me, but the smoke has cleared now. Maybe my practice at this time is still far from their expectations, but with the faith of this emperor, I can definitely revitalize the Pangu people! Because, I got the approval of Pangu Ax!

Through this trace of communication, I got to know Pangu better and understood his thoughts. I admire a person who is committed to opening up a new world. This development is absolutely selfless.

In the same way, I am inexplicably reminded of King George, the war-loving King of England who was also a groundbreaking monarch. It can be said that it was he who laid the foundation for the Shadow Kingdom's rule in the ocean. During the reign of King George, the Shadow Kingdom carried out military expansion and colonial rule over the world, and successively conquered the Maple Leaf Kingdom, Tianzhu Kingdom and the Caribbean Islands.

This disrespected and very unique king who died in the toilet is still famous in history. that's all.

Now legend has it that the ancient god's body was at his feet, and the battle ax he used to make the earth float before his eyes. It's all true! Under the light of God Pangu, humans, gods, and emperors. Everything becomes a blur!

At this time, I finally understood why the Pangu people were so persistent in restoring their ancestors! Even ordinary people don't want their ancestors to die without intact bodies. This ancestral star is the body of Pangu God. This ancestral star is broken, which is equivalent to the fact that Pangu God's body has been divided into countless fragments. Of course, future generations hope that their ancestors can remain intact.

At this moment, I vowed that finding fragments of ancestral stars must be an important task in my lifetime. The inheritance of the Pangu people is also for their own commitment and for this sacred god, that is, there is no selfless spirit.

I looked at the ax and whispered: "Is this the best Taoist priest?"

The old man looked at me and said: "Taoist utensils are just messed up by people in the fairyland." This fairy world not only has artifacts; Their grades range from low, medium, high to best. Above magic are sacraments. The level of a master is basically the same as the level of a divine artifact. "

The elder pointed at the Pangu Ax and said: "If the weapons used by the great gods can be divided into several stages, then it has surpassed the best sacred weapons." I don't know what level it belongs to. Since ancient times, no one can shake the axe. Even the emperor. "

I pulled out my gun and said, "What class does this weapon belong to?"

When the old man saw the gun in my hand, he trembled with excitement: "This is the weapon used by the previous emperor!" But it was just a sacred work of art. "

It turns out that I always thought that the magic gun, which is the best Taoist instrument, is just a sacred device. This is not the culprit of my mistake, because only the elders of the past generations know some of the core secrets of the Pangu people. The Pangu people are the oldest people, and they do not recognize that the weapons of the gods are divided into different levels.

For thousands of years, the eldest bosses have taken over the administrative duties of ministers, and now they can finally shirk this burden. After worshiping Pangu Ax, I immediately asked to inherit the throne of Pangu people.

Now I have to take responsibility. I didn't refuse and followed the elders and others to a big square. In the center of the square, an altar towering among the clouds flew toward the altar. I stood in the center of the altar. His god could see thousands of Pangu people kneeling on the ground, worshiping the altar.

The ceremony was very simple: the older man said to me solemnly: "Now, all you have to do is swear to restore your ancestors, protect the Pangu people, and guard the fairyland and other living ancestor fragments, even if you promise to do this in your lifetime." “The Pangu family will always worship God as the emperor! "

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