I read it for a while and threw it into the storage bag.

"Sister Hana, let's wait here for the unfrozen sister. The place in front of us is the agreed place, etc." I said thank you, and then I said.

Han Ya didn't mind at all and jumped off the horse.

Team up with America

Xu Qingshan’s speed was not slow, and he didn’t keep Han Ya and me waiting for a long time.

"Why is this split horse running so fast? I can't even catch up." After stopping, Xu Qingshuang was out of breath. It was obvious that he was out of his best condition when running.

"According to my estimation, what my brother caught this time is probably the split horse king." Han Ya looked at me enviously, comforting Xu Qing's self-esteem and some scars.

"This is a split horse king. No wonder I can't catch up, my brother. Your luck is not that good." Xu Qingshuang was a little surprised when he heard Han Ya say this, and then showed a clear expression.

"Sister Han Ya, when we catch the split horse again, I will give you this split horse king." When I saw Han Ya's jealousy, I was immediately moved to a sympathetic heart.

"Why?" Han Ya and Xu Qingshuang looked at me at the same time, their faces were uncertain.

"It turns out that you discovered this split horse first. I also know that this split horse was originally tamed by Sister Asiana. I just bought a bargain, and I only need a ride. I don’t need to be so fast.”

I looked sincere, but no one knew what he was thinking.

The two women were silent for a while, obviously not expecting me to be so generous. Splitting the Sky Horse King is not an ordinary split horse, and you cannot catch it casually. I say give it away. Although there are conditions, it is not easy.

After a while, Han Ya said: "Brother, let's talk later. Let's go behind the mountain to have a look. Maybe we can catch the two split horse kings. Wouldn't that be better?"

I say that, but both girls understand, where did the split horse king get so much? A split empty herd can only have at most two stallions and female queens, and never more than one.

Mountains are not tigers, except for mom and dad. The same is true for dividing a herd of empty horses. I don't know, but he just doesn't care. Just an empty horse. Is it more valuable than the heart of a beautiful woman?

"In that case, let's go behind the hill quickly." I said, but I didn't climb on the horse.

The slope of the mountain bag is a bit steep and not suitable for horseback riding. Xu Qingshuo and Han Ya walked in front of me, and the split horse king followed me silently.

"Brother, why don't you put this separated horse away?" Xu Qingshuang was a little confused, seeing me letting the separated horse king climb up the slope with the others.

"Can you give me a ride too? Aren't only dead things allowed in storage bags?" I asked in surprise because I didn't know.

"This is not a storage bag, this is this." Han Ya took out a roll of sheepskin as he spoke.

I stared at the parchment for a long time and saw no difference.

"Here, just aim the animal scroll at your mount and use your spirit to push your mount onto the animal pet scroll." Hana threw the parchment scroll to me and explained how to use it.

"Is this called a pet scroll?" I said. According to Hana, the now divided Horse King has become an animal's pet scroll.

People's repair rate was not low, and they quickly climbed over the mountain bag and came to the back of the mountain bag.

"Wow, so many broken horses." If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, I'm afraid they wouldn't believe it. Behind the mountain bag, there were groups of broken empty horses, like a divided kingdom of empty horses.

"Sister Han Ya, Sister Qingshuang, I won't hide it from you now. In fact, the reason why I was able to catch the split horse king was mainly because I was a famous magician, and the split horse king came out You can't catch the trap I set, so I will be tamed."

I'm going to start arresting this mountain, now that Ning Hao is gone, I have nothing to hide.

Han Ya and Xu Qingshuang nodded at the same time, not surprised at all by what I said, is it that simple to catch the king of the split horse?

"In that case, let's start thinking about how to catch this split horse now." I suggested when I saw the two men nodding.

None of them had any questions, and they briefly discussed it.

In the end, I decided to start by arranging several trapped arrays, then work together to find the horses that were grouped together, separate them, introduce them to the trapped arrays, and then tame them.

It's not difficult for me to arrange the trapped array. Within half an hour or so I had arranged a sleepy array, but when I chose to introduce the split horse into the sleepy array, I was at a loss.

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