Do you think everyone who wears a cape is a moon goddess?

If they had been earlier, they might have been able to directly determine Ye Chun's identity, but recently more and more people have discovered those unique or hidden tasks, and players who can be treated specially are not very rare, at least there is only one Ye Chun.

There were many talented people in this family, and their poetry and reputation will live on for hundreds of years.

Twilight City has Ye Chun, a "controversial" master, and Elpa City has Eclipse. Recently, a very knight appeared in this very cold castle. It is said that he has become a hidden professional dark knight, but it is unknown what props or other reasons do not appear in the ranking list.

The jeweler took Ye Chun to a room with players and craftsmen. The player seemed to be strengthening his equipment, and the two looked up at the footsteps and saw the jeweler walking in with Ye Chun.

Dear Bridgian Keeper, How can I help you? Generally speaking, they prefer to call Ye Chun the guardian of Bridian, rather than the earl, or the savior and king. Although both are far away from ordinary people, the Savior is obviously much closer.

Ye Chun first noticed this player. This player should be a warlock, because Ye Chun felt a strong demonic aura in this player. Warlocks are still rare in Twilight. Warlocks usually go to very cold castles, because very cold castles are known as the places closest to the devil. Of course, this is a myth because of the magic sword Peden, but there is no denying that this very cold castle is indeed a warlock's paradise.

Like the holy priests and knights of Elpa.

"I need to strengthen my equipment." It can be seen from the actions of the craftsman and the player that the craftsman specially strengthened his equipment and lost a shadow pupil for the player. Fortunately, Ye Chun was wearing a cloak, otherwise it would be difficult to investigate. After all, it's rude to investigate in front of others.

It's him! If Ye Chun can't immediately think of it when he sees it, then he will form a conditioned reaction when he sees a profession.

Ye Chun did not expect to meet another famous person in his previous life. This was also well known in his previous life, but this person was very low-key and did not appear in the rankings. It was not until later that he became famous. However, he had already gone to Elpa at that time, and Ye Chun didn't know him very well.

The most famous thing about this player is that he once escaped the magical attacks of dozens of wizards in the Blood Alliance without any injuries.

What precise movements and vision!

Even those magicians and sorcerers are brain-dead, but they are not brain-dead, and they are enough to explode into scorched earth within a dozen yards. If he is a thief, he may understand. After all, the thief has high agility, but he is a professional guard. In the end, people can only determine the role of hidden professions, and only he knows how.

The player has had a lot of collisions with him in his previous life, but it's unclear what the outcome will be.

But at this time, Nightmare Fighting looked at Ye Chun in surprise, not only because of the respect the craftsmen had for Ye Chun, but also because he knew that Ye Chun had already investigated him. Nightmare Fighting belongs to the demon profession, just like a warlock. Same, so Shadow Pupil is also a special dark power skill.

But he can really sense it!

He knows his own affairs best. Liao Rushan has a prop that can hide information such as level, occupation, etc., so even if his level is enough in the level list, he will not appear in the level list, but he has not been able to stop Ye Chun. investigation. When Ye Chun used the shadow pupils, Liao Rushen even felt like he was not hiding anything.

In just a moment, he had determined Ye Chun's identity, the pupil vision skills of the dark forces, and his status was not low, there was only one.

"Please leave it to me. I will try my best to strengthen it for you." The craftsman patted his mouth and assured him. He took the equipment and strengthening stones handed over by Ye Chun, and then began to focus on research and strengthening. However, Liao Rushan did not leave, but stood aside.

In the past, Ye Chun heard that craftsmen could improve the success rate of reinforcement, but many people scorned this. After all, as long as the reinforcement stone is enough, it is easy to find craftsmen who can improve the success rate. However, in later stages, those people knew they were wrong.

Strengthening is also a bottomless pit.

High-end players have a deeper understanding of this sentence. A high-level legendary equipment can be enhanced to the point where it is already a green enhancement stone. It is said that it requires hundreds of green strengthening stones, hundreds of gold coins as green strengthening stones, and tens of thousands of gold coins as the success rate.

Even if there were tens of millions of gold coins, they would not be able to collect so many green strengthening stones. If there are only one or two, and they are afraid of failure, then they will look for strengthening stones to synthesize green strengthening stones, and then the synthesis may fail again. Therefore, the craftsman role that can improve the later success rate can be infinitely expanded.

While the craftsmen are strengthening, Ye Chun is considering whether to find a way to bring this nightmare into a partnership. After all, this person is definitely not mediocre and unknown, but Ye Chun doesn't know what his character is. Character is more important than strength, and betrayal is actually very common in this game.

The winged angels encountered in Xinjian Village are the most typical people. This kind of person is a cancer and an ill-timed bomb, enough to make people uneasy.

Finally, Ye Chun gave up the idea. Although Ye Chunzheng is in his career, if the tiger's body is shaken, countless masters will bow to the throne with the breath of the turtle. That's pure bullshit. Masters are arrogant. If they can't convince them, it's all clouds.

Even Ye Chun in his previous life would not have the idea of ​​becoming a useful person when encountering a solar eclipse, let alone facing a solar eclipse like an emperor.

The profession is indeed different. It didn't take long to strengthen all seven pieces of equipment, but Ye Chun didn't expect that nearly half of the gems were left. You must know that Ye Chun calculated based on ordinary strengthening. The number of times he went to sea with strengthening in the past was naturally very clear.

Save half, no wonder I had so much respect for craftsmen in the past. Only personal experience can really understand this kind of thing. Although you may not be able to keep as much as half after the level of strengthening is high, you will always save a little, and that is a shining gold coin. .

"Thank you for your help." Ye Chun bowed slightly to show respect to everyone. Besides, there will definitely be a place to use this craftsman in the future.

"This is what I should do." The craftsman smiled and looked very happy. The truth is, as long as players are humble and courteous, they can be friendly.

Ye Chun turned around and left the room. The jeweler had already left when he sent Ye Chun here. However, Liao Rushan even followed him, but he did not speak. He just followed Ye Chun and kept a distance.

When they came to the store, the gem merchant was reinforcing some ordinary players. When he saw Ye Chun bending down slightly and bowing slightly, Ye Chun nodded.

Finally, when walking out of the gem merchant's shop, Liao Rushan finally spoke. "Excuse me, are you Fengxiang?" Although this is a question, the affirmative tone is very strong.

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