From the stove tripod to the Danfang side, what is even more precious is that there is the experience of Hongyu Danzun on it. It's definitely not a day's work with a book like this to remember everything about it. Some Danfang are easy to consume thousands of medicinal materials. Finally, I had a variety of herbs floating in front of me. Fortunately, after I had accumulated some memorization experience in mainland history, it took me nearly two months to memorize the entire book.


Of course, I've been feeling groggy lately from the memory of that broken book, and even though it might have been just a dream, I'm afraid I won't wake up all night dreaming and agreeing with it.

Blair didn't know, thinking that his injury had not fully recovered, and spent the whole day taking care of him. Now that I'm awake, Blair, in addition to taking care of me, also went to the Wizards Guild to explain to Antonio what happened before and after, but what confused him was that Antonio had no expression, as if he already knew, saying that the guild would He sent it away as if it had decided on its own.

Blair felt a little aggrieved that his grandson was arrested and used these old people for experiments, but for my sake, he still did not dare to tell me that he was a wizard in this department. He told Auston about it so I could get special treatment at the Warcraft Academy. The letter told him that he could not leak the information. Auston has been friends with him for many years, so he naturally understands what he means.

Blair later visited Selina at Bryn's house. As a result, Silina never let Leah go home again, saying that your future husband was injured and you were unwilling to take care of her. Leah heard she scolded me some more, but her arms couldn't twist her thighs, so she had to follow Blair to take care of me.

Although she is a girl, most of her childhood was spent learning some sword and gun skills, how to serve people, luckily Blair also understood this lesson, and only let her talk to me after class every day, and in the evening Elite Break, I was now put in a separate residence by Auston, just him and Blair, who hadn't gone to class yet.

That day, Auston was still sitting in his room doing business. Since Schimmel left, the atmosphere in the college had become much calmer and there was a little more smile on his face. At this moment, someone knocked on the door. .

"Please come in!" Auston whispered without stopping the pen in his hand.

The door opened and a well-dressed old man walked in.

"Dean Allston, don't come."

Auston looked up, stunned. "You, who are you?"

The old man smiled and sat on the chair next to him. "Why, you can't recognize me after a few days after I left?"

"Himir!" Auston almost jumped up. Why is the plague coming back? He now has to be smooth and look like two people, but that doesn't take away the stereotype that Auston has for him. "You" why did you come back? "

Himmel showed an expectant expression, "Why, not welcome?"

"You" Of course, Auston didn't welcome him, just hummed a little. "You must remember what Master Antonio said that day. It's not that you are not welcome, but I'm afraid you can't stay in this university anymore."

Schimmel was still smiling, even a little complacent. "That's fine, but you don't have to worry, it won't bother you anymore."

Auston thought you finally figured out what a mess this was? "I want to know what Master Himmel is looking for?"

Simil stood up again, walked to Auston's desk, and said: "This time I am not here to do the previous research, nor is it complete. I am here under the orders of the Wizards Guild!"

"In office?" Auston frowned. "What position?"

Smiling and said: "Don't worry, you won't take away your job, and you don't like it either. You must become the tutor of the magic department of the academy." After saying that, I took out a roll of documents from my sleeve and threw it to Oston before.

Auston leaned toward him and slowly picked up the official document. The wax seal was indeed the emblem of the Wizards' Guild. Auston opened the letter and found that it was a letter of appointment, written by Master Antonio himself. This may mean that the guild decided to appoint Himil as the mentor of the Magic Department of Warcraft after discussion, but to his surprise, the letter had to Name it directly and leave it to Heimier for guidance.

Auston looked at Simiel with Antonio's magic signature for a long time until he was sure it was not a forgery. He didn't understand what soup he had poured for Antonio, nor why he had been treated so differently these days!

"Okay, do you have any questions?" Himmel waited patiently for a long time before saying with a smile.

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