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Chapter 1854 Most of them were hunted

"If you have something to say, you can bear with it." I looked at him carefully.

Himmel leaned toward him. "When are you going to the guild for evaluation?"

"That's it, do you want to go with you?" I said with a smile. Blair said before that as long as he can reach the level of an intermediate magician, he can participate in the guild's evaluation, but I really don't have much interest in this. I know how powerful the interest is, and there is no need to let everyone know.

Himmel coughed. "I know everyone is excited to get a title, but it means you don't necessarily need that kind of hypocritical evidence."

I was shocked, "You got it with your own strength. How can you say it's hypocrisy, but many people's cultivation is not for this?"

Schimmel simply stopped twisting. "I think you'd better not go just yet."

"Why?" I was curious.

Shimir's face returned to calm, "For your safety!"

I saw that he was serious and a little confused, "What do you mean?"

Simil put the book on the table and said: "Of course, you can enjoy corresponding treatment, but you must also bear corresponding responsibilities. The simplest thing is that once a war breaks out, those who obtain professional titles must listen to the state and guild deployment.”

He said: "I know this very well. After all, he was born into a noble family, and of course there are more levels that ordinary people cannot reach. There are recent rumors that a large-scale war is about to break out in the West. However, out of trust in Marquis Breen, A lot of people don't take this seriously. I also feel like, at first I thought it was a little unfounded, but lately a lot of the movement in the Empire has become more and more deviant."

I live there now, and talking to him from time to time has given him a deeper understanding of some major events, and it seems clear that I am trying to get in touch with him to talk about some secrets.

According to him, just a few days ago, the king mobilized tens of thousands of sergeants from the north and south of the empire to the city of Woz where the Marquis of Breen was stationed. It was not clear whether the military purpose was to strengthen or strengthen security.

In addition, I also found some clues myself. For example, I met so many mercenaries in Yonge Forest last time, looking for the crystal cores of World of Warcraft. Later I learned that most of the hunted cores were transported to the west.

"Is the war coming?" I looked up at Himmel and said.

Himmel listened with a smile, and then ate every word. "It's not coming, it never stops!"

As far as the Longling Empire is concerned, there are continuous mountains in the east part of Qiongcheng and snow in the south. This means that the Longling Empire is a continuous mountain in the south, thousands of miles to the north, the sea to the east, and a barren mountain to the west. One of the more independent empires in the world, this is also one of the reasons why the Longling Empire is powerful.

Especially on both sides of the three eastern states, the sea is a natural military barrier, and maritime trade has always been an important link in promoting economic development. Compared with many landlocked countries, the Longling Empire is unique in that the northern ice and snow world is almost inaccessible except for a few indigenous people, and is also advantageous in terms of defense.

However, whether in history books or in reality, the war in the Longling Empire has never stopped. The problem is in the south and west, the south is better. It borders other human nations. Although there will be wars, most of them are small battles and the conflicts are relatively peaceful.


Chaoyang Continent

There seems to be more snow this winter than in previous years, and it hasn't stopped since yesterday morning until today, when it was not yet dawn. The ground was covered with knee-deep snow, and even a repaired person like me felt a little cold.

Fortunately, people at the Qianqiu Gate arrived on time today and did not let everyone stand on the snow for several hours.

The guard still didn't speak, but today the master spoke a little more. First, he talked about Qianqiumen's glorious deeds, as well as his status and power in the spiritual world. It wasn't until he heard the crowd dozing off that he finally got to the point.

"You must be wondering why I told you this before I walked in. In fact,

The deadliest thing is in the west, outside Voss, where there are endless fields of orcs and there's war all year round.

The orcs are a large and complex nation. Most of them have human characteristics, but they also have the characteristics of primitive beasts. Some are ferocious and bloodthirsty, some are gentle and cowardly, and their systems are completely different from humans.

According to historical records, the orcs also had many countries, and for a while they even directly surpassed humans. However, later, the emergence of underground creatures brought a disaster of almost extinction to the entire orcs. One orc country after another was annexed, and one land after another was annexed. Occupied, their civilization was destroyed overnight, with only a lucky few surviving the apocalyptic disaster. Therefore, the Holy See defined a new name for this land - the Kingdom of Darkness!

Thinking of this, I nodded and said, "If you don't go, you won't go."

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