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Chapter 1861 The effect is very good

"Since you have already guessed it, why do you still ask?" Xiang Feng turned around with a smile, really interested in Liao Rushan.

"It seems that this is a real game. Are you interested in playing?" In fact, many experts believe that Ye Chun is just lucky, just like the person who killed the Wolf King next month, because it was too dark and everything Unseen, the videos that circulate next are usually of Ye Chun's superb skills.

"If I can get Balady, I can do it too." This is the opinion of many experts and even some players who have some skills against Ye Chun, but they don't know that Ye Chun is not powerful because of Balady (), But because he is strong, he gets Baradion.

This is how the bird knows the ambition of the swan.

However, judging from Liao Ruoshen's words, this nightmarish battle seems to have made Ye Chun realize the power of one person in the game. In fact, Liao Rushen initially thought like most people, but a true master can see a person's power in every action. It is undeniable that Liao Rushan is a master.

Liao Rushan has been observing Ye Chun since he entered the door. Until now, he discovered that whenever Ye Chun was ready to fight at any time, no matter where the enemy suddenly appeared, Ye Chun could make the fastest and most appropriate response. This is a very scary fighting instinct.

Liao Ruoshen even wondered whether Ye Chun was ambushed while sleeping and could develop a counter-instinct to fight back. In fact, Liao Rushan also overestimated Ye Chun. This behavior is also developed during three years of mercenary career, and no one is born with this behavior.

"Okay, let's go to the arena." Ye Chun looked at the time, there was still some time before noon, and he agreed to Liao Rushan's request, and Liao Rushan, a famous master in the past, was a popular thing. Ye Chun also wanted to know what the gap was between himself and these masters.

From the beginning of the game to the present, most of Ye Chun's achievements are actually based on his past life experiences. They think there is still a distance between them and the top masters in their previous lives. It is naturally best to realize one's own shortcomings, so Ye Chun is eager to improve.

Ye Chun never gave up his efforts, even in his previous life.

"Okay" Liao Rushan also nodded, obviously he was also looking forward to this game.

Ye Chun and Liao Rushan came to the arena, which is a special place where many city players are safe. No matter who wins or loses, there is no loss. However, some players who are idle or like to play will come here to kill time.

After paying the admission fee, Ye Chun and Liao Rushan entered the arena. Ye Chun set some security settings, such as prohibiting viewing, hiding information, etc. Then they just start bickering with each other without any special preparation.

"Come," Liao Rushan said, holding a huge two-handed sword in his hand. Ye Chun could tell from his rich gaming experience that this was a silver-level weapon that was already full of power. The light on its surface is floating, not gorgeous, but more blurry.

"Then be careful," Ye Chun reminded Liao Rushan, and then suddenly disappeared in the same place.

Ye Chun appeared behind Liao Rushen, quickly cutting off the instant strike and replacing it with a chisel strike. Baladi Leon () hit Liao Rushan on the back of the head, but Liao Rushan's reaction was not slow either. The moment Ye Chun disappeared, he had already expected that Ye Chun would appear, and his big sword also attacked with a backhand.

Naturally, Liao Rushan couldn't use damage skills in exchange for Ye Chun's chisel strike. This nightmare blow must have a control effect, but Liao Ruoshen did not expect that Ye Chun's speed would be too fast. If Ye Chun's position had not been anticipated in advance, it would have been impossible to stop it.

Shadow escapes!

He used the shadow escape technique to block Liao Rushen's Nightmare Slash, but due to the interruption of the skill and the interruption of the chisel, Ye Chun immediately changed his hands and attacked the row between Liao Rushen's neck. Liao Rushen's agility was completely different from Ye Chun's. There is no comparison. I was caught off guard and fell into dizziness, but it was only for a few seconds.

In fact, Liao Rushan still underestimated Ye Chun. Nightmare Madness ()'s agility grows much faster than other guards, but it is very insignificant compared to Ye Chun. At first, he chooses not to avoid but to touch because Nightmare Madness has a skill. Nightmare Shell reduces control time

As long as Liao Rushan can take the lead in awakening, he will definitely be able to control Ye Chun to die. However, Ye Chun's speed was too fast. The rewards of the evil and fanatical Ye Chun's bloodthirsty and Shadow Blade suits cannot be judged by normal eyes. You know, Ye Chun's speed is equivalent to gold level.

The following is Ye Chun's personal performance. Even if Liao Ruoshen was a guard, even if he was wearing silver plate armor, he couldn't survive Ye Chun's full firepower for a few seconds. The hundreds of fatal blows and debilitating damage alone are enough to give you the chills.

Are you sure Liao Rushan is not wearing the wrong equipment and clothes?

In fact, it can be solved more simply and directly with Shadow Thorn (), but this method is more subtle and not cost-effective for Ye Chun who wants to subdue Liao Rushan.

Against the backdrop of the arena, Liao Rushan quickly came to life, his face full of frustration. He didn't expect Ye Chun to solve it so easily. He thought that even if he was defeated, he could hold on for a while. He could only say that Ye Chun's output and speed were too high.

Many people always like to make excuses for themselves after failure. For example, if you change to an ordinary player this time, you may say that Ye Chun has magic skills, but you don't know Ye Chun's skills. However, if you lose, you lose. Making more excuses will only make you appear more incompetent. Whatever the reason, you just have to have an idea.

In fact, Ye Chun was also surprised. He's just trying. Even if he loses, he won't feel ashamed. Only Ye Chun forgot that no one was born a master. He even practiced for two more years than others. Liao Rushan is different from the Liao Rushan in his previous life. It was normal to lose to Ye Chun. In addition, Ye Chun has better attributes and equipment.

"I lost." Liao Rushan quickly breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Ye Chun. In his eyes, in addition to the recognition and desire at the beginning, there was more admiration. Of course, what's here is fighting, not discordant stuff.

"Have a chance to play" Ye Chun knew that Liao Rushan would definitely challenge him in the future. Having someone stronger than himself is not a very bad thing for most masters. At least there is an object that can be surpassed, which is strength. source, just like Ye Chun is now in the world where he could feed on thieves

"Okay" Liao Rushan nodded and left the arena. Ye Chun went to the warehouse again, took some materials, and threw them to the auction house to continue selling. All of these materials must be turned into gold coins before the Silaveco ruins in Bordeaux can be opened.

After that, I just logged off. It's already noon, but I didn't expect anyone to call me immediately.

"Hello?" Ye Chun looked at the number. This is Wang Xue's. He remembers single-digit numbers from his previous life. He just didn't know what Wang Xue was looking for. Generally speaking, his name is Lin Xin. Since that shopping trip, Wang Xue didn't seem embarrassed to face Ye Chun.

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