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Chapter 1872 No symbol

I cried again. "Don't hold me back, can I leave? Wait until I finish eating! By the way, Brother Qishui, have you eaten? Do you want to eat something here?"

What he had just done caused the bounty hunters to join the barracks. It seemed to them no loss in being with the young lieutenant. At first glance, he appears to be a guard.

The masked Iron Eagle shouted: "Everyone, brothers, stop crowding, you line up, are you willing to come one by one?" We need to recruit five hundred people, and everyone present can join us. "

Seeing this scene, he was a little excited and said to Longqi Shuidao: "Look, we witches are united, and most of us are willing to contribute to our country."

When Long Qishui heard what he said, he also nodded and said touchingly: "Yes!" You are right, those who are afraid of running away are a minority after all, and most of our witches are bloody people, and they bleed for them. ,This is worth it! "

"I don't think recruiting pawns is a problem now. I told adults in Chengshi that this is the real way for the entire city to mobilize and fight for the right dynasty talent. Now it seems that it is possible and the people are willing to contribute to the country. "

Long Qishui looked at those who wanted to join the barracks and said hesitantly: "You make sense, but that's not what witches do. If you do something, you will be hurt."

He ate a lot and said vaguely: "I want to rely on Tiancheng. If the chess pieces are done, if they want to rely on Tiancheng, there will be no one left." If the city is destroyed, those who died in the war will Die worthless. "

When Long Qifeng wanted to say something else, he had already finished eating and clapped his hands. "Go, go see the King of the City." Walking towards the wall with a mace.

Elves and wizards go hand in hand

When I followed Long Qi to the city tower, I saw that the orthodox dynasty outside the city had been assembled, and there were no new pawns on the road. There were more than 10,000 of these Shulians, who were supposed to be the forerunners of the Orthodox dynasty, and they crowded in the open space outside the city.

Because there are people, there is a comparison. The open space looks very large, but more than 50,000 people will squeeze the open space. In other words, if the correct dynasty people want to attack the city, the maximum arrangement can only be about 40,000 people. .

This is the terrain feature of the mountain. The outside of the city gate is equivalent to a valley. If the orthodox dynasty wanted to rush into the Celestial City, they could only rush in through the valley.

The people of the Orthodox dynasty were not placed in battle formation, and the soldiers either stood or sat on the ground, with no intention of attacking the city.

Beside the mountain, the shadows of more chess pieces were trembling, thinking about logging and building houses and equipment, as if they were ready to be stationed. Think about it, more than 10,000 people dared to attack a city. The commander is either too rampant or there's something wrong with his head.

I saw Long Qifeng and Teng Xinzun standing in front of the city tower, looking at the correct dynasty pawns pointing in the distance, walking with Long Qishui. After the ceremony, Long Qishui reported the shield and crossbow.

Because these things were related to him, he didn't know how to report them. He was reported by Long Qishui and looked around. He knew nothing about the barracks now, or how the walls were laid out.

There were many city guards standing on the wall. Although they were also lined up, they were rare. People looked at the distant Orthodox dynasty curiously and discussed a few words with each other. ?

Finally, he saw Lei Mu, Ma Jingmu and several Batiande spiritual wizards standing on the steps of the tower, watching what they were saying.

These people were all his acquaintances in the city. After looking at the city defense and Long Qishui, he found that Long Qishui was still reporting, and he didn't know what to say. Only the city guards and those who joined the army listened with interest, but no one cared about him.

He quietly stepped back and walked towards the witches. Because of what happened to Kadida, he was always a little uncomfortable in front of Long Qifeng. Fearing that the city guards would ask Kadidal if he was still alive, he was unable to answer at the time because he was incapable of lying.

Before approaching the witch, he said from a distance: "Gentlemen, if you can't fight here for a while, you'd better stay in the city and drink tea. If you really fight, you have to wait until the soldiers can't resist, Then come out and fight those people from the orthodox dynasty."

Remu smiled and said, "This kid, are we capable of showing our skills?" It's up to you to fight. "

"Master lied to me, I really don't understand! Fighting relies on witches, large-scale attacks still rely on witchcraft. Otherwise, how can there be more war wizards than spiritual wizards? Haven't you heard that things are expensive? ?”

Badian smiled and said: "The Hundred Lieutenant will make people happy, but I like to hear it."

He was in a good mood because he recruited a large number of pawn soldiers and robbed the Hills. He joked: "Master Ba, I am your disciple. Oh, it seems inappropriate to call me this. Besides, isn't it right for me to say this?"

Batende said hurriedly: "Yes, I shouted wrong. Now I am an elder of God's Gate. Forget about shutting down this phone."

A few people laughed and I laughed and continued my nonsense. "It makes sense to me. If there were dozens of witches standing on the tower, putting together a wind knife and so on, we wouldn't kill thousands of people from the orthodox dynasty at once! If you If you don’t die, at least you will be seriously injured.”

After hearing this, Badian suddenly shouted: "Wait, what did you just say?"

He was a little confused to ask such a question. "I just said that on the city buildings, there are dozens of witches standing together, holding wind and swords together! It means that you are good at witchcraft, but there is no other meaning."

"No, I said how did you come up with this method? We haven't tried it yet. If you get dozens of the same witches and release the same witchcraft, I don't know if the power will increase ." His last words were asked by several witches around him.

Remu thought for a while and said: "No one has tried this method. In theory, it should be possible. Either try it and see what effect it will have." He said this because there were many witches on the wall, and they didn't Including the witch in the base.

Bartender rubbed his hands and said excitedly: "Why didn't you think about it beforehand? It's going to happen, but it's a great thing." Yes, let's try it first. I am fire attribute. Do I have fire attributes? "No matter how big or small the witchcraft is, as long as you have fireballs, is there anyone left?" He hurriedly shouted immediately.

The witches heard what he said and they were all interested, several fire witches gathered together and others surrounded them. A group of people really discussed how to put witchcraft together, and the discussion was lively.

I would like to say that this is my own nonsense. He is not a person who does not understand witchcraft at all. Yesterday, he saw the "Key to the Yuan Dynasty" and trained his soul. This was an introduction to witchcraft, but the power of witchcraft was not enough and some skills could not be achieved.

He thought for a while and felt that this was really not nonsense. When he read the key to return to Yuan's house, it actually flashed through his mind, and now he said it subconsciously. Considering the seriousness of the wizards, he wanted it all to work out, so there was a way to fight.

Because it is not a spiritual witch, it naturally cannot participate in spiritual witch affairs. Quietly withdrawing from the spiritual witch discussion circle and standing next to Remu to listen is equivalent to learning some knowledge of spiritual witches.

At the same time, he looked around casually and found that the equipment in the tower had been moved. Only the cupboard for playing with the symbol remained untouched, and there were several large boxes next to it. It was brought by Remu in a big car just now.

In the tower, several tables and chairs were added, just like the Qifeng Hall in the corridor. I want to come here as a place to join the army and lead battles.

His eyes swept across several wooden boxes and asked curiously: "Master, what good things did you give the city guard?"

Lei Mu said softly: "In my spare time these years, I drew some symbols without touching them. These symbols were accumulated, so I sent them out, but for a long time, I didn't know if I could use them." By the way, I thought my name was Su Yu and I gave it to you! I picked it out. Zhang Can uses it. "

I smiled and said, "Don't worry, I've already taken it. My brother doesn't dare to misappropriate my things."

Several people next to him laughed and made fun of him. "You just have to trust your brother. Maybe he's already touched a few people, you don't know."

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