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Chapter 1894 Adopt a plan

The onlookers were stunned, but I expressed my surprise loudly: "This car is really fast, much faster than those two crazy squirrels. It seems that there is no need to ask the squirrels to testify."

Then, I looked very carefully at the big turquoise stone that was divided into two halves and said seriously: "It seems there is nothing wrong with the turquoise stone."

Everyone's eyes are focused on my left hand.

Even a fool can guess that the shameless car mouth cannot see me raising my sword and running for my life. No matter how there is a master in the city, he cannot let me kill people.

Cha Eun was obviously panicked and immersed in his own hallucinations, which definitely had something to do with the little stone in my hand.

The master of Huazong was already moved. He hit me gently and said, "Be a son. I am the deacon Bian Rongzhang. Can I become a son?"

I know what he means. Put your hands on the gravel.

Bian Rongzhang carefully inspected it. The surface was rough, the color was deep red, it was neither shiny nor transparent, and the appearance was ugly. Of course, it was not a magic pillar, a spiritual scene, an animal core, etc. It is not an exquisite metaphysical device, or even a semi-finished product, but a natural spiritual wealth, perhaps the matrix basis of some kind of metaphysics.

I looked at Bian Rongzhang's face and knew that he could not recognize the gravel.

I walked closer to him and whispered, judging from the situation just now, this is like blood gravel, the blood clots of the gods and demons that were petrified after the war between gods and demons. After being urged by the blood gravel, it can amplify the target's negative ideas many times, greatly increasing the lethality of the wielder. Some people also use blood gravel to make weapons, making them more powerful.

Bian Rongzhang carefully recalled the situation just now and felt that this was indeed the case. Ask me what I think.

I said that I suspected that the thief here had been planning for a long time, probably to cope with today's situation, but fortunately, the incident itself was not lethal.

Like I said, Bian Rongzhang doesn't think so. What about the arrangements for the killing and felling of the other 10,000 places?

Bian Rongzhang immediately asked people to take over his position temporarily and reported to the management immediately.

The team moved on and Cheyne was back to normal, but he was so annoyed at his embarrassment that he secretly swore never to do the right thing by me again, it was so humiliating.

When Zheyin came again to encourage him to find a chance to deal with me, he just told her not to look for it. And think carefully about the method of wearing ping pong balls, if they can't hurt each other, they may be injured, just like their own people were invaded by plant lice, and I don't know if they have a way to help them.

Bian Rongzhang came back and was more polite when he saw me.

The above has confirmed that this is blood gravel, and new instructions have been issued. Nowhere in the team can ignore important clues in order to move forward quickly, so as not to appear straightforward, but to be trapped in the organ, forming.

Didn't I secretly say that this slowed down the progress of the encirclement and suppression? I didn't mean that. This is a misunderstanding. I can't blame it, can I?

Bian Rongzhang wanted to return the blood gravel to me. I smiled and said that it was found during the cleaning process and should be handed over.

Bian Rongzhang shook his head and refused to accept it, saying that this was what it meant, because the gravel was too valuable and there was no need to keep it for a long time.

I wanted to get Bian Rongzhang's light, so I insisted on giving it to him. If I didn't want to give it to him, I would give it to him. Secondly, when the enemy's situation is complicated, the blood gravel in your hands is much more powerful than the power in your own hands.

When I said this, Bian Rongzhang really touched his heart, but when he thought about the value of gravel, he still felt that he could not afford it.

When I asked, I knew the value of the gravel was that it disappeared from public view many years ago and now if it was on the market it would be equivalent to a royal treasure, so a small piece of blood and gravel could be worth it too Tens of thousands of silver coins.

My liver was carefully pulled out! So valuable!

But when I agreed to send these things, I would never go back, but Bian Rongzhang was embarrassed to accept it. So I told Bian Rongzhang that I could return it to him after the war.

Of course, Bian Rongzhang knew that this was exactly what I wanted him to accept. Because I was really sending each other out and I really liked it and I had a good feel for it, I stopped pushing it and put the gravel away.

What surprised me was that I thought that teams from all over the place were busy looking for important clues they had fabricated, which was equivalent to slowing down the progress of the encirclement and suppression campaign, but I didn't expect that they really discovered something, that there were really organs and methods of formation. etc., including arrangements for killing. If the team advanced quickly, casualties were inevitable.

Now I'm more famous, depending on his findings and advice.

Cheyne was doing a great job until we set up camp for the night. Xia Ying took Che Yin to look for clothes, Ping Rong and Yi Xianrong went there.

When they came back, their faces were so ugly that not even their damn clothes could deal with plant lice!

In particular, it is more difficult for him to deal with the invasion of several planthoppers.

The two solutions proposed by Yi Pingrong make the teeth itchy and disgusting Che En and Che Yin.

About half of the gangs invaded by plant lice would die if a plan was implemented, which can be traced back to the widespread occurrence of plant lice.

If you trace it back to Che Eun, Che Yin'e, and Yi Xianrong, Yi Pingrong will definitely pretend to be an outsider and will not say good things for them to avoid self-immolation.

If a plan were put in place to kill everyone infected by planthoppers, the incident would likely be treated as an emergency, which would slow down the development of the incident.

This plan is conducive to protecting the costumes behind the scenes. Cha Eun, Cha Xian'e, and Yi Xianrong will not intervene, but Cha Eun and Cha Yin feel too sad for these people who get along day and night, fearing that they will have psychological shadows throughout their lives. . (

Hatching is imminent.

The red-faced old man came to see me to make sure he was safe, and he was relieved.

If it weren't for the many rumors about me, he couldn't believe that I would be hanging out with the Hammers, as most people think, I should be a member of the original old boys team.

The more he thought about it, the more he thought I was being treated like this too much. He had to see Gengnan's theory immediately.

I convinced him that I had established a friendship with the Iron Fish Gang on the right and the Shihua Deacon in the town sitting behind me. Today, I also greatly intimidated the Hammer Gang. I should be safer in the near future. Therefore, I did not have to have sex with Geng Nan to avoid affecting the team's cooperation in the cleanup and suppression operations.

The red-faced elders praised my ability to handle crises, but lamented that Geng Nan's stubbornness was unbearable.

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