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Chapter 19 Duel with the Fire Demon Tiger King

Naturally, Xing Huan Immortal and the others didn't have a great impression of a player who suddenly appeared, but they didn't seem very arrogant either.

Just said in a normal way: "Yes."

Xing Huanwujie said one word from his nose, which was a favor, and then ignored Ye Chun. After all, he was a famous guild member.

Although it is only ninth on the land list, this guild's ranking is not a national ranking, but a global ranking, so Xinghuan Immortal does have the capital to be arrogant.

"Then you refresh first, I won't compete with you." Ye Chun said calmly. He has forty-eight hours for this task, and the Fire Demon Tiger King can refresh it in twenty-four hours. He can give it to the other party.

It's not that I'm afraid, I just don't want to cause any trouble.

But as soon as these words were said, they no longer sounded good to the ears of Xing Huanshui.

"Brother, can you not sound so crazy? What do you mean by not competing with us? Brother, if there are five of you, I have nothing to say. You are alone, do you still want to do it alone?"

Taoist Xinghuan was a little confused, not that he was angry, but he just felt that Ye Chunte couldn't speak.

"Absolutely." Ye Chun nodded. He was very calm. Even if the other party was slightly unkind, Ye Chun still remained humble and did not say anything.

"Pfft! Hahahaha!"

"Hahahahaha! Not bad enough? Little brother, if you can defeat the Fire Demon Tiger King alone, if nothing else, my sister will give you this bronze weapon." Star Fantasy Rabbit and Star Fantasy Rosewood both laughed.

It's not that they are mocking, they just don't believe it. It's as funny as a primary school student talking about boxing with the world boxing champion.

"Brother, the Fire Demon Tiger King is the fixed BOSS of Novice Village. We don't have a complete team yet. If you need to brush, you go first. We, the Star Fantasy Guild, are always reasonable."

Xing Huanwumie smiled and spoke, while also chatting privately with three teammates.

"Don't be joking. This guy should be an assassin player. He can sneak and is very low in perception. We haven't discovered him before. If we don't drive him away, or let him seek death, if we turn around and kill him first, During the BOSS, it was hilarious when he completed the final blow.”

Xing Huanwujie privately chatted with the three teammates, but the latter were all silent, especially Rabbit and Zitan. They wanted to continue teasing Ye Chun before, but now after hearing this, they felt that what they said made sense, so they stopped talking. what.

"Yeah, since brother is so confident, let's give it to brother."

Master Tao immediately spoke and asked Ye Chun to die. At the same time, the four of them also looked at Ye Chun warily. If Ye Chun did not choose to kill the Fire Demon Tiger King, they might choose to kill Ye Chun, mainly because they were worried that Ye Chun wanted to kill him. Get the first kill.

"Okay, that's okay."

Ye Chun was not very interested in the first kill, but since the other party had given in, Ye Chun no longer wanted to hide anything.

This is the world of online games, not the real world. If it were the real world and he had powerful abilities, Ye Chun might choose to hide himself, but in the world of online games, he must be high-profile and never be low-key.

So Ye Chun didn't have any worries at all.


As soon as Ye Chun came up, he added a blessing status to himself. Xing Huanwujie and others all smiled and whispered.

"I didn't expect it to be a warlock."

"A auxiliary profession actually wants to master the Fire Demon Tiger King alone? Are you crazy?"

"Are you crazy about reading online novels? Alas, there are more and more novice players now."

Several people were whispering, but Ye Chun couldn't hear. It was a private chat, but Master Dao's voice was very public, and he directly laughed at Ye Chun for being a rookie.

When they saw Ye Chun holding a warlock magic ball and adding a simple blessing BUFF to himself, they thought Ye Chun was just a warlock.

It's not a mockery, it's just that he thinks Ye Chun is trying hard.

But at the next moment.

"The King's Curse"

In an instant, Ye Chun released the King's Curse. At this moment, a red to black number appeared on the top of the Fire Demon Tiger King's head.


When the horrific damage appeared, Xinghuan Buchu and others were stunned for a moment. Then they all rubbed their eyes and immediately looked like they had seen a ghost. Especially Master Dao, who looked ahead calmly. After the damage appeared, they were just about to prepare. He laughed and said: "I just hit ten. My day! One hundred thousand?"

Master Dao's fat face turned into a face of shock. All four of them were so shocked that their jaws dropped. Even the two beauties didn't care about their image.

The Fire Demon Tiger King opened his eyes, roared and roared, and searched around like crazy.

At this moment, Ye Chun released dark stealth, and then quietly disappeared from everyone's eyes. Then Ye Chun switched to Bamuna's explosive long bow and immediately released the skill "King's Wrath".

"A rain of arrows from the sky"

"Arrow of the Wind"

"Arrow of Blood Rage"






Three arrows per second, the Fire Demon Tiger King endured the wave of damage despite the pain, and then pounced at an extremely fast speed, like a phantom, letting out a tiger roar.


The terrifying tiger roar sounded, like sonic power. Ye Chun had a deafening feeling, and the four people in Xinghuan Bujie were stunned by the tiger roar on the spot, and injuries appeared one after another.




Horrible damage appeared. At this moment, the Fire Demon Tiger King stretched out its tiger claws to form flame cracking claws. This was its skill. Eight flames of light shot out. Ye Chun saw this scene, although his head was a little dizzy. swell.

But in an instant, Ye Chun ejected and jumped, luckily escaping the attack, but the four members of the Star Fantasy Guild could not escape.





Four blood-red injuries appeared, and the four of them died on the spot.

Ye Chun, who came back to his senses, switched to the bronze dagger in an instant, and then dealt the strongest damage in an instant.

"King's Combo" - "King's Strike".





The King's combo was forcibly interrupted after a total of six hits. It could have caused at least eight times of damage, but this was the BOSS's interruption skill, so it only caused 15,000 points of health damage.

The king's blow directly caused eight times the damage.

The two skills directly caused 35,000 points of damage, plus the 18,000 points of damage caused by the previous three skills, for a total of 53,000 points of damage.

The King's Curse caused 100,000 points of damage, so the Fire Demon Tiger King still has 47,000 points of health left.

At this moment, Ye Chun had no chance to attack at all, because the Fire Demon Tiger King's attack speed, movement speed, and attack power were very strong. Ye Chun would undoubtedly be looking for death if he stood and hit the Fire Demon Tiger King.

So you have to dodge.

The benefits brought by the rare agility enhancement are reflected at this moment.

The triple agility bonus makes Ye Chun extremely fast, not weaker than the Fire Demon Tiger King. Although there are still some dangers, he can basically dodge all the skills and attacks of the Fire Demon Tiger King.

"Forty-seven thousand health points. Based on the cooldown of my skill and the speed at which the Fire Demon Tiger King recovers its health, it is very difficult to kill."

Ye Chun thought to himself.

The Fire Demon Tiger King recovers one hundred health points per second. If he is not injured, he can recover 6,000 health points in one minute and 60,000 health points in ten minutes. However, Ye Chun can only defeat him with all his skills. Fifty-three thousand points of damage.

So now you’re in trouble!

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