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Chapter 1901 A huge mission

The work of the Dragon Palace is mainly controlled. All things in the world can be trained as Taoists, and they can even receive spiritual wisdom and remote control command from thousands of people before and after. In their spare time, Taoist guards can serve as servants, and they work hard to find herbs, animals, and more.

I want you to treat Dragon Ball as an equal. It is not easy. You can only rely on strength to speak.

My strong mental control and understanding are enough to surprise people. The scale of Longwei is a complete shock and blow, bringing wildness and arrogance to Youlongwu.

Although they have the confidence to defeat me, they can only win miserably. They are not wild militants. They have a feeling that heroes cherish each other and hate each other. Therefore, I am able to sit on equal footing with my Heavenly Father, who holds the power, and practice Dharma with each other.

But I get no benefit because I have no control properties.

The Xuanqi flower renews a petal every 10 years. The fallen petals can be cut and crushed. Eating the petal powder can open the control attributes, which greatly improves the ability of Taoist self-protection and practice.

Each petal can be divided into several parts and used as special resources for dragon residence, reward or gift every year.

Tianzun felt that you benefited from my work, but I had no benefit because I had no control, so I led me to the fragments of the mysterious flower in the treasure house.

I guess Tianzun had a plan to give him some leaves, so he was too embarrassed to give them a mysterious leaf mist ball.

This Xuanyin Mist Ball is very helpful for dragons and allows Taoist priests to climb mountains and cross rivers, but I learned from it that it is useless to save it.

The happy Tianzun let the mysterious fog ball roll back and forth on the blade. After breaking off along the track, he gave me a larger leaf of pain, which was enough to take it personally.

I immediately threw the peach back and gave it a huge piece of seaweed gel, removing the quota in my heart, who made Bao Huanchang ignore his naughty daughter.

This return can make the formation of Taoist warriors even more strange and unpredictable, and the Father in Heaven is happy again.

I figured I had to absorb part of the metaphysical flower, but in fact I had already absorbed part of the flower before I could saturate and turn on a control attribute.

At this point, my mutation attributes are complete, and the main attribute is just the water missing from the black flower.

I stayed in the dragon again and practiced the exercises in the Dragon Palace, and the rest slowly became proficient.

As soon as I left Marie Curie, the close friends of the Emperor of the Beiheng Empire came forward to see the ceremony and invited me to go to Syracuse.

The Beihengdi tribe studies the array method and the wind system method with the intention of having a say in all regions, and likes both trade and attack methods.

The original intention of Emperor Beiheng was to let me use it myself, but gradually realized that this was impossible. As long as I was there, she would not be able to have voices in all areas, and even the existing voices were becoming less and less.

Therefore, Emperor Beiheng decided to stand on the same side as me, so as to ensure more benefits.

Moreau is known for his physical strength and offensive defense, especially against sea and air, and is known for his charm and medicine. They secretly reached an agreement with the Changri people by chance to reorganize the Nankai Empire regime of the Beiheng Empire, Dongtai Empire, and reached an acceptable agreement with the "Yancheng" of the two empires recognized by the two empires. and the Li Jing Empire, these two empires were considered to be the horizontal regimes of the powerful Dongzhou Kingdom of the two empires of Yancheng and Li Jing, and an acceptable agreement was reached between the two parties that did not interfere with each other. "Yancheng" was recognized as a powerful horizontal regime of the Yancheng Empire and the Li Jing Empire, and an acceptable agreement was reached between the two empires.

But because I destroyed the unprepared Changdongzhou country, their plan came to nothing.

These two emperors hired me in the past and wanted to force me to use force myself, but at this moment, when my power far destroyed the Chang Kingdom of Dongzhou Kingdom, they sighed and they could no longer think of a great empire. The political power was reorganized. I just hope I don't hand over old scores.

Wu Yi's court also came to invite me, and Emperor Lan and Mulo's court sent me off cordially.

I didn't expect that Emperor Wuyi would accept his highest courtesy, but the princess and queen accompanied him to bathe in the same large wooden basin, while the emperor drank, ate, and had fun in the large wooden basin next to him. This painting style is a bit strange and Awkward!

Later, the wives of the princes and ministers and the princes also took turns to accompany me in my big wooden pot, so there was no problem in exchanging white flowers, but I think there was a problem with hygiene.

The princess came to Li and unexpectedly urged to do it again, but because there were too many lines, she could only wait until tomorrow.

I worry I can't control it, but I can't deny it. I didn't expect to go to bed that night. After this wonderful day, I really couldn't help it.

Oh my god, I gave Lili Xuanqi’s bougainvillea. I was so surprised that the emperor knelt down directly. I gave him the movie directly. After all, I went to find someone else’s daughter!

As a result, more princes and noble beauties wanted to go to bed.

I heard that the Wuyi Dynasty was composed of the Qingwu Islands, and fog was the best cover for attack and defense, so the court specialized in the transformation and magic of fog and other materials, as well as the magic of dragons that swim into the territory, which is similar to using magic and all things to Enlighten the spirit.

In the next few days, the two sides communicated in a very cordial and friendly atmosphere.

I thought it was necessary to leave because Prince Qingyuan held a ceremony every year and it would be inappropriate for him not to be present.

The news spread quickly. Emperor Beiheng and the Grand Palace formed a huge mission to accompany me to attend the ceremony of Prince Qingyuan. Dragon Palace also sent people to accompany me.

When the fleet passed the port of the Southern Qi Empire, I only went to say goodbye out of courtesy. Once again, the court and the studio were startled by me, and immediately gathered two ships with congratulatory gifts, and sent envoys in the order of the fleet.

The huge luxury fleet went straight from the entrance between Huadong to Gu'ao to the sea and arrived in Qingyuan.

The capital of Qingyuan was in a state of excitement, and Queen Qingyuan and Prince Hongshuo were even more overjoyed.

The East China royal family regretted that I had not taken a strong stance before being sealed.

Gu Ao's royal family was even more repentant.

The Yancheng royal family and Wude court also came.

Dongtai Taiting finally couldn't sit down and sent envoys to congratulate him.

Come, everyone. I am the central character.

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