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Chapter 1922 Spicy taste

Considering this, Li Jingsheng took out a white jade bottle from his arms, poured out a light yellow, slightly spicy pill, handed it to Nie Qingtian, and said: "Take care of this body and give it to him later. His injury is very serious." You'll get better soon." Li Jingsheng turned around and left.

When he passed by, he turned to Gale, who had just stood up, and said: "Child, you are very lucky today, but if your heart is still so impetuous, I think it will be difficult for you to achieve anything on the sword road in the future. I just did it, I don't care about it."

Without waiting for Da Feng to speak, Li Jingsheng took a glance and walked towards the distance. Lu Qing, who was kneeling in the distance, looked deeply at Lu Qing, who was sitting in the distance and kneeling in the distance. Today, a little-known young man Lu Qing gave them too many surprises and shocks. After today, I believe that next month's Dragon and Phoenix list will find Lu Qing, a young swordsman whose rise is as fast as the waves.

Upstairs in the Foreign Affairs Room, the debate was taking place again and again

"What a powerful Purple Xiaofeng Thunder Sword this is. This young man is actually very powerful!"

"Yes, does that kind of swordsmanship seem to have surpassed weightlifting?"

"I don't know, but I can't feel the knife mark at all."

It is still a disciple of the famous Horn Sunset Peak, and there is a terrifying expression in people's eyes. Originally, they only regarded Lu Qing as a natural swordsman, but now they were only left with a deep shock.

"I dare say that if you give him another year, there will be a place for him on the dragon and phoenix list." The young man, formerly known as brother, held a broad-edged sword and sighed: "This time In the Animal Market Uprising, it seems we have another adversary."

"It seems we have to make some arrangements." After that, the man retreated into the crowd.

However, after that, the entire Zixia Peak almost became noisy, but due to the appearance of a few people, no one dared to stand up. Coupled with the arrival of Li Jingsheng, he only dared to watch from a distance, or walked into the Foreign Affairs Hall to observe The disciples who had gone through the entire process asked about the specific circumstances of the war.

After fighting against law enforcement and legal protection, Lu Qing became famous throughout Zixia Peak at that time.


Zixia Peak is protected by sunrise, sunset, emptiness, and clouds. Fang Cambridge is composed of Fang Fangfei and connected by Fang Cambridge. When there is an emergency, other peaks can quickly assist the sun, sunset, ethereal, cloud and fog peaks.

Zixia Peak is divided into Zixia Palace, Zixia Inner Palace, Outer Palace, and Jiao Fangzheng. It is connected to Cambridge and is an important place for patriarchal power such as Zixia Temple, Foreign Affairs Hall, Spirit Beast Temple, and Law Enforcement Temple. It is located in the Outer Palace. , is also a gathering place for other peak disciples. The inner hall is located in the center of the outer palace and is the place where Zixia Peak disciples live their daily lives. The arrangement of the inner palace is similar to that of Chaoyang Palace. not much differences.

At this time, in the Zixia Inner Palace, in the waiter's room, Lu Qing sat on the bed with his knees up. The purple and blue halo of his body circulated, floating out near his feet, as if a blue and purple ball would be wrapped inside it. Here The elements of heaven and earth are rich, and the silky and colorless spirit of heaven and earth is drawn from heaven and earth along the intersection, causing light to fluctuate in the air and enter the earth and Qing's body?

Now, that day has passed. With the help of Li Jingsheng Silver Medal, Lu Qing took Li Jingsheng's original health pill and basically recovered. Lu Qing also came into contact with pills related to the swordsman. In Chaoyang Town, he saw at most some pharmacies selling some pills to treat typhoid fever, bone pain or falls. But the spicy and pungent taste of Li Jingsheng's body nourishing pill is different.

When Lu Qing took this pill for the first time, the pure spirit emitted by American ginseng spread gently and purely, became silky, began to moisten the internal organs, and some began to penetrate into the bones and flesh. Over time, the originally dry body began to regain strength, and the original chest, which was strong and vaguely broken ribs, also began to heal quickly with the help of this spirit.

In a short period of time, Lu Qing's body fully recovered. He also vaguely felt that after the injury, his body was more elastic and his strength seemed to have been greatly improved. Maybe it was the so-called "break back" .

As for the time to set off to Sunset City, they were left behind tomorrow morning, so Lu Qing used the rest of the time to meditate. By the way, he sorted out his feelings about the sword. By now, he's completely blown away. Even if he were asked to pick up the sword again today, there was no guarantee that he would do better than he did that day.

At this time, under the guidance of Lu Qing, Jianyuan continued to run along the route of the Chaoyang Heart Meridian, nourishing the meridians and repairing damaged organs. This Chaoyang Xin has now reached the level of a swordsman, that is, the level of a swordsman. This set of Jianyuan Palace was created by the ancestors of Chaoyang Peak. They had strong cultivation of Jianzong, so although Xu Sun Heart Sutra is only a person's class, its purity is no less than that of the bottom class.

If we practice according to the heart of the sun like this, it will be more helpful to understand the power of fire, because when the ancestor was established, he realized that the sun rose from the east, and the light and heat rose and felt, thus creating this rising The sun rises, so the sword spirit initially trained belongs to fire.

But there are exceptions, such as Lu Qing, who realized the heterogeneous purple electric sword energy by chance, thus developing an affinity for thunder and lightning gas. Coupled with the choice of the deep sword line of wind and thunder, he finally realized the wind and thunder sword element.

However, this also resulted in Jianyuan's work not being in line with the course of action, and the direction of progress not being very good. However, if we reach the top of Jianyuan University's Prayer for Grain Altar and take advantage of Yuan Qi's robbery, we cannot completely transform the pure line into Jianyuan, because this action belongs to the other party, thus causing the death of the person. .

This was the last thing Lu Qing saw in his mind as the sun rose. Later, he asked Yu Zhuhua and learned that this problem had been solved by the swords of our ancestors tens of thousands of years after the island was built and developed.

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