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Chapter 1953 Public officials have no intention of appreciating

"That's enough, no matter what it is, sit down and wait for me." Looking at the ugly performances of his sons, Li Shimin couldn't help but feel upset and scolded him coldly. Li Shimin was so attacked that the kings who were performing themselves did not dare to continue the game. They all closed their mouths, pretended to be panicked, and looked at me silently.

"Liu Donghe, send someone to ask and see what's going on." Li Shimin ignored his sons, waved his hand impatiently, and handed over his will to Liu Donghe who was standing next to him.

"Yes, slaves obey orders." Liu Donghe didn't know what happened in front of Long Yan. When he was panic-stricken, he listened to Li Shimin's will. He didn't dare to ignore it, so he hurriedly answered the voice, ran to the side, and sent a few eunuchs to take some Gong Wei to the foot of the mountain to see what happened at the foot of the mountain. Before he could finish speaking, he heard Li Shimin open his golden mouth again: "Sing and dance!" So Liu Donghe had to turn around quickly. Li Shimin's will was announced loudly, not counting his breathing, and the drums on the left and right rose again. The dancers curled up again, but at this time the public officials had no intention of watching, and everyone was restless... ?

Looking closer, you can not only see the bright lights in front of the city gate, but also vaguely hear the melodious singing of the dancers. Himawari was running along the front of the line, so excited that he couldn't help it. His dream of many years was about to become a reality. How could he not be so excited that he could not forgive His Highness Wang Wei? A joke, a big joke, it was just to make that fool Li Tai happy. In Sunflower's heart, he has never seen Li Tai as his master. This has only one purpose, and that is revenge!

Life, Fu Kui will never forget the tragedy of the snowy night, nor the bloody curtain when his father fell. More than a year has passed, but time has not only failed to relieve the pain in Sunflower's heart, but has also caused some pain. Fu Kui couldn't remember how many times he woke up from nightmares in the middle of the night. His pillow was stained with tears. I remember how many times I looked at Li Zhenfeng from a distance and saw that Li Zhen was so arbitrary and ruthless. Now, it's finally over - Fu Kui had no intention of following the so-called plan. He just wants to kill again. It would be best to kill all the courtiers of the Tang Dynasty. Even Wei Wangli, Tai and Fu Kui didn't intend to let go. After Li Zhen heard the bad news in front of him, they thought of possible ways to express it. Sunflower's mood was even more exciting, and I couldn't help roaring.

"Speed ​​up, let's go!" The excited Sunflower looked at Longshouyuan's feet, sat upright from the horse's back, shouted back, then bent down again and kicked the horse's belly under his feet. The horse on his haunches neighed in pain and shot out of the rope like an arrow. Soon the brigade behind him was so far off that the guards dared not ignore it. Walk towards the looming mountain road.

I'm coming! Looking at the fire dragon running around at the foot of the mountain in the distance, Gao Heng's mood was not at all under Sunflower - for more than a year, Sunflower's people were like a thorn in his heart, which made Gao Heng very unhappy. In addition, Gohen was slipped out of his hands twice before and after this. Gao Heng didn't want to do it again. Therefore, although he was very excited, Gao Heng could still hold his breath. Strongly suppressing the strong impulse to attack immediately, silently waiting for the best opportunity. After all, in order to secretly send Liu Qiming's camp to Daming Palace, in order to secretly deploy Liu Qiming's camp to Daming Palace, the people made great efforts, and Gao Heng himself also There can be no mistakes in war.

"Go up the mountain, hurry up!" Sunflower's speed was so fast that he rushed to the foot of Daming Palace in a few minutes. Facing the not-so-inclined road in front of the palace, Sunflower felt all her blood start to burn and roared. The horses charged first, followed by the rebels, but the sound of horseshoes hurtling toward the sky was heard.

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