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Chapter 1964 The strong man kicked open the door

Fucking Wind King[more]

I also took a breath, sighed again, and murmured: "These bastards are enough to offend Chen Xingshi." You said they can grasp the context, then, those who can't grasp the context, but which way Is it sacred? "

He looked around, rolled his eyes, and sighed: "We can't be sure about these. They are our real enemies. Take advantage of the situation." Then, this is all the trouble caused by the Lingbao Pavilion. "

I coughed and said, "Well, you'd better talk first."

"Lingbaoting" Zuo Wuji said with a headache: "I have to say that Fengjun from Lingbaoting has almost no place except for courage. He either has no head or a moldy head, because he thinks about problems entirely with his knees. That end is just a decoration.”

I stared at him for a long moment, then finally exhaled and said, "Go on."

"This bastard, what keeps him from dying at an auction like this, is completely and directly a super hornet hive of his own creation, breeding it in the world, and then poking himself."

Zuo Wuji said reluctantly: "This bastard caused more chaos than the sky. What's even more outrageous is that after this egg poked the hornet's nest, it disappeared directly." I haven't seen anyone for several days. , or now he was massacred. Why didn't he finish it earlier? If he had done it earlier, like this. "

I looked at the son of a bitch who was cursing me and wanted to pour a bowl of tea in his face, but I thought about it and finally held back.

This identity cannot be revealed.

"I said, can you say something useful? What's going on?" I said impatiently: "Can you curse others to solve this problem?" Besides, what do people say? If they still provide hundreds of millions of foreign currency to our country, if you can solve your financial problems, why don't you do it? "

Look left and right and say angrily, "What do you mean?" I can't believe you're still fighting for that son of a bitch. What does this have to do with you? "

I gasped and said: "I told you, the wind is the hero of our country!" I will not allow anyone to insult this great hero! "

Zuo Zhen hesitated for a long time and murmured: "Then I don't deny it. His behavior is of course undesirable, but his behavior is indeed admirable. It would not be wrong to say that he is a hero of our country."

I stared and said, "Okay, go ahead, seriously, hurry up."

Zuo Wuji murmured: "I said there is no one else, I don't know what is going on with this bastard."

He cleared his throat and said: "Of course, this auction fundamentally solved our country's urgent needs, but it also brought huge consequences, which can be said to be far-reaching, beneficial and protracted."

"This move by Lingbaoting is tantamount to completely offending the two empires and the enemies of southern and northern Xinjiang. Because the astronomical wealth of 100 million has completely disrupted the rhythm of their careers, there are now more than 100 million people in the entire continent. Hate this wind!"

"Billion, man!" I trembled.

Damn it, why didn’t I think of that when I started the auction? I can't believe an old man scolded me? !

"Now, all the great empires have given Feng Zhi his first reward, but this is also a human condition. Feng has also fallen into this dangerous situation. This can only be attributed to language and his own fault." Zuo Wuji said gently The ground sighed.

"What? I'm talking about left, left, are you going too far when you say that about the heroes of the empire? How can countries appreciate the wind? On the contrary, the wind is your own fault, it is too much for you. This is too much! "I said in disbelief.

"Smile, how can you seem to like the wind so much? Why do you always speak for him?" Zuo Wuji seemed to have discovered something interesting!

His eyes looked at me, and the corners of his mouth seemed to be smiling, but deep in his eyes, it was a kind of thinking.

"I either defend him, or I think that for a person who has paid so much for the empire, no matter what, it is always right for him to do his part for the empire. You shouldn't slander him so much!" I calmed down.

"My evaluation of him just now is really not to slander him, it is very objective!" There are no taboos on the left side of the road.

"I left, why do you still want to bury him? You didn't slander him, you slandered him. How can Fengling be a native of our emperor?" I was obviously a little unhappy!

"Smile, what we are doing now is information analysis and sorting, and even the use of this kind of work. The position of looking at things must be neutral, not personal. Since I have the above comment, I have my reasons, on the contrary , It’s you who is very emotional, are you familiar with that wind? "There are no taboos on the left side of the road.

"Huh? We are not familiar with each other. I am not very familiar with each other." I was suddenly asked by the left. There was no taboo, and the question continued for a while!

"Come on, no matter you have contact or not, he is missing now anyway. Even if you have the intention, you can't bring him to me right away. I still analyze the situation in Lingbaoting from the beginning. You can understand why I am so concerned about Feng There is such a review!”

"Okay, I'm all ears!"

"Lingbaoguan has branches all over the Hanyang continent. It is known for its stance of breaking away from the forces of various parties in various countries. It has been separated from the management power groups of various countries for many years. In addition to having extremely huge financial resources, it has never provided any assistance to any monarchy country. It is undesirable, and this is also an important factor in his ability to continue to this day.

However, this time Lingbaoting rashly broke this custom and formally expressed support for Emperor Chen. This is actually an extreme way to vent public anger. Although profits are unprecedented in the short term, there is no future for the Lingbao Pavilion itself. I can be sure that if Lingbao Hall does not have strong support after Lingbao Hall, this super auction venue that has stood in Hanyang for several years will be completed in a short time. Extinct on Earth! “Nothing is left off-limits on Moran Road.

"It's not that serious, is it? I think Feng is still very lucky. Lingbao Pavilion is not so fragile and then regresses. Even if Lingbao Pavilion in other countries can no longer be opened, it can continue in the Chen Emperor Empire forever. The Chen Emperor Empire Will it also be detrimental to Lingbao Pavilion?" I said, "Isn't this completely ungrateful?"

Don’t understand politics[more]

Zuo Wuwei sighed: "Smile, you don't understand national politics. Lingbao Pavilion is the empire, and the empire is naturally grateful to Lingbao Pavilion. But when Lingbao Pavilion can no longer bring enough benefits to the empire, and even becomes a burden, the empire will I will give it up without hesitation. As for what Feng Ling thinks of him, I am sure of another thing, that is, King Feng will definitely enter Lingbao Pavilion in the near future. If it is still up to him, he will decide. You would never do such a stupid thing. "There are no taboos on the left side of the road.

I opened my mouth for a long time but said nothing because the left side was telling the truth and I couldn't argue!

"So, let's continue talking about the current situation. There are so many killers sent by bigwigs from various countries that it is difficult to classify them in detail at the same level, but there is still some background to follow. Generally speaking, according to incomplete statistics, Chen Most of the killers who hung up in Xingshi entered Chenxing City, and these people disappeared after entering the city. "

In other words, I don’t know how many killers are hiding in the dark, but at least there are no less than people.

"What's more important is that this is at least official." "What's even more terrifying are the killer organizations in rivers and lakes, as well as freelance killers," Zuo Wuji said. "What's even more terrifying are the killer groups in rivers and lakes, and "Free killers." "These people have no background at all, but one thing is certain, that is, the number of people entering and leaving the city gate in recent days has exceeded the previous average, twice as much as before!" Zuo Wuji said. "These people, but they have no background at all. However, in recent days, the number of people entering and leaving the city gate has definitely exceeded the previous average."

"Don't express surprise first. The real surprise is later. What I just said is more than double the average, only for those entering the city, and the number of people leaving the city these days is as usual. That is, At least 10,000 people come these days, but no more. What are these people doing? You can imagine."

"There are many people's goals here, of course, Lingbao Pavilion, Fengling, Wanhao. Of course, not everyone's goal is locked in Lingbao Pavilion. After all, this is Chen Huang's Yancheng. I believe there will be many people, They will target the palace and even the entire Chenxing City!"

"Well, I understand what you're saying, and it makes sense, but do you really have nothing to do with these people? Or, how are you going to deal with it?" I asked.

"The so-called law has been violated. If you want to deal with these people, there must be a direction, but it requires considerable strength without a foundation. A skilled woman has difficulty cooking without rice and does not have enough strength to handle it. It's, it's just talk! "There are no taboos on the left side of the road.

"For example, I mean, if someone could give you a combat power, what would you do to deal with the current chaos?" I asked.

"Okay, we'll give him whatever he wants!" He looked at me thoughtfully and said, "Lingbaoting, Fengjun and Wancai will be used as bait to separate these people."


I shocked myself.

"Zuo, too. What is that? Lingbaoting just took out his lungs to help the empire, and then we treat them as abandoned pawns. Isn't this too unjust?" I said a little uncomfortable.

"Smile, you really don't understand politics. What has risen to the level of the country, who can't be sacrificed? In fact, now that the auction is over, the royal family of that billion has also received it. Regarding the follow-up of Lingbaoting Hefeng , it no longer has much to do with the empire? Why do you think this "bait" plan, our Emperor, could not have thought of it? It's just that he doesn't have enough experts to do it, that's all! "There is no taboo left!" The way.

"Okay, I get it, what happened to this decoy plan?" I asked.

"Okay, smile, you didn't say you want to carry out this plan, you know, if you act as bait. I'm afraid both King Feng and Wanhao are afraid. There is no hope of survival at all." Zuo Wuji sighed for a long time period of time.

"You don't have to worry about this problem, just say it. What should I do?" I asked in my mouth, but my heart was speechless.

The wind blew it out. Then sacrifice.

As long as I don't sacrifice!

"It is not difficult to say that differentiation or solutions are not difficult. As long as you have considerable strength as a foundation, you need to do this." There is no taboo in the mountains and rivers, and my eyes are bright when I listen.

There are no taboos in the tone and I can't tell you a few strategies, one after another, one after another.

I can't help but think about the feasibility of these strategies, and I can't help but admire how the head is growing. It's really too much.

"In fact, it is not difficult to deal with those murderers. As long as they have the strength to deal with them, it is enough. In this chaos, the most difficult thing, which is the biggest variable in the situation, is to overturn the rain tower." Zuo Fanghao He sighed without hesitation: "Because, this tailoring can only be pushed around behind the scenes. Everyone is in the bureau to help this tailoring. And the only way to promote this tailoring is through Yulou."

I nodded, and there seemed to be a white boy in front of me.

I have to say that the behavior of this white son, even in my eyes, is impeccable. And how terrifying this person is, even if he laughs at all the opponents the monarch has experienced in the past and this life, he is still the most terrifying!

Regardless of strength or soul, every aspect is close to unbalanced. How dare you win against such an enemy!

"Unfortunately, we have no way to deal with the possibility of turning this rain tower over." Zuo Wuji finally became a little decadent and said, "We can only wait for the other party to take action, see the opportunity before acting, and improvise."

I also heard the words of silence.

This matter cannot be blamed for leaving any taboos. There is really no better way.

Because, no matter how careful the arrangements are now, the other party can turn the disk in an instant and manipulate all situations!

Rather than this, it is better to passively wait for the other party to take action, adapt to changes, and improvise.

After all, it is really unwise to use real power far beyond the power of one's own people compared to the power of war!

You can only start from variables and use the brain's adaptability to make up for your own lack of strength!

Although, this isn’t really about changing your mindset to accommodate others!

When I came out of the house on the left, it was dark and very close to the light.

He quietly turned to the road and said softly: "Come out."

The figure suddenly flashed, and the thin figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

The face is thin, the eyes are sharp and cold.

Better to fall down.

Legend has it that Hanyang Dalu was considered a killer.

Waner pressure[more]

"Ever since I came here, you have been here." I looked at Nimbilo, frowning and said, "If you are not staring at the people on the endless lake, what are you doing with me?"

Nimbilo will appear here, and his intention is undoubtedly for the boundless Lakers.

Old enemy.

Before Ning Bi fell,

There were several instances of being hunted, poisoned, and killed, all at the hands of endless men. Even the destruction of Nimbiluo Killer Group was the news released by Boundless Lake, which caused the entire Jianghu to be encircled and suppressed. It was only now that Nimbiluo was so embarrassed.

In fact, if you didn’t meet me by chance, it would have been a long time ago!

Nimbi Luo and the boundless Lakers really have an inseparable bloodline and deep hostility!

Therefore, since the boundless people are here, I am not surprised that Ning Bile also appears here.

It's not surprising that he follows himself after he spots him, which makes me a little uncomfortable - I'm always chasing individuals in the shadows no matter who it is, and it's always uncomfortable.

Especially since this man is still a killer around the world.

Even though I believe that Nimbi Luo will not commit suicide because of the reward, I still feel uncomfortable!

"Because your situation is very dangerous." "I owe you what I owe you," Ning Bi said succinctly.

"You owe me" I wiped my eyebrows with my headache and suddenly moved and said, "Well, that's good too. Now I still need your help. I have a heart."

"But if you have anything to do with this, you will die!" Nimbi put down the word and said, "No, no.

"Yes" I took a breath: "Now is the time of wind and rain. With your help, I finally have enough strength."

This is not enough.

Nimbiluo's appearance at this time, for me, is really sending charcoal in the snow.

The two people in front and behind, light and dark, turned towards the senior guard base.

Next, I will take immediate action to disrupt the chaotic process.

Also that night, the white shadow of the cloud quietly appeared in Dongcheng District, straight like white smoke, walking into the courtyard.

"You who live under the sun, come forward and answer." The euphemistic voice of the cloud was soft and sweet, but its tone was naturally mixed with good taste.

The suffocating pressure spread so obviously.

She immediately said angrily: "Where did that bitch come from? She is so arrogant, how dare she talk to us like this?" What was that tone? ! Listen, I'm not going to kill you! "

Before the voice could finish speaking, a strong man kicked open the door and rushed out.

Almost at the same time, a hole opened in the entire courtyard room, and several people came out.

One of them looked along the sound, and when he saw the white shadow in the yard for the first time, his face suddenly changed a lot.

It was obvious, however, that this burly, muscular man was a genius. It was too late to hear someone say bad things and humiliate Zhao Rizong. How could he bear it and rush out in such a crazy way? The old man with the white beard wanted to remind him, but it was too late.

Wan'er's eyes flashed out after hearing the other party's answer. Moran's meaning suddenly appeared. White shadows were flying, and several remaining shadows flashed out in an instant. Lightning struck the big man in front of him.

The burly man didn't even respond, so he felt that his face was filled with white shadows, so he walked over. He knew he was not well, so he screamed loudly and was about to break free from his hands, but he felt his wrist was tight and was trapped in the venous portal.

Stunned, you don't mess up, focus for a moment, kick out, obviously want to get out of trouble, if the other party doesn't let go of your pulse door, you need to hold on to the foot, the other party is always a woman, with the strength of boxing and kick In terms of performance, how can he compare with his old man?

It must be said that the strong man's plan is full, and if he were in the same situation, his reaction would undoubtedly be appropriate!

But at this time, this is a mistake, a big mistake!

The big man stepped to his feet and immediately felt a sharp pain in his knee, but was pointed at and slammed into him. The whole body trembled immediately, and then a "bang" sound was heard.

But I got slapped in the face.

The big man's fat body was slapped, and his whole body flew up. Tumbled several times in the air, goodbye white shadow flash, like a shadow follow, the thick sweaty body has not had time to land, there are several feet of water.

Kick into the chest, click sound, chest ribs have been broken how many times, two feet on the head, the blood on the two feet will flow out, click twice, both legs are kicked clean, but the rest of the feet are All kicked in the mouth.

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